Zone1 California reparations might cost $559 billion


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
A reparations committee in California has suggested that descendants of slaves in the state could be compensated $223,200 each for 'housing discrimination'.

The nine-member Reparations Task Force was formed by California Governor Gavin Newsom as part of the country's largest ever effort to address reparations for slavery.

A focus of the California task force has been 'housing discrimination' - and it has been estimated that it would cost around $569billion to compensate the 2.5 million Black Californians for setbacks between 1933 and 1977, according to the New York Times.

That is more than California's $512.8billion expenditure in 2021 - which included funding for schools, hospitals, universities, highways, policing and corrections.

However, discussions are still underway, and panel is continuing to consider how payments should be made - some suggested tuition and housing grants or cash.

The task force has also identified four other causes for reparations: Mass incarceration, unjust property seizures, devaluation of Black businesses and health care.

It has until June 2023 to submit its final recommendations to the Legislature.

Their estimations came after the task force hosted meetings across the state to meet with members of Black communities to better understand the economic impact of slavery.

Wonder how California's 9.6 million foreign-born citizens feel about paying reparations?

Immigrants in California - Public Policy Institute of …

Oct 05, 2022 · In 2019, the most current year of data, 27% of California’s population was foreign born, more than double the percentage in the rest of …
A reparations committee in California has suggested that descendants of slaves in the state could be compensated $223,200 each for 'housing discrimination'.

The nine-member Reparations Task Force was formed by California Governor Gavin Newsom as part of the country's largest ever effort to address reparations for slavery.

A focus of the California task force has been 'housing discrimination' - and it has been estimated that it would cost around $569billion to compensate the 2.5 million Black Californians for setbacks between 1933 and 1977, according to the New York Times.

That is more than California's $512.8billion expenditure in 2021 - which included funding for schools, hospitals, universities, highways, policing and corrections.

However, discussions are still underway, and panel is continuing to consider how payments should be made - some suggested tuition and housing grants or cash.

The task force has also identified four other causes for reparations: Mass incarceration, unjust property seizures, devaluation of Black businesses and health care.

It has until June 2023 to submit its final recommendations to the Legislature.

Their estimations came after the task force hosted meetings across the state to meet with members of Black communities to better understand the economic impact of slavery.

Wonder how California's 9.6 million foreign-born citizens feel about paying reparations?

Immigrants in California - Public Policy Institute of …

Oct 05, 2022 · In 2019, the most current year of data, 27% of California’s population was foreign born, more than double the percentage in the rest of …
I identify as a descendant of slaves and living in CA
I'm going to put on black face & move to CA to get my reparations.
Once I get my $, I'll publish the pics & run for office as a Democrat.
I could be a governor in a blue state
A reparations committee in California has suggested that descendants of slaves in the state could be compensated $223,200 each for 'housing discrimination'.

Dear God I hope they go through with it!

Just imagine seeing lazy, worthless bums being given a quarter million of your dollars for a crime you never committed to repay an offense they never suffered while you WORK YOUR ASS OFF to survive! Shades of George Floyd family raking in MILLIONS of dollars for their punk ass hood coke sniffer felon criminal son for ODing on drugs while trying to flee a crime scene.

Just imagine how women's groups, native Americans, and many other factions of society will feel who were far more discriminated against still getting nothing!
  • I can't wait for the lawsuits to begin from these other groups now wanting their piece of the pie as well.
  • I can't wait for the discrimination lawsuits to begin giving half a trillion dollars away to some people based SOLELY ON RACE!
  • Imagine as state after state are either pressured to follow suit or voluntarily, ripping the GUTS out of the US economy further!
  • Imagine getting that money knowing that as a result, it is now only worth what half that money would have bought you just a few years ago, so now even getting that recompensation, you're actually just paying back much of it in added taxes!
  • Best of all, I can't wait to see yet more mass exodus of people wanting to GET THE FUCK out of that liberal hellhole as inflation, crime and cost of living explodes as a result while Ca's economy slides the rest of the way into the toilet!!!
WHEEEEEE! :clap: :spinner: :mm: :banana:
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I really want to see what happens. :laughing0301:

Your move NY.
Well good luck... Newsom has a 24 billion dollar shortfall this fiscal year and CA can't print money like DC can....
Giving an 18-year-old $233,000 dollars is a bad idea.
They will hurt themselves.
This is insane. He should be impeached over this. No slave descendent deserves reparations.

I guess full retard isn't far enough for Governor Gruesome. There are sooooo many problems with the concept of reparations, it would take a Democrat to think it's a good idea.
CA is broke and can't print money either... Newsom took CA from prosperity to economic doom.... 24 billion short....

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