Calling S&P Amateurs not a good idea They just downgraded Freddie and Fannie


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
What the hell was the White House thinking letting everyone go around flapping their mouths off?

The bullying tactics of this White House is going to cause more and more people to fight back.

How unfreaking professional. But what else is new. And this is a really dangerous game these punks are playing.

S&P cuts Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae

Standard & Poor’s cut Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae’s long-term ratings one notch on Monday.

S&P said the downgrades from the top-notch Triple-A were due to its lowering of the U.S. sovereign credit rating late on Friday.

“The downgrades of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reflect their direct reliance on the U.S. government,” the rating agency said.

© Thomson Reuters
What the hell was the White House thinking letting everyone go around flapping their mouths off?

The bullying tactics of this White House is going to cause more and more people to fight back.

How unfreaking professional. But what else is new. And this is a really dangerous game these punks are playing.

S&P cuts Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae

Standard & Poor’s cut Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae’s long-term ratings one notch on Monday.

S&P said the downgrades from the top-notch Triple-A were due to its lowering of the U.S. sovereign credit rating late on Friday.

“The downgrades of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reflect their direct reliance on the U.S. government,” the rating agency said.

© Thomson Reuters

But.. but.... Bawney Fwank said they're in fine shape!
What the hell was the White House thinking letting everyone go around flapping their mouths off?

The bullying tactics of this White House is going to cause more and more people to fight back.

How unfreaking professional. But what else is new. And this is a really dangerous game these punks are playing.

S&P cuts Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae

Standard & Poor’s cut Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae’s long-term ratings one notch on Monday.

S&P said the downgrades from the top-notch Triple-A were due to its lowering of the U.S. sovereign credit rating late on Friday.

“The downgrades of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reflect their direct reliance on the U.S. government,” the rating agency said.

© Thomson Reuters

link please?

and if true this was waaaaay over due too, they just asked for another 5 Billion, not very newsworthy was it? :lol:

IF they Moody's S&P and Fitch had done there jobs they would have downgraded F&F around oh, 2004 when word got out Franklin Raines' had been cooking the books.
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Here's the garbage that the administration spewed that I am referring to. Really BAD decision to attempt to beat them over the head with this. Moronic. I'm running out of freaking words.

The US Treasury and the White House launched an unprecedented attack on the "credibility and integrity" of Standard & Poor's for its decision to downgrade the US's credit rating, blasting the agency's "misleading" calculations and its "breathtaking" refusal to change its mind.

The furious assault, in a memo posted on the Treasury website by a senior official, came just hours after S&P had stripped the US of its coveted AAA credit rating, blaming political deadlock in Washington.
Here's the garbage that the administration spewed that I am referring to. Really BAD decision to attempt to beat them over the head with this. Moronic. I'm running out of freaking words.

The US Treasury and the White House launched an unprecedented attack on the "credibility and integrity" of Standard & Poor's for its decision to downgrade the US's credit rating, blasting the agency's "misleading" calculations and its "breathtaking" refusal to change its mind.

The furious assault, in a memo posted on the Treasury website by a senior official, came just hours after S&P had stripped the US of its coveted AAA credit rating, blaming political deadlock in Washington.
That "assault" had nothing to do with the decision to downgrade the GSE's.
Freddie and Fannie should be done away with before they cost us another few billion next year.

Jesus the Clowns are such fools.
What the hell was the White House thinking letting everyone go around flapping their mouths off?

The bullying tactics of this White House is going to cause more and more people to fight back.

How unfreaking professional. But what else is new. And this is a really dangerous game these punks are playing.

S&P cuts Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae

Standard & Poor’s cut Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae’s long-term ratings one notch on Monday.

S&P said the downgrades from the top-notch Triple-A were due to its lowering of the U.S. sovereign credit rating late on Friday.

“The downgrades of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reflect their direct reliance on the U.S. government,” the rating agency said.

© Thomson Reuters

So you are saying S&P is doing this to be vindictive. Interesting.
What the hell was the White House thinking letting everyone go around flapping their mouths off?

The bullying tactics of this White House is going to cause more and more people to fight back.

How unfreaking professional. But what else is new. And this is a really dangerous game these punks are playing.

S&P cuts Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae

Standard & Poor’s cut Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae’s long-term ratings one notch on Monday.

