Camera's banned from White House daily press briefings--1st time in 25 years


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
We know that Sean Spicer has been taking a real beating during the daily White House Press Briefings, apparently so bad, that the Trump administration has decided to get rid of the camera's during these daily morning press briefings. This is the first time in 25 years that an administration has done that.
With cameras banned, CNN sends sketch artist to White House briefing

This is another attack on the media in this country in their effort to stop information from reaching the American public. This is what dictators do. The media always goes first.


In 2018 don't vote for any freaking Republicans and make certain you VOTE. We are a democracy--and the only way we're going to continue to be a Democracy is to fight back hard.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post

Trump is a threat to the very foundation of this country.
Donald Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days
This is another attack on the media in this country
The media deserves everything Trump can give them. They are dishonest, corrupt, spoiled liberal retarded children. Attack on the media? give me a break. When the media is attacked believe me you will know it.
This is another attack on the media in this country
The media deserves everything Trump can give them. They are dishonest, corrupt, spoiled liberal retarded children. Attack on the media? give me a break. When the media is attacked believe me you will know it.

Ah, another mindless goon who probably had no problem with the press until the Pussy-in-Chief took office.
Another brilliant move to drive the liberals nuts.

That's not Trump's job, in case you forgot. Oh wait, you have to have a brain first in order to forget anything.

It's not your job to decide what Trump's job is.

Actually it is, cupcake, as he works for us.
His job is clearly outlined in the US Constitution. Nothing in that document says that he works for anti-USA agents who spew vitriolic disinformation such as yourself.
We know that Sean Spicer has been taking a real beating during the daily White House Press Briefings, apparently so bad, that the Trump administration has decided to get rid of the camera's during these daily morning press briefings. This is the first time in 25 years that an administration has done that.
With cameras banned, CNN sends sketch artist to White House briefing

This is another attack on the media in this country in their effort to stop information from reaching the American public. This is what dictators do. The media always goes first.


In 2018 don't vote for any freaking Republicans and make certain you VOTE. We are a democracy--and the only way we're going to continue to be a Democracy is to fight back hard.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post

Trump is a threat to the very foundation of this country.
Donald Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days
Question for the righties: When was the last time you remembered a POTUS banning cameras and/or audio from a daily press briefing? And why?
Trump's paranoia is fascinating to watch unfold. This initial blush at blocking the public from its right to know is a test. And of course the Trumpies are worshipping their god and thinking it's funny.
How does not having cameras present prevent reporters from asking questions or reporting what happened? If a reporter can't ask questions with out a camera present then they probably arent a very good one to start with.
Question for the righties: When was the last time you remembered a POTUS banning cameras and/or audio from a daily press briefing? And why?
Trump's paranoia is fascinating to watch unfold. This initial blush at blocking the public from its right to know is a test. And of course the Trumpies are worshipping their god and thinking it's funny.

Trump needs to kick all their asses out of the WH.
He can call them when he needs them. We have the technology.

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