Calif. Leading the way AGAIN!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
About 100,000 more people moved away from California in 2011 than relocated to the Golden State, according to the latest report from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The Census Bureau calculates that the most popular destination is
Texas (58,992), a state that is luring California companies.
That’s followed by Arizona (49,635),
Nevada (40,114),
Washington (38,421) and
Oregon (34,214).

California's Population is Moving Out, Census Report Shows | NBC Southern California
Keep letting the dems run shit. See what happens? Ranked 50th of worst states. SMH and libs love their policies..
Oh the ignorance.

100,000 is a concert a the Rose Bowl.

It's piss in the Pacific ocean.

It means nothing.

California is a country. The 7th largest economy in the world. They supply food for YOU every single day.
All told, California stands to lose a substantial amount of available farm land, at a substantial economic loss, if the population continues to grow. In fact, if the current rate of land loss continues, in less than 33 years approximately half of California's cropland will no longer be available for production. In addition, the growing numbers of humans stress other natural resources, including water, energy, and the environment, that are also vitally important to agricultural production.


For the following reasons, California agriculture will be limited in the future, based on anticipated population growth and available resources: (1) substantial amounts of fertile agricultural land are lost each year to urbanization and erosion; (2) the water supply available for irrigation and other human uses is already severely stressed —current levels of use cannot be sustained much longer; (3) domestic fossil energy stores, the major source of power for agricultural production, are close to depletion; and (4) environmental damage in the form of polluted land, air, and water and lost biodiversity will limit the future development of crops and livestock.

Food Supply Threatened by California's Growth
About 100,000 more people moved away from California in 2011 than relocated to the Golden State, according to the latest report from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The Census Bureau calculates that the most popular destination is
Texas (58,992), a state that is luring California companies.
That’s followed by Arizona (49,635),
Nevada (40,114),
Washington (38,421) and
Oregon (34,214).

California's Population is Moving Out, Census Report Shows | NBC Southern California

Californians spreading their ideas to other states. Eventually the only place free of liberals will be the Dakotas and Utah.

Liberals need sea water to survive. They used to stick to the coasts. They're destroying CA, NY, NJ, OR, WA, FL, NH, RI, now they're spreading like locusts to NM, AZ, TX, CO, etc.

Let's start joking about killing liberals. Anyone with an Obama sticker gets it. Hahahahah....

Hope and change.

Moving in the right direction.


I love the direction this country is heading.
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All told, California stands to lose a substantial amount of available farm land, at a substantial economic loss, if the population continues to grow. In fact, if the current rate of land loss continues, in less than 33 years approximately half of California's cropland will no longer be available for production. In addition, the growing numbers of humans stress other natural resources, including water, energy, and the environment, that are also vitally important to agricultural production.


For the following reasons, California agriculture will be limited in the future, based on anticipated population growth and available resources: (1) substantial amounts of fertile agricultural land are lost each year to urbanization and erosion; (2) the water supply available for irrigation and other human uses is already severely stressed —current levels of use cannot be sustained much longer; (3) domestic fossil energy stores, the major source of power for agricultural production, are close to depletion; and (4) environmental damage in the form of polluted land, air, and water and lost biodiversity will limit the future development of crops and livestock.

Food Supply Threatened by California's Growth

The last thing this country needs is farmland. We export millions of metric tons of ag products every year, turn 40% of our corn into ethanol, and export 20% of that ethanol.
And ag is a major drain on water, energy, and the environment
All told, California stands to lose a substantial amount of available farm land, at a substantial economic loss, if the population continues to grow. In fact, if the current rate of land loss continues, in less than 33 years approximately half of California's cropland will no longer be available for production. In addition, the growing numbers of humans stress other natural resources, including water, energy, and the environment, that are also vitally important to agricultural production.


For the following reasons, California agriculture will be limited in the future, based on anticipated population growth and available resources: (1) substantial amounts of fertile agricultural land are lost each year to urbanization and erosion; (2) the water supply available for irrigation and other human uses is already severely stressed —current levels of use cannot be sustained much longer; (3) domestic fossil energy stores, the major source of power for agricultural production, are close to depletion; and (4) environmental damage in the form of polluted land, air, and water and lost biodiversity will limit the future development of crops and livestock.

Food Supply Threatened by California's Growth

How about those dopes that turned off the water to how many thousands of acres
of fertile farm land and forced the farmers to go to food banks to survive because they were ruined.
All told, California stands to lose a substantial amount of available farm land, at a substantial economic loss, if the population continues to grow. In fact, if the current rate of land loss continues, in less than 33 years approximately half of California's cropland will no longer be available for production. In addition, the growing numbers of humans stress other natural resources, including water, energy, and the environment, that are also vitally important to agricultural production.


For the following reasons, California agriculture will be limited in the future, based on anticipated population growth and available resources: (1) substantial amounts of fertile agricultural land are lost each year to urbanization and erosion; (2) the water supply available for irrigation and other human uses is already severely stressed —current levels of use cannot be sustained much longer; (3) domestic fossil energy stores, the major source of power for agricultural production, are close to depletion; and (4) environmental damage in the form of polluted land, air, and water and lost biodiversity will limit the future development of crops and livestock.

Food Supply Threatened by California's Growth

The last thing this country needs is farmland. We export millions of metric tons of ag products every year, turn 40% of our corn into ethanol, and export 20% of that ethanol.
And ag is a major drain on water, energy, and the environment

I see my sarcasm is shared.
All told, California stands to lose a substantial amount of available farm land, at a substantial economic loss, if the population continues to grow. In fact, if the current rate of land loss continues, in less than 33 years approximately half of California's cropland will no longer be available for production. In addition, the growing numbers of humans stress other natural resources, including water, energy, and the environment, that are also vitally important to agricultural production.


