Butthurt Rep. Adam Schiff not told about special ops kill of ISIS leader

There is little doubt that he would have discussed it with Pelosi and the democrat cabal and it would have been leaked to the Post or the Times beforehand. Knowing democrats the intent would have been to derail the mission in order to make the administration look bad.
I could easily see Schiff and Pelosi alerting al-Baghdadi of the operation, hoping for U.S. casualties so they could blame Trump for the death of American forces. They are capable of anything.
You’re bat shit crazy.
Only leaker I remember was Trump leaking Israeli info to Russia

Its impossible for a President to leak anything, by definition.

The POTUS alone determines what is classified and what is not.
there are protocols to follow, which he did not do.
There is little doubt that he would have discussed it with Pelosi and the democrat cabal and it would have been leaked to the Post or the Times beforehand. Knowing democrats the intent would have been to derail the mission in order to make the administration look bad.
I could easily see Schiff and Pelosi alerting al-Baghdadi of the operation, hoping for U.S. casualties so they could blame Trump for the death of American forces. They are capable of anything.
You’re bat shit crazy.
Only leaker I remember was Trump leaking Israeli info to Russia

Its impossible for a President to leak anything, by definition.

The POTUS alone determines what is classified and what is not.
there are protocols to follow, which he did not do.
What protocols did he not follow?
That is 100% bullshit Trump by this dastardly move, not informing opposition party, showed that he is the worst pos ever to enter our WH Deserves impeachment and jail
I believe they would have leaked it to.

I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't leak it.

President Trump is the "existential threat" to America in their view, not the caliph.

If they could find something to attack him on, like a failed mission, that would be a positive in their view. The fact that others might die, that's just collateral damage.
Very true. He could trust the Turks, Kurds, and Russia to respect operational security, but The President cannot trust the House Leadership. That's the price for their lying, they cannot be trusted with operational intelligence.

Of course, President Trump had to give a certain amount of "heads up" to powers in the area.

But letting Chuck and Nancy would have have LOVED to see the operation collapse as it would have been a black mark against the Trumpster.

The fact that no one leaked the operation shows that President Trump has resolved this matter of leakage. He kept it as strictly a Military Operation, no CIA involvement whatsoever.

Keeping the CIA, the intelligence establishment and the libs out of the loop was the key to the whole plan.

This is why I am more certain than ever that President Trump knows exactly who the "whistleblower" is , because he keeps the WH information very tight.

The American people understand all this....they are not as stupid as the democrats think they are.

One thing about the democrats is very,very obvious now.....they are in a self destruct mode.

So afflicted with TDS they have gone nuts and do not even realize what they have done with their treasonous behavior.
Yup. And Schiff is a real dirty bird.

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