California is poorest state in USA.


Silver Member
Mar 6, 2012
California Poverty Rate Highest In Nation Based On New Census Department Figures Aaron Sankin Posted: 11/15/2012 11:06 am EST Updated: 11/15/2012 11:06 am EST





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California has a poverty rate of 23.5 percent, the highest of any state in the country, according to figures released this week by the United States Census Bureau.
The only other geographic region with an equivalent poverty rate is the District of Columbia, with 23.2 percent. The second most poverty-stricken state was Florida, at 19.5 percent.
The recognition of California's shockingly high poverty rate comes as a part of a shift in the way the Census Bureau measures its data. When the government began examining poverty back in the early 1960s, the line for determining who fell underneath the threshold was determined solely by looking at food costs.
In the decades since, there's been increasing criticism this benchmark, as it doesn't take into account tax rates and assistance programs such as food stamps, child care expenses and medical costs. In examining its most recent data, the Census Bureau considered these previously ignored factors, deemed the "supplemental poverty measure."
These new metrics have yielded quite different results than in past years. Under the traditional definition of poverty, for example, California's rate is 16.3 percent.
"We're seeing a very slow recovery [nationally], with increases in poverty among workers due to more new jobs which are low-wage," University of Wisconsin-Madison economist Timothy Smeeding told the Associated Press. "As a whole, the safety net is holding many people up, while California is struggling more because it's relatively harder there to qualify for food stamps and other benefits."
The Golden State's jump between the supplemental and conventional measures was the largest swing of any state, and the Sacramento Bee attributes it to California's high cost of living. WOW.
30 years ago this was the richest state in america and the envy of the world. This shows where latin immigration takes you.
That is what happens when you over-regulate to the point cost of living spikes higher than even what used to be the over-bloated CA salaries. Everything from food, parking, property costs, business costs, income tax, sales tax, energy costs and gas are far above the rest of the country.

Add to the fact that CA always ranks up there with the least business-friend so no corps even consider relocating there, increasing operations there or moving some operations there, few small business take the risk of starting up there and more and more businesses and people flee the state each year.

That is what happens when you allow Unions and Pensions to run wide and out of control. When you cherish and protect illegal immigrants over the citizen of the State.

CA is falling and falling fast and like a diseased animal it's going to hard to get back on her feet!
California has been chasing business out of the state for decades. They ran out the entertainment industry and are chasing out the porn industry. Nothing can save California because the democrats truly believe they are doing the best thing.
I have a friend living there and he wants out. Who or what f'd up the state people? A quarter of the people live in the newly defined measure of poverty> Wow!

I love California to visit but would never live there based on what I have been told about the over-regulation and crazy cost of living. I thought my state had issues.
That is what happens when you over-regulate to the point cost of living spikes higher than even what used to be the over-bloated CA salaries. Everything from food, parking, property costs, business costs, income tax, sales tax, energy costs and gas are far above the rest of the country.

Add to the fact that CA always ranks up there with the least business-friend so no corps even consider relocating there, increasing operations there or moving some operations there, few small business take the risk of starting up there and more and more businesses and people flee the state each year.

That is what happens when you allow Unions and Pensions to run wide and out of control. When you cherish and protect illegal immigrants over the citizen of the State.

CA is falling and falling fast and like a diseased animal it's going to hard to get back on her feet!

This is what happens when you put Liberals in charge.
California has been chasing business out of the state for decades. They ran out the entertainment industry and are chasing out the porn industry. Nothing can save California because the democrats truly believe they are doing the best thing.

"I am GOD and with happiness comes high prices":lol:


  • $562599main_pia14175-43_946-710-485x350.jpg
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That is what happens when you over-regulate to the point cost of living spikes higher than even what used to be the over-bloated CA salaries. Everything from food, parking, property costs, business costs, income tax, sales tax, energy costs and gas are far above the rest of the country.

Add to the fact that CA always ranks up there with the least business-friend so no corps even consider relocating there, increasing operations there or moving some operations there, few small business take the risk of starting up there and more and more businesses and people flee the state each year.

That is what happens when you allow Unions and Pensions to run wide and out of control. When you cherish and protect illegal immigrants over the citizen of the State.

CA is falling and falling fast and like a diseased animal it's going to hard to get back on her feet!

This is what happens when you put Liberals in charge.

"We'll feed you":eusa_pray:


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I thought Gov.Moonbeam was a huge success...
Anyone who votes these people in ....Fuck em....
You voted for this you got it....

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