California's About to Run Out of Water. We Have to Act Now!

It would please me no end, after watching the golf courses fall into scraggly disrepair, to see the vinyards in Cali wither and die. Maybe the owners and elitist snobs responsible for their existence will move to France. Or China!

I hope that you are very careful to never consume wine, fruits, vegetables, nuts, or meat that comes from California. I mean, after all, you'd look like kind of a massive dickhead if you were here cheering for the downfall of the Californian agriculture community and then eating and drinking their products, right?

Here's the diff between me and most Californians....

I live in a place that can sustain me, and I'm capable of sustaining myself in that place.

Californians have to depend upon the bounty of others.

See the diff? Others are fed up with the leech state of Cali. Fend for yourselves for a change. And if your lifestyle is not sustainable, downsize.

Always so educating to hear 'patriots' tell how much they hate Americans and America.
God, it's so mind-numbingly stupid to hear people talk about how much Californians deserve this water crisis as if it doesn't affect everyone in the US.
California is the nation’s leading producer of almonds, avocados, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, grapes, lettuce, milk, onions, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, walnuts, and dozens of other commodities, according to a 2012 Department of Agriculture report. The state produces one-third of our vegetables and two-thirds of our nuts and fruits each year.

80% of California's water usage goes to agriculture. So you're welcome assholes in other states, for all the food my beautiful state constantly supplies you ungrateful jerks.

I have no problem with the ag industry in CA. What I do have a problem with is some of the crops that are grown there. Down near Dos Palos there's one asshat who has been growing RICE for years! Talk about the wrong place to build a rice paddy!
California s About to Run Out of Water. We Have to Act Now WIRED
Golf courses aren't the only problem, but they're the most unnecessary problem.
Next most unnecessary problem is the people who insist on having pretty green grass in their yard despite living in a desert.
So do we really not have enough water for common needs.

Yo, let Pelosi and here elk all die of thirst!!!

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YO! Dummy!

"ELK" have been extinct in California for quite a while now.

Calif is the tip of a very dry iceberg that has been drying up for many years now.

Easy to call names but its what we're all facing.

Yes, it is easy to call people names. Especially when they're morons like you.....

That is a picture of a Tule Elk, a sub species found only in California... Ignorant twit...

Tule Elk - Super Slam
Those are some nice looking animals.
Very tasty too.
God, it's so mind-numbingly stupid to hear people talk about how much Californians deserve this water crisis as if it doesn't affect everyone in the US.
California is the nation’s leading producer of almonds, avocados, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, grapes, lettuce, milk, onions, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, walnuts, and dozens of other commodities, according to a 2012 Department of Agriculture report. The state produces one-third of our vegetables and two-thirds of our nuts and fruits each year.

80% of California's water usage goes to agriculture. So you're welcome assholes in other states, for all the food my beautiful state constantly supplies you ungrateful jerks.
If only the 10 miles inland from the sea would just slough off, I'd move there.
It would please me no end, after watching the golf courses fall into scraggly disrepair, to see the vinyards in Cali wither and die. Maybe the owners and elitist snobs responsible for their existence will move to France. Or China!
I propose that one half of all Californians living within ten miles of the sea slit their wrists "for the greater good".
It would please me no end, after watching the golf courses fall into scraggly disrepair, to see the vinyards in Cali wither and die. Maybe the owners and elitist snobs responsible for their existence will move to France. Or China!

I hope that you are very careful to never consume wine, fruits, vegetables, nuts, or meat that comes from California. I mean, after all, you'd look like kind of a massive dickhead if you were here cheering for the downfall of the Californian agriculture community and then eating and drinking their products, right?

Here's the diff between me and most Californians....

I live in a place that can sustain me, and I'm capable of sustaining myself in that place.

Californians have to depend upon the bounty of others.

See the diff? Others are fed up with the leech state of Cali. Fend for yourselves for a change. And if your lifestyle is not sustainable, downsize.

Meanwhile, over here in the real world, California is one of the least dependent on the federal government states in the country. Californian taxpayers only get $0.68 back for every dollar they send to the federal government and it is ranked 9th in the US for what percentage of its budget is federal funds (as in 9th lowest percentage). Also, if California were it's own country, it would have the 8th largest economy in the world.

So what was that about "California leeches"? Seems to me like we're the providers and other states are leeching off of us.
California s About to Run Out of Water. We Have to Act Now WIRED
Golf courses aren't the only problem, but they're the most unnecessary problem.
Next most unnecessary problem is the people who insist on having pretty green grass in their yard despite living in a desert.
So do we really not have enough water for common needs.

We have to act... Who's we?

It's California problem. Let them chose in between golfing, green backyards and small fish.
There is plenty of snow all year long on their mountain ranges. They could raise taxes, and build a pipeline.

I don't have to do anything.

Way to demonstrate how pathetically uninformed you are. Well done!

I assume that, like koshergrl, you make a conscious and sincere effort not to consume products from California?