S&P said the downgrades from the top-notch Triple-A were due to its lowering of the U.S. sovereign credit rating late on Friday.

“The downgrades of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reflect their direct reliance on the U.S. government,” the rating agency said.

© Thomson Reuters

link please?

and if true this was waaaaay over due too, they just asked for another 5 Billion, not very newsworthy was it? :lol:

IF they Moody's S&P and Fitch had done there jobs they would have downgraded F&F around oh, 2004 when word got out Franklin Raines' had been cooking the books.


Link to reuters:

S&P cuts Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae | Investing | Financial Post
It can't help Washington to shit down S&P's throat can it now?

Surely liberals can even figure that out. What next?

I know. Hold a press conference and call S&P "terrorists and hostage takers".

That'll really help the situation right?
It can't help Washington to shit down S&P's throat can it now?

Surely liberals can even figure that out. What next?

I know. Hold a press conference and call S&P "terrorists and hostage takers".

That'll really help the situation right?
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.
"These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis" -- Dems in 2008 on the second biggest financial fraud in history
It can't help Washington to shit down S&P's throat can it now?

Surely liberals can even figure that out. What next?

I know. Hold a press conference and call S&P "terrorists and hostage takers".

That'll really help the situation right?
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.

I didn't say they were downgrading out of vindictiveness. You did.

I'm saying the reaction was completely outrageous and out of line. Let alone unprofessional.

It's one thing to lodge a protest. It's another whole ball game to assault S&P.

This was the time for wine and roses and cajoling and reassuring that the debt reduction could be accomplished.

But nooooooooooooooo. The Chicago punk like mentality that by screaming at someone you can make them change their mind is insane in this high stakes scenario.

May work on the campaign trail to go out and insult everyone you feel like but it doesn't work in the real world outside of U.S. politics.
The GSE's need to be liquidated. All their holdings should be sold at auctions and 401 (k) and private pensions should be allowed to invest in real estate.
It can't help Washington to shit down S&P's throat can it now?

Surely liberals can even figure that out. What next?

I know. Hold a press conference and call S&P "terrorists and hostage takers".

That'll really help the situation right?
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.

I didn't say they were downgrading out of vindictiveness. You did.

I'm saying the reaction was completely outrageous and out of line. Let alone unprofessional.

It's one thing to lodge a protest. It's another whole ball game to assault S&P.

This was the time for wine and roses and cajoling and reassuring that the debt reduction could be accomplished.

But nooooooooooooooo. The Chicago punk like mentality that by screaming at someone you can make them change their mind is insane in this high stakes scenario.

May work on the campaign trail to go out and insult everyone you feel like but it doesn't work in the real world outside of U.S. politics.

If you want to talk unprofessional, let's start with the TP members of Congress. They had a chance to get 3-4 trillion in cuts for 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, but turned it down, because they signed a piece of paper. The only piece of paper that should have that kind of hold on them is the Constitution. The S&P action is a reflection on that refusal to accept fiscal sanity. The fact that the president had to try and jawbone S&P is simply a result of the TPers actions and Obama's attempt to mitigate the damage they've caused.
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.

I didn't say they were downgrading out of vindictiveness. You did.

I'm saying the reaction was completely outrageous and out of line. Let alone unprofessional.

It's one thing to lodge a protest. It's another whole ball game to assault S&P.

This was the time for wine and roses and cajoling and reassuring that the debt reduction could be accomplished.

But nooooooooooooooo. The Chicago punk like mentality that by screaming at someone you can make them change their mind is insane in this high stakes scenario.

May work on the campaign trail to go out and insult everyone you feel like but it doesn't work in the real world outside of U.S. politics.

If you want to talk unprofessional, let's start with the TP members of Congress. They had a chance to get 3-4 trillion in cuts for 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, but turned it down, because they signed a piece of paper. The only piece of paper that should have that kind of hold on them is the Constitution. The S&P action is a reflection on that refusal to accept fiscal sanity. The fact that the president had to try and jawbone S&P is simply a result of the TPers actions and Obama's attempt to mitigate the damage they've caused.

Obama, Failed Leader and Downgraded President
It's only fitting that the downgrading of the executive office with Obama translate into a downgrating of the US' credit rating.

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