For the following reasons, California agriculture will be limited in the future, based on anticipated population growth and available resources: (1) substantial amounts of fertile agricultural land are lost each year to urbanization and erosion; (2) the water supply available for irrigation and other human uses is already severely stressed —current levels of use cannot be sustained much longer; (3) domestic fossil energy stores, the major source of power for agricultural production, are close to depletion; and (4) environmental damage in the form of polluted land, air, and water and lost biodiversity will limit the future development of crops and livestock.

Food Supply Threatened by California's Growth

How about those dopes that turned off the water to how many thousands of acres
of fertile farm land and forced the farmers to go to food banks to survive because they were ruined.

The former farmers and the former farm workers are now on welfare which is a net positive for democrats.
About 100,000 more people moved away from California in 2011 than relocated to the Golden State, according to the latest report from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The Census Bureau calculates that the most popular destination is
Texas (58,992), a state that is luring California companies.
That’s followed by Arizona (49,635),
Nevada (40,114),
Washington (38,421) and
Oregon (34,214).

California's Population is Moving Out, Census Report Shows | NBC Southern California
Here's one big reason for California's decline over the last generation:

"Proposition 13 (officially named the People's Initiative to Limit Property Taxation) was an amendment of the Constitution of California enacted during 1978, by means of the initiative process.

"It was approved by California voters on June 6, 1978. It was declared constitutional by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Nordlinger v. Hahn, 505 U.S. 1 (1992). Proposition 13 is embodied in Article 13A of the Constitution of the State of California.[1]

"The most significant portion of the act is the first paragraph, which limited the tax rate for real estate:

"Section 1. (a) The maximum amount of any ad valorem tax on real property shall not exceed one percent (1%) of the full cash value of such property. The one percent (1%) tax to be collected by the counties and apportioned according to law to the districts within the counties."

California Proposition 13 (1978) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

California's "Takers" believe they're entitled to world class universities, infrastructure, and public services without paying for them. As a result, Texas looks like the Promised Land.
Oh the ignorance.

100,000 is a concert a the Rose Bowl.

It's piss in the Pacific ocean.

It means nothing.

California is a country. The 7th largest economy in the world. They supply food for YOU every single day.

Typical liberal attitude: "I don't care!"
Not to worry. California can simply add taxes to those that are left in the state to make up for the shortage of people to pay what they can't collect from those that did leave.

Magic algebra! Works in every liberal mind!
Maybe Cal. should stop giving 25% of its federal taxes to idiot freeloader Red states. Its problems are due to longtime Pub refusal of a good SS/Work ID card.
California's Budget Deficit Disappears...
California Gov. Jerry Brown says budget deficit has disappeared
Friday, Jan. 11, 2013 - Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown declared Thursday that California's budget deficit has vanished thanks to new tax hikes and past spending cuts, marking the first time since the recession that state leaders haven't faced a deep fiscal chasm in January.
The Democratic governor proposed additional money for K-12 schools and higher education in his $97.7 billion general fund budget while restraining growth in most other programs. "We have to live within the means we have, otherwise we get to that situation where we get red ink and then go back to cuts," Brown said. "So I want to avoid the boom and the bust, the borrow and the spend, where we make the promise and then we take it back."

Brown proposed an additional $250 million each for the University of California and California State University systems, with a catch: He wants to cap the number of state-subsidized classes students can take at 1.5 times the number typically needed to graduate. He believes students would earn degrees faster, opening slots and saving money. The governor embraced a key part of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul by agreeing to extend Medi-Cal to as many as 1 million low-income residents previously ineligible for the program. That mostly includes adults living without children.

The federal government will pay nearly all health care costs for those individuals from 2014 through 2016. But Brown fears a reversal from Obama and Congress, as well as greater costs once California picks up more of the tab. Brown unveiled the latest version of his K-12 funding overhaul, which eliminates most state-driven earmarks and directs more money to districts with impoverished students and English learners who are presumed to face greater challenges. The governor acknowledged that the proposal is controversial, especially in wealthier suburbs that stand to receive less funding than urban and rural districts.

But he considered it a matter of fairness. "We know from back to Greek philosophy, Aristotle, that treating unequals equally is not justice," Brown said. "Growing up in Compton or in Richmond is not like it is to grow up in Los Gatos or Beverly Hills or Piedmont." Brown said California is finally spending less money than it takes in, the first time since Gov. Gray Davis in 2001 that a governor has made such a bold claim. "I would say it's probably too early to draw that conclusion," said Jeff Cummins, a political science professor at California State University, Fresno. "Historically, budget estimates have been wildly off. Saying 10 years after a structural deficit that we're out of the woods is premature."

Read more here: California Gov. Jerry Brown says budget deficit has disappeared |
Not to worry. California can simply add taxes to those that are left in the state to make up for the shortage of people to pay what they can't collect from those that did leave.

Magic algebra! Works in every liberal mind!

Sadly, that is EXACTLY how they think.

Then they raise rates, and immediately assume that no one will move, layoff, purchase out of state, or make other adjustments to avoid paying the new rates.

About 100,000 more people moved away from California in 2011 than relocated to the Golden State, according to the latest report from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The Census Bureau calculates that the most popular destination is
Texas (58,992), a state that is luring California companies.
That’s followed by Arizona (49,635),
Nevada (40,114),
Washington (38,421) and
Oregon (34,214).

California's Population is Moving Out, Census Report Shows | NBC Southern California

Great. More left coast idiots coming to Texas and screwing things up even more. We've got enough problems with our Nutter Governor and Legislature, thank you.

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