Bye Bye slackjaws


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
I don’t think it’s possible for Republicans to win the 2016 presidential election or keep control of the Senate. That’s because the GOP is disappearing from the most heavily populated sections of the country while increasing its lead in a declining bloc of aging, white, rural voters. Look at voting demographics and you get the likely 2016 voting map below (based on 2014’s returns)

New Hampshire and Virginia are turning blue, and Georgia is now at play).

As to the Senate, Democrats in 2014 had to defend 13 Senate seats in red or purple states. In 2016 Republicans will be defending 24 Senate seats; at least 18 are likely to be competitive based on geography and demographics. Democrats will be defending precisely one seat that could possibly be competitive.

I don’t think it’s possible for Republicans to win the 2016 presidential election or keep control of the Senate. That’s because the GOP is disappearing from the most heavily populated sections of the country while increasing its lead in a declining bloc of aging, white, rural voters. Look at voting demographics and you get the likely 2016 voting map below (based on 2014’s returns)

New Hampshire and Virginia are turning blue, and Georgia is now at play).

As to the Senate, Democrats in 2014 had to defend 13 Senate seats in red or purple states. In 2016 Republicans will be defending 24 Senate seats; at least 18 are likely to be competitive based on geography and demographics. Democrats will be defending precisely one seat that could possibly be competitive.

View attachment 34264
we wont miss you Guno....but hey....send us a post let me give you one of these.....

I don’t think it’s possible for Republicans to win the 2016 presidential election or keep control of the Senate. That’s because the GOP is disappearing from the most heavily populated sections of the country while increasing its lead in a declining bloc of aging, white, rural voters. Look at voting demographics and you get the likely 2016 voting map below (based on 2014’s returns)
New Hampshire and Virginia are turning blue, and Georgia is now at play).
As to the Senate, Democrats in 2014 had to defend 13 Senate seats in red or purple states. In 2016 Republicans will be defending 24 Senate seats; at least 18 are likely to be competitive based on geography and demographics. Democrats will be defending precisely one seat that could possibly be competitive.
Can't say I disagree with you there.

What the GOP has completely failed to realize is that conservative values can be "bred out" of a society. The influx of hispanics will help them for sure, as long as the catholic church doesn't put its stamp of approval on gay marriage in violation of its own core edicts from God.

If gay marriage is forced upon the states, those values will render the conservative party dead within one or two generations, maybe sooner. You cannot impose conservative values on minds formed homes where they are completely absent. As even "straights" come to bend to this new way of liberal parenting (set for them by example and societal-approval of the unthinkably leftist: two people of the same gender playing at "mom and dad" to children), there won't be a conservative mind left but in the farthest backwaters of folks who don't have any television. As voting adults, this new mindset will be the proverbial "old dog" that you cannot teach new tricks to..

Ask GLAAD. This is and was their mission statement. It is to completely stamp out all vestiges of conservative values and to turn the country into one giant sexual bacchanal. But so being, other conservative ideals will get sucked into that vortex and away from the minds of each new successive generation until there is nothing resembling a civilized society left.

It happened this very way in Ancient Greece. Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

This Midterm was a fluke...but as time go by and the public is mollified by continual defeat of this one issue, 2016 won't be the same game. People will have already given up and there will be some new oil spill or war to rebel against to get a dem in the Oval Office..
Or we could be conquered by a better people. Especially if conservatives joined a conservative invading force. Liberals would really have no chance. When all is lost find another ally. This is what happened in Ukraine.
I don’t think it’s possible for Republicans to win the 2016 presidential election or keep control of the Senate. That’s because the GOP is disappearing from the most heavily populated sections of the country while increasing its lead in a declining bloc of aging, white, rural voters. Look at voting demographics and you get the likely 2016 voting map below (based on 2014’s returns)

New Hampshire and Virginia are turning blue, and Georgia is now at play).

As to the Senate, Democrats in 2014 had to defend 13 Senate seats in red or purple states. In 2016 Republicans will be defending 24 Senate seats; at least 18 are likely to be competitive based on geography and demographics. Democrats will be defending precisely one seat that could possibly be competitive.

View attachment 34264

Oh when are you going to shut up. What a bore!

Guno and the rest of the hardcore Left may end up being terribly disappointed if they continue this simplistic, linear assumption that minorities will always be voting as they have been.

There are already signs their grip is loosening a bit, and just assuming that a party owns brown and black people seems kinda, uh, racist to me.

People can change their minds on issues.

Either the GOP keeps reaching out to Latinos and women and minorities, or it could be down to 41 seats in 2017 in the Senate.
I don’t think it’s possible for Republicans to win the 2016 presidential election or keep control of the Senate. That’s because the GOP is disappearing from the most heavily populated sections of the country while increasing its lead in a declining bloc of aging, white, rural voters. Look at voting demographics and you get the likely 2016 voting map below (based on 2014’s returns)
New Hampshire and Virginia are turning blue, and Georgia is now at play).
As to the Senate, Democrats in 2014 had to defend 13 Senate seats in red or purple states. In 2016 Republicans will be defending 24 Senate seats; at least 18 are likely to be competitive based on geography and demographics. Democrats will be defending precisely one seat that could possibly be competitive.
Can't say I disagree with you there.

What the GOP has completely failed to realize is that conservative values can be "bred out" of a society. The influx of hispanics will help them for sure, as long as the catholic church doesn't put its stamp of approval on gay marriage in violation of its own core edicts from God.

