Californians Forced To Steal From Hydrants Thanks To Water Shortage Caused By Illegals.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Sure things are dry but the water shortage would vanish overnight if the 10 million illegal invaders were kicked out.

Desperate Californians steal water from fire hydrants as rich community pays half a million dollars for overwatering lawns -

sep 15 2014
The ongoing water crisis in California has sparked an apparent crime wave in some parts of the state, with desperate residents illegally taking water from fire hydrants in the middle of the night to keep their lawns green and their animals happy. Reports indicate that, in some areas, as much as 10 percent of the water supply has gone missing, presumably due to theft, a premonition of much worse things to come if rains remain at bay.

The city of Lemoore, for instance, a community of some 25,000 people south of Fresno, has seen numerous water thefts in recent weeks — a growing black market for water amidst one of the worst droughts in California history. According to The Hanford Sentinel, thieves are believed to be attaching hoses to fire hydrants throughout the city and pumping water into large plastic tanks affixed to the back of trucks.

This water is then resold in other areas, or used to maintain lawns and landscapes where water restrictions prevent such activity from occurring legally. According to Harlin Casida, the mayor of nearby Avenal, there has been a marked increase in the number of trucks with such tanks roving throughout the area.
Deep blue state cannot provide basic services to its people. Go figure.
How are the illegals responsible for the water shortage?
They're not directly responsible, but obviously if you kicked out all the illegals who are living in California there would be more water for American citizens.

Of course. And yet the stupid liberals say this has nothing to do with illegals.

If we kicked out all the racist, we would have fewer needs for prisons - think of the $avings!
How are the illegals responsible for the water shortage?
They're not directly responsible, but obviously if you kicked out all the illegals who are living in California there would be more water for American citizens.

The water that is used on lawns would more than cover what they need. In a drought you don't have a green lawn.

Yes, there are many ways to conserve that would ensure enough water for everybody.
I think the point of the OP is though, if you didn't have the millions of illegals using our resources in the first place, you might not have to be asking for drastic conservation measures.
How are the illegals responsible for the water shortage?
They're not directly responsible, but obviously if you kicked out all the illegals who are living in California there would be more water for American citizens.

Of course. And yet the stupid liberals say this has nothing to do with illegals.

If we kicked out all the racist, we would have fewer needs for prisons - think of the $avings!
Yes, but it's not illegal to be racist, it is however illegal when you sneak into our country.
How are the illegals responsible for the water shortage?
They're not directly responsible, but obviously if you kicked out all the illegals who are living in California there would be more water for American citizens.

Of course. And yet the stupid liberals say this has nothing to do with illegals.

If we kicked out all the racist, we would have fewer needs for prisons - think of the $avings!
If sterilize all the cons, we'd be sitting pretty.
I'm starting to suspect that shootspeedos is a dnc plant pretending to be a rwnj

The board notes you evaded the issue and instead made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
How are the illegals responsible for the water shortage?
They're not directly responsible, but obviously if you kicked out all the illegals who are living in California there would be more water for American citizens.

Of course. And yet the stupid liberals say this has nothing to do with illegals.

If we kicked out all the racist, we would have fewer needs for prisons - think of the $avings!
If sterilize all the cons, we'd be sitting pretty.

Funny thing is, I could return the favor, but I don't need to. Libs, especially white libs, have pretty much stopped having kids.
As I've been saying for many years now, the best thing about white liberals is they don't have kids. :dance:
How are the illegals responsible for the water shortage?
They're not directly responsible, but obviously if you kicked out all the illegals who are living in California there would be more water for American citizens.

Of course. And yet the stupid liberals say this has nothing to do with illegals.

If we kicked out all the racist, we would have fewer needs for prisons - think of the $avings!

We could solve a lot of problems by kicking out all the Democrats.
How are the illegals responsible for the water shortage?
They're not directly responsible, but obviously if you kicked out all the illegals who are living in California there would be more water for American citizens.

The water that is used on lawns would more than cover what they need. In a drought you don't have a green lawn.

Yes, there are many ways to conserve that would ensure enough water for everybody.
I think the point of the OP is though, if you didn't have the millions of illegals using our resources in the first place, you might not have to be asking for drastic conservation measures.

Which is harder? Drastic water cuts or wholesale relocation?
Southern Kalifornia was a DESERT before the crooks figured out how to steal Arizona's share of the Colorado River water. Thanks to John McCain, that ended with the CAP being dug and the water diverted from the Kali crooks to us. Wet times, dry times, the southwest goes through these periods off and on and has since the beginning of time. Almost 90% of the water we get from our mountains and the CAP goes to agriculture and we have no artificial "shortages". We don't raid our aquifers and our waste water purification plants are state of the art. And we have a GOP state government which is run by experts not political appointees. Maybe Kalifornia should try that instead of invading us and trying the same shit here. :disbelief:

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