Bush's Lying To Start A War Is A War Crime!!!

So your a sadam supporter. Probably a binladen supporter as well. Your definately not an American. Are you on the same payroll as the rest of those un weenies?
Originally posted by sitarro
Oh no , President Bush's religous fervor , God help us . . . excuse me . . . Satan help us . Heaven err. . . Hell forbid that the United States would vote in a leader with some religious beliefs , how simpleton of us .

Hello my friend, I am quite confident that after reading your reply and many of your previous posts you are extremly arrogant and consider yourself to be a GOOD CHRISTIAN.

Thats fine. Though these two traits combined make it impossible for anyone to remain impartial on any subject pertaining to world events. Therefore it would be [as you pointed out] pointless to atempt to engage in any real debate with me. I doubt wheather you heve ever tried to reason with an islamic fundamentalist, so if this is the case, I can tell you from my own experience that it is an exercise in futility. I would place you and many of your countrymen in the same category. Your beleifs and those of many others around the globe are amusingly as credible as a childs fairytale.[created by men with wonderfull imaginations]
Its the year 2004 lets not base our thinking around this obsolete notion. Its blatently obvious that these traits are still the major cause of pointless division and suffering around the world.
Be brave, move on, GOD wont mind.

NOTE TO ALL: re my previous post.
I am completely aware that most of you would have read about Wolfowitz,s report and approve of a christian president, you miss my point. That being to ignore and dismiss that the people running America today are the advocates and creaters of these ideals and that policy is not affected by them is foolish.

P.S. In twenty years someone will have to add another chapter to BARBARA W. TUCKMAN"S THE MARCH OF FOLLY From Troy To Veitnam. [ABACUS]
Please do not assume that I believe this to be the sole cause of the war in iraq.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Why not let God speak for Himself? He has done quiet fine till now.

Which GOD vishna, its Apu's favorite.
Let go of your security blanket. Youl end up in the same place when you die anyway......................THE GROUND................
Originally posted by Avatar4321
I actually havent heard of it. well i think ive heard of it just never paid attention. whats it about?

It's a conservative think tank and their plan to fix the world. Check it out. They have some well thought out essays. Many members are now players in the Bush administration.
PNAC, "The Project for the New American Century".

It's now just an office in DC occupied by two men, Kristol as the Chief Editor (Just like Jeff Rense at www.rense.com, lol).

But it's military budget and foriegn policy recommendations written up prior to Bush taking office was carried out in 2001 without revision.

That's because then-founders Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Armitage, and even Jeb Bush all published through this non-profit organization while waiting out the next election cycle.

Definately check this out. No better source can be had, when researching "neo-con" policy. You might even agree with some of it!

Here's specifics I wrote up earlier...


(One page down)
Originally posted by BONDI BOY
Originally posted by sitarro
Oh no , President Bush's religous fervor , God help us . . . excuse me . . . Satan help us . Heaven err. . . Hell forbid that the United States would vote in a leader with some religious beliefs , how simpleton of us .

[Hello my friend, I am quite confident that after reading your reply and many of your previous posts you are extremly arrogant and consider yourself to be a GOOD CHRISTIAN.

[Thats fine. Though these two traits combined make it impossible for anyone to remain impartial on any subject pertaining to world events. ]

Well Bondi, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghnt . . . . wrong , guess again. I was raised Catholic but for the last 30 years I have only gone to church for Weddings or Funerals . I don't think of myself as conservative , I am an Artist/Illustrator/Photographer. I grew up mostly in the south but lived all over the United States , so I have had and enjoyed guns for 40 years , I'm not afraid of them. I Paid for and drove my girlfriend 200 miles so she could abort a pregnancy in my 20s . I tried almost every kind of drug in college and liked pot the best . I have had quit a few one nighters , and I have long hair and a beard . But I also love the game of golf . I am a big fan of Jazz but also love 70s-2000 popular and alternative music . I am normally quite friendly and have a great sense of humor. I would have to say your assumptions aren't even remotely close to who I am .
I like President Bush , living in Texas , I know people that know him and I am told very favorable things about him as a person , things that you wouldn't believe because you misjudge him as much as you have me . I am actually a registered Democrat , I became one because of John F. Kennedy , he was quite the role model for a young kid. I haven't seen a Democrat since him that approaches what I saw in him . He would be consider a Neo-con by a guy like you . I also didn't vote for Pres.Bush in the last election , I voted for the Liberatarian candidate . I knew that Bush had the Electorals from Texas and wouldn't need my vote , so I voted for less Government .
I probably shouldn't have revealed so much about myself but I thought it would be fun to show you how wrong you can be and I never did post on the introduction thread .
President Bush is a Christian , I doubt that the fundamentalist part is applicable , are you against Christians?Are you actually going to try to compare Christian Fundamentalist with Islamic Fundamentalist ???? That tells a lot about you . What ideals are you afraid of exactly ?
By the way Bondi , you should be proud of your countrymen , unlike Spain the polls indicate that a majority of Australians not only approve of the action in Iraq a majority also want the force that is there to stay . Sounds like they have some balls , I'm impressed.
Originally posted by sitarro
Originally posted by BONDI BOY
Originally posted by sitarro

