Butthurt Rep. Adam Schiff not told about special ops kill of ISIS leader

He's the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Ahh, poor baby !

House Intelligence chair says he wasn't told about al-Baghdadi operation

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff were not informed in advance of the U.S. special operations forces raid in northwestern Syria in which ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died, Schiff said on ABC’s "This Week"

"My understanding [Pelosi] wasn’t [told].

House Intelligence chair says he wasn't told about al-Baghdadi operation

What's the big deal? Schiff knows now, and I hope he received the message that Donald J Trumps is someone not to be trifled with.
There is little doubt that he would have discussed it with Pelosi and the democrat cabal and it would have been leaked to the Post or the Times beforehand. Knowing democrats the intent would have been to derail the mission in order to make the administration look bad.
I could easily see Schiff and Pelosi alerting al-Baghdadi of the operation, hoping for U.S. casualties so they could blame Trump for the death of American forces. They are capable of anything.

Capable? You'd get the shitty Schiff award had you shared your idea with him beforehand. He would have been so excited about that idea.
Keep in mind, no one on the Committee was told.

Do you see anything wrong with keeping secret operations secret?

There is an old phrase out there, perhaps you've heard it "Loose Lips Sink Ships".

Can you imagine what a catastrophe it could have been if a disloyal individual got the information and passed it to al-Baghdadi?
Shitt and Nancy would have ruin the raid.

It's a good thing they were not told! a wise decision!

They can throw all the tantrums they want now, hehehe! :wink_2:

Dems slobbering that they were not informed first. They were not informed because they would have leaked it to prevent it because many think Muslim terrorists have a legitimate beef.
Keep in mind, no one on the Committee was told.

Do you see anything wrong with keeping secret operations secret?

There is an old phrase out there, perhaps you've heard it "Loose Lips Sink Ships".

Can you imagine what a catastrophe it could have been if a disloyal individual got the information and passed it to al-Baghdadi?
Putin knew. Assad knew. Erdogan knew. They gave American helicopters safe passage for the two hour trip. It was too dangerous to tell democrats. They would have run to the media immediately.
Trump would be wise to not tell ANY Democrat ANYTHING he plans to do. They've shown repeatedly they are more than willing to compromise national security if it means denying a Republican President any kind of victory.

Exactly...bug eyed, pencil necked Adam Schiff would be the last person on Earth who should have been informed of what was planned for the ISIS leader.

President Trump is to be congratulated for playing his cards close to his chest.
Trump would be wise to not tell ANY Democrat ANYTHING he plans to do. They've shown repeatedly they are more than willing to compromise national security if it means denying a Republican President any kind of victory.

Unfortunately there a number of Republicans that it would have been wise to leave off the list... Sad commentary but true...

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