By 2030, 1 of every 2 Americans will be obese.

Obesity is the condition of having so much excess body fat that it is deleterious to your health.

So, actually it does automatically = fat.
That’s not the definition of obese. Look it up

It amazes me that you people can speak with such certainty when you’re factually wrong
That’s not the definition of obese. Look it up

It amazes me that you people can speak with such certainty when you’re factually wrong
Prove it.

I can predict what you are going to do. You are going to find a flawed definition that mentions BMI.

Then I can explain to you why that definition is flawed and conclusively prove it is wrong.

Remember, I'm the expert here. You are not.
Prove it.

I can predict what you are going to do. You are going to find a flawed definition that mentions BMI.

Then I can explain to you why that definition is flawed and conclusively prove it is wrong.

Remember, I'm the expert here. You are not.
BMI is the tool used to determine whether or not one is obese

It does not take into account body fat at all
That's only 6 years. And to make it sound worse, 1 in 4 Americans will be severely obese. This is not a disease of being lazy, this is a dietary and nutritional hellscape, with some parts of the country being in a food desert, surrounded by high fat, low cost food choices. Some is pure gluttony, as well.

A tidal wave of fat, and the ailments that come with it, now appears virtually inevitable in the United States.

New research finds that by 2030, nearly half of American adults — 49.2% to be exact — will be obese. In every single state, no fewer than 35% of adults will have a body mass index of at least 30, the threshold that defines obesity.

New year’s resolutions aside, this is not about whether you’ll fit into your skinny jeans a decade from now. Body mass index, a measure of fatness based on a person’s height and weight, has its limitations as a predictor of personal health. But in large populations where rates of obesity are higher, people tend to be sicker, live shorter lives, and incur steeper healthcare expenses.

And that means the new study results are a harbinger of pretty poor American health.

Even worse: As the nation continues to accumulate fat, nearly 1 in 4 U.S. adults will have“severe obesity.”

Defined as having a BMI of 40 or above, severe obesity will become about as common in 2030 as regular obesity was in the 1990s. Where Americans were already obese, the generation behind them is expected to become severely obese — and their risk of joint and back problems, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and early death will be even higher.

The findings were published in this week’s edition of the New England Journal of Medicine.
Although most Americans are fatties, the BMI scale is a poor metric to go by.

Just reduce portion size down, then more fibre and less carbs.
BMI is the tool used to determine whether or not one is obese

It does not take into account body fat at all
That is not what BMI is. BMI does not measure fat and therefore cannot determine whether or not an individual is obese. Only crooked politicians and their handlers and dupes consider it to be a tool to determine whether someone is obese.

BMI is not a valid measure of obesity in medical science. This is proven by the fact that "normal weight obesity" exists. Somebody with normal weight obesity falls within the normal range on a BMI chart but still has an unhealthy body fat percentage.

BMI comes from a Belgian astronomer named Adolphe Quetelet back in the 1830s. He came up with the formula BMI = mass divided by height squared. It was prima facie ridiculous and consequentially widely rejected by the medical community. Quetelet had no scientific basis for his simplistic formula. So it was widely rejected and fell into obscurity.

Until over a century later in 1972 when the infamous celebrity quack Dr. Ancel Keyes brought it out of obscurity in his "scientific" paper "Indices of Relative Weight and Obesity".

Mr. Keys was a corrupt corporate shill who's initial claim to infamy was K rations. He's the guy who decided that instead of an extra 400 calories of food in the K rations to sooth our soldiers' hunger, they needed Chesterfields.

As a consequence, post WWII the rate of smoking in America skyrocketed. And so did the rates of cardiopulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

He further gained infamy (and money) with his now thoroughly debunked "diet-heart hypothesis" in which he claimed that dietary saturated fats caused cardiovascular disease. Then he committed research fraud to try to prove it.

As a result of his psuedoscience, people have replaced the healthy saturated fat in their diet with sugar.

This has caused widespread obesity.
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That is not what BMI is. BMI does not measure fat and therefore cannot determine whether or not an individual is obese. Only crooked politicians and their handlers and dupes consider it to be a tool to determine whether someone is obese.

BMI is not a valid measure of obesity in medical science. This is proven by the fact that "normal weight obesity" exists. Somebody with normal weight obesity falls within the normal range on a BMI chart but still has an unhealthy body fat percentage.

BMI comes from a Belgian astronomer named Adolphe Quetelet back in the 1830s. He came up with the formula BMI = mass divided by height squared. It was prima facie ridiculous and consequentially widely rejected by the medical community. Quetelet had no scientific basis for his simplistic formula. So it was widely rejected and fell into obscurity.

Until over a century later in 1972 when the infamous celebrity quack Dr. Ancel Keyes brought it out of obscurity in his "scientific" paper "Indices of Relative Weight and Obesity".

