Cain at it again


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Woman claims 13-year affair with Herman Cain - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Quite the ladies man

Herman Cain revealed Monday that an Atlanta-area woman would soon come forward alleging an "extended," 13-year extramarital affair with the Republican presidential candidate, telling CNN her claims are untrue.*

Cain told Wolf Blitzer he wanted to "give you a heads up and everyone a heads up" that the woman would be coming forward.

He said he knows the woman - but that he did not have an affair with her.

According to an Atlanta affiliate of Fox News, a woman is claiming that she and Cain had a 13-year long affair.

"Here we go again," Cain said in response to the forthcoming allegations. "I didn't do anything wrong."

They are coming out of the woodwork.........of course they are all liars
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Who does he think he is?

Bill Clinton??

John Edwards???


Don't you think ??

I think Cain is just naturally attractive to the ladies. He can't help it if he is a chick magnet and all these ladies have fantasies about him
I knew it was just a matter of time for someone, who had taken him up on his groping, to come forward.

Cain was just selling his book anyway...

At least it never got to the level of Clinton and the impeachment, and all that, huh? Dumbfuck?
Woman claims 13-year affair with Herman Cain - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Quite the ladies man

Herman Cain revealed Monday that an Atlanta-area woman would soon come forward alleging an "extended," 13-year extramarital affair with the Republican presidential candidate, telling CNN her claims are untrue.*

Cain told Wolf Blitzer he wanted to "give you a heads up and everyone a heads up" that the woman would be coming forward.

He said he knows the woman - but that he did not have an affair with her.

According to an Atlanta affiliate of Fox News, a woman is claiming that she and Cain had a 13-year long affair.

"Here we go again," Cain said in response to the forthcoming allegations. "I didn't do anything wrong."

They are coming out of the woodwork.........of course they are all liars

At least Cain remembers this particular woman. I guess that's progress.
I knew it was just a matter of time for someone, who had taken him up on his groping, to come forward.

Cain was just selling his book anyway...

At least it never got to the level of Clinton and the impeachment, and all that, huh? Dumbfuck?

True but what does that have to do with NOW?
Since Clinton was a liar it is okay for everyone to lie?
No sir.
Herman Cain had a press conference today and denied the affair. Behind the scenes his attorney Lin Wood sent a letter to the TV station that Dale Russell works for, he is the investigative reporter that has this woman, full face, on interview. The letter Cain's attorney sent to the station bqasically states: "this is not a harassment case or legal matter. This is a matter between 2 consenting adults and personal sexual matters are not suitable for press releases".
Well I agree with him UNLESS someone holds a press conference and denies all of that.
Herman Cain is a bald faced liar. That is never acceptable.
I know it hurts and I feel your pain Warrior. I also LIKE the guy a lot.
Find someone else. Herman is done.
"Mommy, Jimmy also told lies at school so how come I am being punished for it"
does not fly in my world.
Panty police alert! It's okay for that blonde-haired, blue-eyed 1%-er Clinton, but not for that conservative black man Herman Cain.

Why isn't Obama calling y'all racists?

Nobody is prosecuting Cain like they did with Clinton

We are just openly mocking him
This is getting rich!
Cain staff just sent out a press release that states "White has been a family friend only of Herman Cain and his family for many years."
After Cain's wife stated she has never heard of the woman before in her life earlier today.
This is worse than a kamikazee hitting an aircraft carrier USS GOP.
Romney folks. HE WILL DEFEAT the community organizer that had nothing to do with this.
He didn't need to. Herman Cain did himself in.
If telling lies in public does not bother you then by all means go and vote for Herman Cain.
Amazing how the very people here that state "Clinton was a dumbass, lied and cheated and was caught dead at it" are the very folks that are supporting Cain with "Cain is a dumbass that lies, cheats and was caught at it but BECAUSE CLINTON DID IT TOO it is okay".
I spanked my 5 year olds when they said things like that.

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