California 1st-Grader Disciplined, Harassed By School Officials For Writing Any Lives Matter on BLM Drawing: What the hell is wrong with these people?

You say the mother did not hear about it, until a year later? It was not anything even her kid shared with her or cried to her mom about? Yet they got the picture back somehow clean and fresh for the Red State article and I guess as exhibit A in the upcoming suit, now, she is going to file? Ok.
Let us know how it comes out.
Why didn't that kid draw their own picture saying any lives matter?

Because EVEN the kid probably knew that Black Lives Matter is a COMMUNIST organization and has nothing to do with black people. The slogan needs to be REMOVED wherever it's found, because it's communist propaganda. EVEN A CHILD knows that.
That privilege could be a big disadvantage to her ability to complete in a capitalist society knowing she can cheat the system.
Okay, I read the article. OF COURSE the mom needs to file suit on behalf of that child and sue the hell out of that horrible school. Migod, that's one of the worst things I ever heard about this kind of thing; I urge people who haven't read the piece to read it, it really stinks what they did. The child, about age 5 or 6, was really trying to get into being friendly to everyone and wanted to say all her friends' lives mattered. These horrible BLM people!! I can't understand how they could be so awful to a little girl who said nothing wrong whatsoever.
Why didn't that kid draw their own picture saying any lives matter?
I have to second this. Drawing over another person's masterpiece is what got the matter started. Making one of the child's own wouldn't have been that much to ask.

God bless you and the kids always!!!

Holly, IM2 misread the article, by design or by poor reading comprehension.

It was her own picture, drawn by herself and no one else.

"Jane" the first grader - first grader - who was disciplined behind her parents back, was guilty of drawing a picture as directed by the teacher, and then ad-libbing her own sentiment, "any life." A clear deviation from the dogma. She also committed the heinous crime of giving her drawing to her friend.

Jane, who is white, decided to draw a picture of her friends, who spanned the racial diaspora at the diverse elementary school that offers a unique “two-way language immersion” program in Spanish/English.

The picture was meant to represent her closest friends of all different races, and in her uneven, first-grader scrawl, she wrote “Black Lives mater [sic]” at the top, followed by another sentiment, “any life.” The picture went home with one of Jane’s friends.


When internet partisans of any stripe make a claim about a link, but provide no quotes from the link, you can be sure that the article referenced does not support their claim. Either ignore it, or check it carefully before you buy into it in the slightest.

Again. This is a first grader that the left-wing activists with educator certificates treated this way. A first grader whose parent care enough about diversity that they enrolled their daughter in challenging duel-language classes so that she can someday communicate fluently with Americans, and aspiring Americans, who speak Spanish.

It doesn't matter to the left if you are on their side. It sure doesn't matter if you are only a kid. Everyone is fair game.

If you make a slip, or anything they can interpret as a slip, they will pounce to make you an example. You think all the people Stalin slaughtered were really "enemies of the state," or "enemies of socialism," or even actual enemies of Stalin? Most of them were desperately trying to be political correct enough to survive and either fell short, or were reported as having fallen short by someone who needed to meet their quota of denouncements.

None of that rant was directed at you, I hope that was clear.
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I don't know, it sounds like the one family started some shit, and should be shunned by everyone else.

Also teacher and all executive team at school should be wacked.

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