By Every Benchmark, The World Feminism Created Is The Opposite Of What Makes Women Happy

Single motherhood is a burden for women. That is a fact. But is that feminism or is that worthless men not stepping up?

Single motherhood is a burden for women whose husbands died or left them. I sympathize.

But what of the men-haters who decide to have babies alone on purpose? Their hate and selfishness hurts the child's future.
What of the skanks who left their husbands.
What about the sick degenerate homosexuals?

All that crap is wrapped up in liberalism and the democrat party.

Who remembers this:
20 years later, it turns out Dan Quayle was right about Murphy Brown and unmarried moms

So it is the woman's responsibility to rein in the sex?

Women today are skanks and sluts compared to when I was a kid. They bare a huge portion of that responsibility, youre damned straight.

No response from the peanut gallery? Facts don't care about your feelings
Feminists want to turn women into men....literally and figuratively.

If it weren't for women...excluding many modern day would still be sitting in a cave, eating with their fingers and farting around the campfire, arguing about who was going to get the next armful of wood.
Single motherhood is a burden for women whose husbands died or left them. I sympathize.

But what of the men-haters who decide to have babies alone on purpose? Their hate and selfishness hurts the child's future.
What of the skanks who left their husbands.
What about the sick degenerate homosexuals?

All that crap is wrapped up in liberalism and the democrat party.

Who remembers this:
20 years later, it turns out Dan Quayle was right about Murphy Brown and unmarried moms

Women today are skanks and sluts compared to when I was a kid. They bare a huge portion of that responsibility, youre damned straight.

There are a few who want babies alone. There are a few who dislike men. But the overwhelming majority have been abandoned by the guy who helped them get pregnant. The comment made earlier of "maybe she souldn't be so easy" ignores the abandonment by the men. And rather than her refuse to have sex, how about the guy puts a condom on?

What of the women who are violently abused by their husband? Should they stay? The #1 cause of hospitalization for women is their significant other/mates beting them.
If the woman is sleeping around, how does she know who the father is and how is he supposed to know TO step up. THIS is why marriage and then SEX is the preferred method. Then you won't have these problems created by a bunch of anal hatefilled women who have a bone to pick with men.

Yeah, there are women who sleep with lots of guys at the same time. But they are far fewer than those who sleep with one (at least at a time).

And if the man took the few seconds to "wrap that rascal" there would be no pregnancy.
There are a few who want babies alone. There are a few who dislike men. But the overwhelming majority have been abandoned by the guy who helped them get pregnant. . . .

And you have proof of these statistics?

And by the way, that is not even really the topic. Read the article in the first post.
Yeah, back when women weren't supposed to enjoy sex.

Funny that women have to resist them men's charms and promises, but the man gets off scot-free.
women have the control. Being able to give birth, create a new being by the grace of God, is special. I'd have to say holy. Women shouldn't be treating like it was nothing. Where does society get the idea that women are not supposed to enjoy sex? The bible clearly indicates that God has given it for our own enjoyment when used in the right way. IN MARRIAGE.

By Every Benchmark, The World Feminism Created Is The Opposite Of What Makes Women Happy​

No matter what you've been told, you're still not entitled to have a woman serve you just because you're a white male.

So what's the deal? Were you promised that a fascist regime would dole out women as rewards to loyal supporters, much like the Taliban does?
If women control 70 per cent of money and more that is a reality.
No response from the peanut gallery? Facts don't care about your feelings

What response? You want links to show men abandon pregnant women? But you show no stats that show men-hating women are the cause of single parenting. Or that men hating lesbians are having sex with men and then leaving. The peanut gallery started this thread.
Pamella Geller:
By Every Benchmark, The World Feminism Created Is The Opposite Of What Makes Women Happy

Feminism is a phony movement originating in Marxist/Leninism. Feminism is anti-women. It hates marriage, men, femininity, motherhood ….. everything that makes a women women.

The epidemic of single motherhood, the breakdown of the American family, the street vernacular of “bitches and hos,” the emasculation of men, the bone-crushing responsibility of one woman being mother, father, breadwinner, chief cook and bottle washer we owe to the feminists.

The destroyers have been at war against American values for forty years, and they have succeeded. Women have been diminished and dehumanized, all under the guise of “liberation” and “feminism.” The art of propaganda.

The family is the basic building block of any successful society. Children born out of wedlock are more likely to struggle in school or suffer emotional and behavioral problems. Yet today, over fifty percent of births in this country to women under thirty are outside marriage. And an astronomical forty percent of women are not married when they have children. The Daily Mail reported last year that “the data shows the fastest growth in the past 20 years is among white women in their 20s with some college education but no four-year degree. And with two-thirds of children in the U.S. born to mothers under the age of 30, it appears the majority of births across the country are out of wedlock.”

Feminists – those men-hating parasites — have ruined the glorious exaltation of women in 20th-century America
. . . . (CUT)

ME: Geller is spot on here. There is nothing feminine about leftwing feminists. They are nasty foul-mouthed baby-killers. And now, in media, they are sexualized more than ever, except the skanks call that "empowerment".

Pam Geller is just a hatemonger. Most people consider her a lying skank.
The cure for unwanted pregnancy is using birth control.

And any man who has unprotected sex with a woman he just met is an idiot.

Most women who seek abortion are married and already have children.
Pamella Geller:
By Every Benchmark, The World Feminism Created Is The Opposite Of What Makes Women Happy

Feminism is a phony movement originating in Marxist/Leninism. Feminism is anti-women. It hates marriage, men, femininity, motherhood ….. everything that makes a women women.

The epidemic of single motherhood, the breakdown of the American family, the street vernacular of “bitches and hos,” the emasculation of men, the bone-crushing responsibility of one woman being mother, father, breadwinner, chief cook and bottle washer we owe to the feminists.

The destroyers have been at war against American values for forty years, and they have succeeded. Women have been diminished and dehumanized, all under the guise of “liberation” and “feminism.” The art of propaganda.

The family is the basic building block of any successful society. Children born out of wedlock are more likely to struggle in school or suffer emotional and behavioral problems. Yet today, over fifty percent of births in this country to women under thirty are outside marriage. And an astronomical forty percent of women are not married when they have children. The Daily Mail reported last year that “the data shows the fastest growth in the past 20 years is among white women in their 20s with some college education but no four-year degree. And with two-thirds of children in the U.S. born to mothers under the age of 30, it appears the majority of births across the country are out of wedlock.”

Feminists – those men-hating parasites — have ruined the glorious exaltation of women in 20th-century America
. . . . (CUT)

ME: Geller is spot on here. There is nothing feminine about leftwing feminists. They are nasty foul-mouthed baby-killers. And now, in media, they are sexualized more than ever, except the skanks call that "empowerment".


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