California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus using the Fourth Amendment

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
The border patrol agents should have just routed it over the Mexican border.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
Im trying to read it but the site is so ad infested I can't make it all the way through before I get redirected.
Well, all things being equal, I am 61 years old. Never robbed a bodega. I got speeding ticket twice, and got caught shoplifting as teenager. Once , and it was never prosecuted. I learned and moved on I am not exactly relating to people that are afraid of search and seizure laws, my empathy has been way overtaxed.
But if we DID NOT have that COnstution for you stupid fks who want to get rid of it , this woman wouldn't have any gawd dam amendment to use Duuuuhhh that' how fkn retarded you ANTI American dumbasses are.

Instead the Government would have just shot her after telling her to sit down and shut the fk up...


SECOND OFF it isn't Conservatives zombie!

It's the :

and dumbed down morons who think Conservatives want police pull overs no they don't TARD it's you DEMOCRATIC HERPES who want that police staet bs.
'Use your voice. Take a risk. Act an ASS. Because if you let them intimidate the poor Spanish speaking woman next to you, who do you think they're coming for next?'

The illegal aliens two rows back.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
When was the last time you found an ILLEGAL Mexican on a bus full of Asians?
fEDERAL cops have the right to check ID anywhere.
Well illegal search and seizure reminds me of redcoats smashing in doors looking for contraband tea. But NOW? After the bombing of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma city , the school shootings and god knows how many serial killers hiding under the black robes of freedom, I am not afraid of being searched. It is a hypothetical issue. Why does it seem only pro dissident pro criminals fear this above and beyond rational objections? The rest of us aren't concerned with this issue in the slightest. Search me.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
How the fuck do you board an airplane?
IF this were going on anywhere else, we would be asking the UN to send monitors into the country to make sure the government strong man isn't torturing the citizens of his nation.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
How the fuck do you board an airplane?
Hello! Have ewe tried going to a courthouse? We fucking Americans get asked for our ID with every move we make, at the airport, at the bank, at the courthouse, hell, shit fuck and damn, I have to show my I’d at the plucking pharmacy now don’t bother us with this fourth amendment shit again.
But if we DID NOT have that COnstution for you stupid fks who want to get rid of it , this woman wouldn't have any gawd dam amendment to use Duuuuhhh that' how fkn retarded you ANTI American dumbasses are.

Instead the Government would have just shot her after telling her to sit down and shut the fk up...


SECOND OFF it isn't Conservatives zombie!

It's the :

and dumbed down morons who think Conservatives want police pull overs no they don't TARD it's you DEMOCRATIC HERPES who want that police staet bs.

Oh shut up.
A real rebuttal would be nice -- if you're capable.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
I don't have anything to fear from law enforcement. And it's telling, with all these illegal aliens and to go further, the politics that create sanctuary cities enacted to enable these wanker-doodles, above and without full consent of the …"WE, the people..." I am clapping. Ask me for my birth certificate. Tied to my parents, who's parents actually got papers and documents and immigrated here legally. Go ahead, government officials, I dare you. Truth or dare. Mexicans illegal aliens, well, that's on you cheap little excusers. Cheap little lairs have things to hide.
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IF this were going on anywhere else, we would be asking the UN to send monitors into the country to make sure the government strong man isn't torturing the citizens of his nation.

Oh bullshit. This is common practice in every progressive country in the world. Try walking down the street in China someday. There are "minders" who do nothing all day but follow you around.
But was she really a "Californian" ? Define that. Macedonian fisherman? Neanderthal hunter gathers? ANYBODY that can sneak in and claim anything now. Anybody that sneaks in gets sanctuary under the current paradigm. I absolutely endorse federal immigration laws, and California sanctuary state/cities are a massive over reach of states laws and perhaps unconstitutional as well . I think we need a congressional hearing on what constitutes states rights and if sanctuary cities/states, are those so called sanctuary cities sidestepping the electoral process without the consent of the people and creating a sanctuary for illegal aliens and therefore violating our civil rights?
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