Mr. Keys was a corrupt corporate shill who's initial claim to infamy was K rations. He's the guy who decided that instead of an extra 400 calories of food in the K rations to sooth our soldiers' hunger, they needed Chesterfields.

As a consequence, post WWII the rate of smoking in America skyrocketed. And so did the rates of cardiopulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

He further gained infamy (and money) with his now thoroughly debunked "diet-heart hypothesis" in which he claimed that dietary saturated fats caused cardiovascular disease. Then he committed research fraud to try to prove it.

As a result of his psuedoscience, people have replaced the healthy saturated fat in their diet with sugar.

This has caused widespread obesity.

The report in the OP based everything off of BMI, nothing else. Did you even bother to open it?
Many people would love to walk more.

But if you live in dangerous cities (no need to be specific!), you could be sucker punched or murdered.

That's why some hotels advise their guests to take a taxi/rideshare even if their destination is only two or three blocks away!
Dam right. No City is safe from thuggery.
That’s not the definition of obese. Look it up

It amazes me that you people can speak with such certainty when you’re factually wrong
First definition in Google:

Obesity is a disorder that involves having too much body fat, usually a body mass index — also known as BMI — of 30 or greater.

Yeah I know YOUR focus is on BMI. But it is understood that it is a high percentage of body fat. Your problem is with how we measure obesity
First definition in Google:

Obesity is a disorder that involves having too much body fat, usually a body mass index — also known as BMI — of 30 or greater.

Yeah I know YOUR focus is on BMI. But it is understood that it is a high percentage of body fat. Your problem is with how we measure obesity
Fair enough, I stand corrected, definition wise

I’ve been through enough employee health screenings that classify me as morbidly obese for health insurance purposes that it’s a sore subject

Pretty insane that the tool used to measure a disorder of having too much body fat is also a tool that fails to measure body fat in any shape, way or form
Yeah I know YOUR focus is on BMI. But it is understood that it is a high percentage of body fat. Your problem is with how we measure obesity

Did you read the article in the OP?

The entire thing is based upon BMI
Obese doesn’t automatically equal “fat”
Correct. The BMI scale is used to show trends across populations in countries, it doesn't/can't determine fat, and where someone's weight is from.

It also doesn't take into account frame/bone size.
Correct. The BMI scale is used to show trends across populations in countries, it doesn't/can't determine fat, and where someone's weight is from.

It also doesn't take into account frame/bone size.
... or bone density.
That's only 6 years. And to make it sound worse, 1 in 4 Americans will be severely obese. This is not a disease of being lazy, this is a dietary and nutritional hellscape, with some parts of the country being in a food desert, surrounded by high fat, low cost food choices. Some is pure gluttony, as well.

A tidal wave of fat, and the ailments that come with it, now appears virtually inevitable in the United States.

New research finds that by 2030, nearly half of American adults — 49.2% to be exact — will be obese. In every single state, no fewer than 35% of adults will have a body mass index of at least 30, the threshold that defines obesity.

New year’s resolutions aside, this is not about whether you’ll fit into your skinny jeans a decade from now. Body mass index, a measure of fatness based on a person’s height and weight, has its limitations as a predictor of personal health. But in large populations where rates of obesity are higher, people tend to be sicker, live shorter lives, and incur steeper healthcare expenses.

And that means the new study results are a harbinger of pretty poor American health.

Even worse: As the nation continues to accumulate fat, nearly 1 in 4 U.S. adults will have“severe obesity.”

Defined as having a BMI of 40 or above, severe obesity will become about as common in 2030 as regular obesity was in the 1990s. Where Americans were already obese, the generation behind them is expected to become severely obese — and their risk of joint and back problems, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and early death will be even higher.

The findings were published in this week’s edition of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Yep obesity is a problem I have suffered from as an adult. Lost 85, lbs before, 75 lbs, 50 lbs.... now on my quest to loose 100 lbs. Down 45 lbs so far almost half way to goal.

... but despite having weight problems on/ off through the years I been in excellent shape. I have thinned down 85 lbs to less than 10% bodyfat and won medals in weight lifting competitions lifting more than any other competitor in the weight class I dieted down to, or I also did martial arts. Even when I am overweight I still can jog 5 - 10 miles at a 10 minute mile pace. The last time I was 70+ lbs overweight I still managed to jog over 20 miles at a 10 minute mile pace. I have lost 45 lbs, but still am a good 50 lbs overweight that I need to loose. Even when I was 100lbs over weight I still could do 40+ pushups and do 10 wide grip pullups. Hopefully this time when I take the 100 lbs off it will stay off for good and I might be ambitious enough to try a marathon when I get all that fat off.

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