Buyers remorse?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Where is the celebration for the brave new world America is about to enter? Granted lefties are seldom gracious in victory (or anything else) but all we see is sniping at the defeated republican candidate and phony "advice" for the republican party. I haven't seen a single post by the left that is uplifting and positive. I have a sneaking suspicion that the reasonable left is starting to realize what they have done and how it will effect the future of the US. The radical left is so used to hate filled political attacks that they stay in a campaign mode all the time while the world passes them by.
I think some still fear the amount of opposition the Obama administration faces as they go forth with their plans to "rebuild" America. For socialism to work, more people need to be turned into sheeple and that isn't happening. So, attempts at whipping people into submission with verbal attacks, accusations and oppressive new rules and regulations will continue.

AttackWatch is still running, so people are still being reported for thought crimes. After seeing what happened to some who contributed to Romney's campaign, it's clear there is an unspoken threat that enemies of the administration will have hell to pay. Valerie Jarrett already said as much.

They will keep creating new regulations until most people are committing some kind of crime, then I suppose they can pick and choose who to arrest. Maybe if a person is not registered as Democrat, they'll be more of a target than those who have already been turned into sheeple. Guns sales have increased dramatically and that means strict gun control with dire warnings to those who don't obey. Of course, the criminals will yawn, but they aren't the targets anyway.
Where is the celebration for the brave new world America is about to enter? Granted lefties are seldom gracious in victory (or anything else) but all we see is sniping at the defeated republican candidate and phony "advice" for the republican party. I haven't seen a single post by the left that is uplifting and positive. I have a sneaking suspicion that the reasonable left is starting to realize what they have done and how it will effect the future of the US. The radical left is so used to hate filled political attacks that they stay in a campaign mode all the time while the world passes them by.

We are used to them. Anything that happens again and again, you will eventually get used to. But you don't have to like it. At some point, Republicans will have to stop, but not yet. They are still in denial.
Where is the celebration for the brave new world America is about to enter? Granted lefties are seldom gracious in victory (or anything else) but all we see is sniping at the defeated republican candidate and phony "advice" for the republican party. I haven't seen a single post by the left that is uplifting and positive. I have a sneaking suspicion that the reasonable left is starting to realize what they have done and how it will effect the future of the US. The radical left is so used to hate filled political attacks that they stay in a campaign mode all the time while the world passes them by.

Not paying attention or willfully blind? :dunno:

You do realize it only takes one post to make your entire thesis BS, right? Care to retract now or will I have to do a search? Take some time.
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Whitehall, you'll have to end the sour grapes posts sometime. Why not start now?

And no, we are not going to start singing kumbayas just because it hurts your feelings that we don't. We've got work to do.

I might have an excuse for sour grapes but what is the radical left's excuse? Attacking Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party? The election is over, why not tell us how great the next four years will be? Not sure? Neither am I.
Where is the celebration for the brave new world America is about to enter? Granted lefties are seldom gracious in victory (or anything else) but all we see is sniping at the defeated republican candidate and phony "advice" for the republican party. I haven't seen a single post by the left that is uplifting and positive. I have a sneaking suspicion that the reasonable left is starting to realize what they have done and how it will effect the future of the US. The radical left is so used to hate filled political attacks that they stay in a campaign mode all the time while the world passes them by.

You need to return to your fetal position...
Whitehall, you'll have to end the sour grapes posts sometime. Why not start now?

And no, we are not going to start singing kumbayas just because it hurts your feelings that we don't. We've got work to do.

I might have an excuse for sour grapes but what is the radical left's excuse? Attacking Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party? The election is over, why not tell us how great the next four years will be? Not sure? Neither am I.

No, we will continue to attack the evil NaziCon bastards that have made life hell during the past 4 years with obstruction, dirty tricks and voter suppression. Enjoy the ride...
The left operated on nothing but rage and hatred for the 8 years of the Bush Admin.

Obama got elected, and for two years, they had the White House and both Houses of Congress.

They still operated on nothing but rage and hate.

Then the 2010 midterms, and they lost the House. More rage and hate.

They simply can't turn it off.
Where is the celebration for the brave new world America is about to enter? Granted lefties are seldom gracious in victory (or anything else) but all we see is sniping at the defeated republican candidate and phony "advice" for the republican party. I haven't seen a single post by the left that is uplifting and positive. I have a sneaking suspicion that the reasonable left is starting to realize what they have done and how it will effect the future of the US. The radical left is so used to hate filled political attacks that they stay in a campaign mode all the time while the world passes them by.

Not paying attention or willfully blind? :dunno:

You do realize it only takes one post to make your entire thesis BS, right? Care to retract now or will I have to do a search? Take some time.

Are you waiting for the latest Media Matters or Huffington to quote? Come on, look at the posts on the forum. Hardly uplifting unless you think hate speech and angry rhetoric is uplifting?
The left operated on nothing but rage and hatred for the 8 years of the Bush Admin.

Obama got elected, and for two years, they had the White House and both Houses of Congress.

They still operated on nothing but rage and hate.

Then the 2010 midterms, and they lost the House. More rage and hate.

They simply can't turn it off.

Two years? You're such a major dumbass.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years - Detroit liberal |
the second inauguration does not begin till January 20, 2013 - have some patience, you will get what you are asking for.
The left operated on nothing but rage and hatred for the 8 years of the Bush Admin.

Obama got elected, and for two years, they had the White House and both Houses of Congress.

They still operated on nothing but rage and hate.

Then the 2010 midterms, and they lost the House. More rage and hate.

They simply can't turn it off.

Two years? You're such a major dumbass.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years - Detroit liberal |

See? Nothing but rage and hatred. :lmao:
The left operated on nothing but rage and hatred for the 8 years of the Bush Admin.

Obama got elected, and for two years, they had the White House and both Houses of Congress.

They still operated on nothing but rage and hate.

Then the 2010 midterms, and they lost the House. More rage and hate.

They simply can't turn it off.

Their psyche is similar to Hamas. Thank God they don't have access to rockets........on second thought, they do!
Where is the celebration for the brave new world America is about to enter? Granted lefties are seldom gracious in victory (or anything else) but all we see is sniping at the defeated republican candidate and phony "advice" for the republican party. I haven't seen a single post by the left that is uplifting and positive. I have a sneaking suspicion that the reasonable left is starting to realize what they have done and how it will effect the future of the US. The radical left is so used to hate filled political attacks that they stay in a campaign mode all the time while the world passes them by.

You had the same suspicions about electoral math. I'd stop trusting your instincts if I were you since they obviously suck.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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