If gay marriage is forced upon the states, those values will render the conservative party dead within one or two generations, maybe sooner. You cannot impose conservative values on minds formed homes where they are completely absent. As even "straights" come to bend to this new way of liberal parenting (set for them by example and societal-approval of the unthinkably leftist: two people of the same gender playing at "mom and dad" to children), there won't be a conservative mind left but in the farthest backwaters of folks who don't have any television. As voting adults, this new mindset will be the proverbial "old dog" that you cannot teach new tricks to..

Ask GLAAD. This is and was their mission statement. It is to completely stamp out all vestiges of conservative values and to turn the country into one giant sexual bacchanal. But so being, other conservative ideals will get sucked into that vortex and away from the minds of each new successive generation until there is nothing resembling a civilized society left.

It happened this very way in Ancient Greece. Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

This Midterm was a fluke...but as time go by and the public is mollified by continual defeat of this one issue, 2016 won't be the same game. People will have already given up and there will be some new oil spill or war to rebel against to get a dem in the Oval Office..

Are you saying that Hispanics approve of gay marriage when I believe the majority of them are Catholic?
I don’t think it’s possible for Republicans to win the 2016 presidential election or keep control of the Senate. That’s because the GOP is disappearing from the most heavily populated sections of the country while increasing its lead in a declining bloc of aging, white, rural voters. Look at voting demographics and you get the likely 2016 voting map below (based on 2014’s returns)

New Hampshire and Virginia are turning blue, and Georgia is now at play).

As to the Senate, Democrats in 2014 had to defend 13 Senate seats in red or purple states. In 2016 Republicans will be defending 24 Senate seats; at least 18 are likely to be competitive based on geography and demographics. Democrats will be defending precisely one seat that could possibly be competitive.

View attachment 34264
You got any more info about that Savage that did the shooting in FL

Looks like another gun clutching education hating rightwing savage goes berserk

I don’t think it’s possible for Republicans to win the 2016 presidential election or keep control of the Senate. That’s because the GOP is disappearing from the most heavily populated sections of the country while increasing its lead in a declining bloc of aging, white, rural voters. Look at voting demographics and you get the likely 2016 voting map below (based on 2014’s returns)
New Hampshire and Virginia are turning blue, and Georgia is now at play).
As to the Senate, Democrats in 2014 had to defend 13 Senate seats in red or purple states. In 2016 Republicans will be defending 24 Senate seats; at least 18 are likely to be competitive based on geography and demographics. Democrats will be defending precisely one seat that could possibly be competitive.
Can't say I disagree with you there.

What the GOP has completely failed to realize is that conservative values can be "bred out" of a society. The influx of hispanics will help them for sure, as long as the catholic church doesn't put its stamp of approval on gay marriage in violation of its own core edicts from God.

If gay marriage is forced upon the states, those values will render the conservative party dead within one or two generations, maybe sooner. You cannot impose conservative values on minds formed homes where they are completely absent. As even "straights" come to bend to this new way of liberal parenting (set for them by example and societal-approval of the unthinkably leftist: two people of the same gender playing at "mom and dad" to children), there won't be a conservative mind left but in the farthest backwaters of folks who don't have any television. As voting adults, this new mindset will be the proverbial "old dog" that you cannot teach new tricks to..

Ask GLAAD. This is and was their mission statement. It is to completely stamp out all vestiges of conservative values and to turn the country into one giant sexual bacchanal. But so being, other conservative ideals will get sucked into that vortex and away from the minds of each new successive generation until there is nothing resembling a civilized society left.

It happened this very way in Ancient Greece. Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

This Midterm was a fluke...but as time go by and the public is mollified by continual defeat of this one issue, 2016 won't be the same game. People will have already given up and there will be some new oil spill or war to rebel against to get a dem in the Oval Office..

Well this is the reason nature creates war. No one likes to talk about it, but the United States guaranteed that, when they allowed the media to crush Senator Joe McCarthy.

In truth, McCarthy was right, and we're about to pay the price for that generation not picking up on it and failing to crush the insurgency. Had they done so, it would have amounted to the arrest of ten or so thousand communists throughout the media, academia and the government.

We're going to need to crush millions upon millions of imbeciles. OR fail to do so and wait on the Chinese to crush us all.
Who drew up your map, Gruber? :laugh:

As if Arizona is ever going Rat again no matter how many beaners you try to hang on us.....Clinturd carried the state during the Napolitano years of ballot box stuffing and illegals getting ballots....never again, chump.
Well this is the reason nature creates war. No one likes to talk about it, but the United States guaranteed that, when they allowed the media to crush Senator Joe McCarthy.

In truth, McCarthy was right, and we're about to pay the price for that generation not picking up on it and failing to crush the insurgency. Had they done so, it would have amounted to the arrest of ten or so thousand communists throughout the media, academia and the government.

We're going to need to crush millions upon millions of imbeciles. OR fail to do so and wait on the Chinese to crush us all.

Tailgunner Joe was not only right, he was who saved this Nation form the communists in Gollywood. They went right back into business when Eisenhower throttled McCarthy....I never understood why he did that....senile maybe or guilty over starving a hundred thousand German POWs to death. Look at what's in the movies and both cable and network shows....anti-American garbage. Look at the schools....McCarthy demanded all public school teachers sign loyalty oaths....try that today and you'd get laughed out of the Senate....nobody in the schools is loyal to anything but their leftist dogma and their teachers union. McCarthy would hurl if he saw what our society has come to.
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Hmm, another racist thread by Guno and still none of his fellow lefties come in and say "hey Guno, stop being so racist man"

I wonder why that is.

Also, Guno, could you give me the Lotto numbers for next Tuesday?
Tipsy, 17 Pub and 1 Dem seat are up for competition in the 2016 senate elections.

Do your homework.

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