California Court Gives The Full 8" Shaft To Antifa Leader Yvette Felarca

Screw her and screw ANTIFA...we don't riot when we lose an election in this nation....ANTIFA can take their third world 18th century ways and shove them...
We have laws and we have elections we do not go fucking nuts just because some grandma lost an election...$11000? I would have liked to see her put in jail for a few years...
Opposing fascism is not an "18th century way."

They aren’t the ones opposing fascism, they are the ones engaging in it
Screw her and screw ANTIFA...we don't riot when we lose an election in this nation....ANTIFA can take their third world 18th century ways and shove them...
We have laws and we have elections we do not go fucking nuts just because some grandma lost an election...$11000? I would have liked to see her put in jail for a few years...
Opposing fascism is not an "18th century way."

Are you actually claiming antifags are against facsism?
Screw her and screw ANTIFA...we don't riot when we lose an election in this nation....ANTIFA can take their third world 18th century ways and shove them...
We have laws and we have elections we do not go fucking nuts just because some grandma lost an election...$11000? I would have liked to see her put in jail for a few years...
Opposing fascism is not an "18th century way."

Are you actually claiming antifags are against facsism?

I've noticed liberals are not responding....
Why Pray Tell?

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