Why don't you inform me on what I have said wrong?
It would please me no end, after watching the golf courses fall into scraggly disrepair, to see the vinyards in Cali wither and die. Maybe the owners and elitist snobs responsible for their existence will move to France. Or China!
I propose that one half of all Californians living within ten miles of the sea slit their wrists "for the greater good".

No man, they expect everyone else to sacrifice for them.
They've got the biggest ocean in the world just to their west. They can't figure out how to distill water?
California s About to Run Out of Water. We Have to Act Now WIRED
Golf courses aren't the only problem, but they're the most unnecessary problem.
Next most unnecessary problem is the people who insist on having pretty green grass in their yard despite living in a desert.
So do we really not have enough water for common needs.

We have to act... Who's we?

It's California problem. Let them chose in between golfing, green backyards and small fish.
There is plenty of snow all year long on their mountain ranges. They could raise taxes, and build a pipeline.

I don't have to do anything.

Way to demonstrate how pathetically uninformed you are. Well done!

I assume that, like koshergrl, you make a conscious and sincere effort not to consume products from California?

Why don't you inform me on what I have said wrong?


1. It's just California's problem? Not if you're an American who enjoys food or wine. Or our tax money. You're welcome.

2. It's just because of golf courses, people watering their lawns, and some fish? Wrong again. 80% of California's water usage is agriculture. Aka the food that the rest of the country gladly consumes. Maybe we should start exporting everything solely to foreign countries, see how much "real America" likes their grocery stores then.

3. There's plenty of snow in the mountains? Wrong once again. The snowpack in the Sierra Nevadas is currently at 9% of normal levels. NINE PERCENT. Also, California needs to build a pipeline to use that water? What? California already utilizes a complex system of reservoirs and dams to capture the spring melt of the snowpack. But that's kind of hard to do when there isn't any snow to melt.
Problem would vanish overnight if moonbeam would kick out the 10 million illegal squatters. As the law requires. Instead he fights for more sanctuary cities.
Problem would vanish overnight if moonbeam would kick out the 10 million illegal squatters. As the law requires. Instead he fights for more sanctuary cities.

How would that solve the problem? A detailed explanation would be super.
We have to start realizing we don't have unlimited resources and start conserving water all the time. It's just too bad we can't create an underground network with the sewer system so one section of the country can send water to another section by opening and closing of the drainage pipes. Here in the North East we have an over abundance of water right now.

1. It's just California's problem? Not if you're an American who enjoys food or wine. Or our tax money. You're welcome.

2. It's just because of golf courses, people watering their lawns, and some fish? Wrong again. 80% of California's water usage is agriculture. Aka the food that the rest of the country gladly consumes. Maybe we should start exporting everything solely to foreign countries, see how much "real America" likes their grocery stores then.

3. There's plenty of snow in the mountains? Wrong once again. The snowpack in the Sierra Nevadas is currently at 9% of normal levels. NINE PERCENT. Also, California needs to build a pipeline to use that water? What? California already utilizes a complex system of reservoirs and dams to capture the spring melt of the snowpack. But that's kind of hard to do when there isn't any snow to melt.

Residential water usage in California is just a drop in a bucket of overall water use. However, golf courses, big lawns, pools etc. are just example of water culture that shows how much people don't care about water usage.
Have I said that agriculture doesn't use most water? Nope, so you got that wrong. So, how do you propose to convince people that voting for water saving regulations matters if you can't even convince them to not waste water in their literal backyard? You wanna talk percentages , fine. Half the residential water used in Los Angeles county is used on lawns. During drought, water usage in LA increased 8, while rest of the state was cutting water usage by 10 to 20 percent. Really? Liberal solution, as always, is to blame someone else. Oh, it's agriculture fault, it's other states fault. Everyone should conserve water and restrict themselves, except liberals.

You wanna raise price of food or export it elsewhere? I say, do it.

And by the way, remember those recent floods in California? Wise man say, build bridges during drought! ;)
Australia has some 20+ operating desalination plants. I don't see reason California can't do the same.

Why spend money doing that when kicking out the illegals will solve the problem and also SAVE MONEY!!

You heard what liberals are saying, illegals are good for our economy.

BTW, California is actually building desalination plant somewhere near Carlsbad.
Problem would vanish overnight if moonbeam would kick out the 10 million illegal squatters. As the law requires. Instead he fights for more sanctuary cities.

Blame the politicians and developers. In California has not been a substantial new water project in over 50 years. Yet the population has increased, how much, 500%?

Just wait that they start blaming global warming for lack of rain.
We have to start realizing we don't have unlimited resources and start conserving water all the time. It's just too bad we can't create an underground network with the sewer system so one section of the country can send water to another section by opening and closing of the drainage pipes. Here in the North East we have an over abundance of water right now.

HAHA. What a stupid idea. You want to spend a trillion bucks installing trans-continental water pipes when kicking out the illegals (as the law demands) would solve the problem and SAVE money.

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