Cage Match!!!


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Ghetto ass white trash.

This is what the OP is promoting and supporting.

Thanks Trump!
Running home to his mommy, "I have to go now! My Mom's calling and I can't stay and beat you up!"

The punk-ass Union thug is the one that called him out. Mullin also happens to be a Native American, a former College Wrestler and a former MMA fighter.

If a fat, punkass bitch dimocrap scumbag is gonna call somebody out, he probably shouldn't call out a certifiably badass man.

But, you guys never learn, do you? :dunno:

I'd pay to see that fat punkass bitch get his ass kicked for him.
Ghetto ass white trash.

This is what the OP is promoting and supporting.

Thanks Trump!

Ghetto is an insult? Why?

The President of the Teamsters sure is not acting like a President, huh? Who is it that threatened the other to begin with?

Walk me through the entire ordeal and explain why the Senator is the lone bad actor.
Ghetto is an insult? Why?

The President of the Teamsters sure is not acting like a President, huh? Who is it that threatened the other to begin with?

Walk me through the entire ordeal and explain why the Senator is the lone bad actor.
See Bernie's response to that ghetto white trash.
See Bernie's response to that ghetto white trash.
Like anybody gives a fuck what a socialist scumbag thinks. Especially when it's a RICH socilialist scumbag. wanna 'splain that, working class hero?
Running home to his mommy, "I have to go now! My Mom's calling and I can't stay and beat you up!"

The punk-ass Union thug is the one that called him out. Mullin also happens to be a Native American, a former College Wrestler and a former MMA fighter.

If a fat, punkass bitch dimocrap scumbag is gonna call somebody out, he probably shouldn't call out a certifiably badass man.

But, you guys never learn, do you? :dunno:

I'd pay to see that fat punkass bitch get his ass kicked for him.
Sure, because you're a child.
It was pathetic by both "men" acting like they are in JR high.

Isnt it illegal to physically threaten a Senator?
Like anybody gives a fuck what a socialist scumbag thinks. Especially when it's a RICH socilialist scumbag. wanna 'splain that, working class hero?
What does "working class hero" mean to you?

Is Trump a "working class hero?"
This is just funny. Love it.

BTW, I'll put $100 and 3 to 1 odds on the GOP Senator. He'd choke him out in very, very short order. It would be a mugging

I suppose. If you're interested in seeing how low the bar (on the Republican side) has been set for US Senate material. :)
Sure, because you're a child.
At heart, yeah. I'd even giggle just a bit watching him get his fat ass tossed around like he was a rag doll.

I don't make threats. Never have.... At least since the 6th grade anyway. And if I ever do, it won't be to somebody that could clean my clock in my best, younger days.

I dislike intently people who make threats thinking that the people they're threatening can't fight back. Typical of dimocrap scum.

I would just love to see that fat, piece of shit mobster get his ass handed to him.

Maybe you should challenge the good Senator. That would be almost as much fun to watch.
I suppose. If you're interested in seeing how low the bar (on the Republican side) has been set for US Senate material. :)
So typical of dimocrap scum. Yu didn't even watch the video, did you moron?

The fat punkass mobbed-up dimocrap started it, saying he could take any Senator. Watch the fucking video.

He just found a Senator that was willing to take him on in Public.

Sadly, dimocrap FILTH don't fight like men, they sneak up behind you and knife you in the back.. Kinda like what they're doing to Trump.
So typical of dimocrap scum. Yu didn't even watch the video, did you moron?

The fat punkass mobbed-up dimocrap started it, saying he could take any Senator. Watch the fucking video.

He just found a Senator that was willing to take him on in Public.

Sadly, dimocrap FILTH don't fight like men, they sneak up behind you and knife you in the back.. Kinda like what they're doing to Trump.
I read the transcript, a-hole. And four articles on it. Some fucking POS Senator from a backwater state that looks like he's got an airhose shoved up his ass grandstanding for the cameras. Yeah, that bar is low on the Republican side. Especially when you consider you can count Tuberville, Blackburn, Johnson, Vance, and Kennedy among the useless bags of crap that sit and represent the GOP.

It always amuses me what impresses you members of Alt-Right Nation. :)
Y'all not very bright.
This is just funny. Love it.

BTW, I'll put $100 and 3 to 1 odds on the GOP Senator. He'd choke him out in very, very short order. It would be a mugging

IMO, Sanders handled that pretty well.

The bald guy's a pussy.
I read the transcript, a-hole. And four articles on it. Some fucking POS Senator from a backwater state that looks like he's got an airhose shoved up his ass grandstanding for the cameras. Yeah, that bar is low on the Republican side. Especially when you consider you can count Tuberville, Blackburn, Johnson, Vance, and Kennedy among the useless bags of crap that sit and represent the GOP.

It always amuses me what impresses you members of Alt-Right Nation. :)
Y'all not very bright.
You sho' nuff ain't no shining beacon of intelligence, you fuckin' twatwaffle.

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