But Isnt This Racism? Why Arent Dimocrats Demanding Answers and the World to Isolate These Racists?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Wow, so the new President of South Africa is saying that they havent started their genocide of whites in that country, but just not yet.

And the Dimocrat crickets are not even chirping, lol.

The "Hitler Of South Africa" Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them...Yet!

Malema is a prominent politician in South Africa and at the forefront of his country’s movement to confiscate land from white property owners and redistribute it to the country’s black population.

No actual specifics about the plan have been revealed, of course.

So even if someone thinks this land grab is social justice, it’s at least reasonable to acknowledge the massive corruption that plagues South Africa’s government.

And presuming that a multi-billion dollar expropriation wouldn’t be fraught with graft is just plain naive.

There has also been zero acknowledgement that forced exprorpriation of private property would cause a wave of defaults on real estate mortgages, triggering a massive banking crisis and unforgiving recession.

South Africa already has a prime example about the economic consequences: Zimbabwe’s own land expropriation plunged that country into an economic cataclysm spanning two decades.

Yet these all seem to be irrelevant details.

Malema even went so far as to downplay Zimbabwe’s economic catastrophe, saying “You cannot [measure] the Zimbawean revolution based on the capitalist definition.”

I’m not sure what Marxist definition he’s using to measure success.

But we do know that two decades after land redistribution in Zimbabwe (which used to be considered the breadbasket of southern Africa), more than a quarter of the population is in danger of starving to death.

So even by the most basic metrics, Zimbabwe’s policies have been a total failure. Copying them is tantamount to suicide.

It’s truly astonishing that someone so dangerous and out of touch has been able to rise to power. And even more astonishing how quickly it’s happened.

A decade ago few people had heard of Malema. Now he commands millions and grows more powerful each day.

Swift, radical changes like this are common around the world, and throughout history.

In 1913, just a few years before the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks were a tiny group of radicals. Four years later they had taken over the entire country.

In 1928, the Nazi party was an obscure joke, winning a mere 2.6% of the votes in the national election that year.

Not even five years later, Adolf Hitler was German chancellor and had been awarded supreme power by the Enabling Act of 1933.
This is why Nazis like Andrew Weissman and Robert Mueller are not funny to serious people who want to defend freedom and lives.
Wow, so the new President of South Africa is saying that they havent started their genocide of whites in that country, but just not yet.

And the Dimocrat crickets are not even chirping, lol.

The "Hitler Of South Africa" Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them...Yet!

Malema is a prominent politician in South Africa and at the forefront of his country’s movement to confiscate land from white property owners and redistribute it to the country’s black population.

No actual specifics about the plan have been revealed, of course.

So even if someone thinks this land grab is social justice, it’s at least reasonable to acknowledge the massive corruption that plagues South Africa’s government.

And presuming that a multi-billion dollar expropriation wouldn’t be fraught with graft is just plain naive.

There has also been zero acknowledgement that forced exprorpriation of private property would cause a wave of defaults on real estate mortgages, triggering a massive banking crisis and unforgiving recession.

South Africa already has a prime example about the economic consequences: Zimbabwe’s own land expropriation plunged that country into an economic cataclysm spanning two decades.

Yet these all seem to be irrelevant details.

Malema even went so far as to downplay Zimbabwe’s economic catastrophe, saying “You cannot [measure] the Zimbawean revolution based on the capitalist definition.”

I’m not sure what Marxist definition he’s using to measure success.

But we do know that two decades after land redistribution in Zimbabwe (which used to be considered the breadbasket of southern Africa), more than a quarter of the population is in danger of starving to death.

So even by the most basic metrics, Zimbabwe’s policies have been a total failure. Copying them is tantamount to suicide.

It’s truly astonishing that someone so dangerous and out of touch has been able to rise to power. And even more astonishing how quickly it’s happened.

A decade ago few people had heard of Malema. Now he commands millions and grows more powerful each day.

Swift, radical changes like this are common around the world, and throughout history.

In 1913, just a few years before the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks were a tiny group of radicals. Four years later they had taken over the entire country.

In 1928, the Nazi party was an obscure joke, winning a mere 2.6% of the votes in the national election that year.

Not even five years later, Adolf Hitler was German chancellor and had been awarded supreme power by the Enabling Act of 1933.
This is why Nazis like Andrew Weissman and Robert Mueller are not funny to serious people who want to defend freedom and lives.

So you think Mueller is going to take over South America? That's an odd accusation.
Wow, so the new President of South Africa is saying that they havent started their genocide of whites in that country, but just not yet.

And the Dimocrat crickets are not even chirping, lol.

The "Hitler Of South Africa" Tells White People, He Won't Kill Them...Yet!

Malema is a prominent politician in South Africa and at the forefront of his country’s movement to confiscate land from white property owners and redistribute it to the country’s black population.

No actual specifics about the plan have been revealed, of course.

So even if someone thinks this land grab is social justice, it’s at least reasonable to acknowledge the massive corruption that plagues South Africa’s government.

And presuming that a multi-billion dollar expropriation wouldn’t be fraught with graft is just plain naive.

There has also been zero acknowledgement that forced exprorpriation of private property would cause a wave of defaults on real estate mortgages, triggering a massive banking crisis and unforgiving recession.

South Africa already has a prime example about the economic consequences: Zimbabwe’s own land expropriation plunged that country into an economic cataclysm spanning two decades.

Yet these all seem to be irrelevant details.

Malema even went so far as to downplay Zimbabwe’s economic catastrophe, saying “You cannot [measure] the Zimbawean revolution based on the capitalist definition.”

I’m not sure what Marxist definition he’s using to measure success.

But we do know that two decades after land redistribution in Zimbabwe (which used to be considered the breadbasket of southern Africa), more than a quarter of the population is in danger of starving to death.

So even by the most basic metrics, Zimbabwe’s policies have been a total failure. Copying them is tantamount to suicide.

It’s truly astonishing that someone so dangerous and out of touch has been able to rise to power. And even more astonishing how quickly it’s happened.

A decade ago few people had heard of Malema. Now he commands millions and grows more powerful each day.

Swift, radical changes like this are common around the world, and throughout history.

In 1913, just a few years before the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks were a tiny group of radicals. Four years later they had taken over the entire country.

In 1928, the Nazi party was an obscure joke, winning a mere 2.6% of the votes in the national election that year.

Not even five years later, Adolf Hitler was German chancellor and had been awarded supreme power by the Enabling Act of 1933.
This is why Nazis like Andrew Weissman and Robert Mueller are not funny to serious people who want to defend freedom and lives.

So you think Mueller is going to take over South America? That's an odd accusation.

Your stupidity only proves that you are indeed stupid, shit4brains.
In all fairness, Mr. Malema is not the president of South Africa.


On the bigger question, many Caucasians have already left the country, realizing that there is no future for them in that country.

After the fall of apartheid, many black and white South Africans of goodwill looked forward to a harmonious multi-ethnic society.

Sadly, they were mistaken.

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