Came over for JA but captivated


Senior Member
May 19, 2013
Came over to talk about the JA trial, but loving this space and the users and the topics.

Great to be here, have seen some of the members already and looking forward to getting to know more on other topics.

I'm not over the emoticon freedom, so as a newbie, I'll be hitting those a lot until they get old and I revert back to imagination.

Thanks for letting me join your vastly different chat group.


Those things are fun.
Came over to talk about the JA trial, but loving this space and the users and the topics.

Great to be here, have seen some of the members already and looking forward to getting to know more on other topics.

I'm not over the emoticon freedom, so as a newbie, I'll be hitting those a lot until they get old and I revert back to imagination.

Thanks for letting me join your vastly different chat group.


Those things are fun.
Oh, oh! Once bitten..... addicted!!! :muahaha:
I just wish they would add my favorite.

OK... You made your bones on the Zimmerman trial. Got anything else? There's a lot more to stretch your brain around than trials, you know.
Came over to talk about the JA trial, but loving this space and the users and the topics.

Great to be here, have seen some of the members already and looking forward to getting to know more on other topics.

I'm not over the emoticon freedom, so as a newbie, I'll be hitting those a lot until they get old and I revert back to imagination.

Thanks for letting me join your vastly different chat group.

Those things are fun.

Good to see you here matey.


Came over to talk about the JA trial, but loving this space and the users and the topics.

Great to be here, have seen some of the members already and looking forward to getting to know more on other topics.

I'm not over the emoticon freedom, so as a newbie, I'll be hitting those a lot until they get old and I revert back to imagination.

Thanks for letting me join your vastly different chat group.


Those things are fun.

Okay, this whole welcome thing is weird.


Someone bumped the thread.

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