President Bush is a Christian , I doubt that the fundamentalist part is applicable , are you against Christians?Are you actually going to try to compare Christian Fundamentalist with Islamic Fundamentalist ???? That tells a lot about you . What ideals are you afraid of exactly ?

YES. I sense you might be saying that ones less offensive than the other.
There both groups of religious extremists that would take extreme measures to defend what they believe to be the only acceptable way to live life.
You say your not religious bulls..t.
I know u better than u do. BIGGOT.
The sadest thing about a racist is he or she dont know there racist
Originally posted by jimnyc
How does one become a 'racist' by having different views on religion?

Because Islam is embraced by complletely different cultures and races than our own so by discriminating against it goes hand in hand with racism.
Yes there are exceptions to this but unfourtunatly its rare.
Originally posted by BONDI BOY
Because Islam is embraced by complletely different cultures and races than our own so by discriminating against it goes hand in hand with racism.
Yes there are exceptions to this but unfourtunatly its rare.

But he wasn't speaking directly about the respective religions, but rather the fundamentalists. I think it's fair to point out the disparities between the two without being labeled a racist or bigot.
Originally posted by sitarro
Originally posted by BONDI BOY
Originally posted by sitarro
Oh I am actually a registered Democrat , I became one because of John F. Kennedy , he was quite the role model for a young kid. I haven't seen a Democrat since him that approaches what I saw in him . He would be consider a Neo-con by a guy like you .]

I also like JFK and think he was a good man but not without his faults. [one his father]
You im sure refuse to have your hero defamed,like most Americans you love putting people on pedestals.
READ Seymour Hersh's The Dark Side Of Camelot.

Being a big fan of JFK Im suprised you didnt pick up on me mentioning B.W.TUCKMAN in my previous post. Ofcourse you would know what a huge fan JFK was after he read THE GUNS OF AUGUST. This helped him make the all the right decisions during the Cuban missile crissis.
Being such a fan, if he was still with us im sure he would also have loved THE MARCH OF FOLLY . And made the same links that i have between events in this book and Iraq.
If he was in power now we definately would not be in Iraq, he always avoided conflict when unnecessary.

But you knew all this.
Get a grip Bondi boy , :rolleyes:
I don't believe I ever said that I was a big fan of JFK , He is dead . I was in 4th grade when he was shot , I watched the funeral and watched as my parents cried , that left an impression . I do know that he wasn't the whimpy ass Democrat of today and he believed in the idea of lowering taxes to fuel an economy . As far as strudying his father , I don't care , I am too busy with things I enjoy to use that time to read someones opinion on someone I don't care about .
Actually , Richard Nixon will always be highly regarded by me because he took us out of Vietnam . That is a lot more vivid in my memory since my lottery number was under 100 and I was definitely going to go and I wasn't interested in doing that . The U.S. had been there for a long time , politicians were running the war and preventing the military from fighting it to win, I didn't want to become a sacrificial lamb for an embicile racist like L.B.J. .
Although I have been somewhat of a dog in college , I still thought that Bill Clinton was scum and an idiot . I wasn't married when I was screwing around with other singles. . . college girls . This guy was stupid enough to trust a 23 year old with one of the biggest secrets of all time , that doesn't say brain surgeon to me . I am 50 myself and can't imagine being interested in doing anything with a 23 year old .
As far as Islam , again I don't care . I am not impressed with the idea of getting a bunch of virgins for blowing myself up to murder innocent women and children . I don't believe in teaching hate . I also am not in favor of holding down women , keeping them covered head to toe and abusing them .I don't believe we were put on this earth to spend most of our time worshipping some deity , that is something a pile of crap like Hussein would want not a God that could create something like the duck-bill platupus . The God I believe in has an incredible sense of humor. If others want to believe that other stuff , fine , but when you start killing people in the name of religion , you are wrong , period . If that makes me a racist , so be it .

Now you know a little bit more about me and you will no doubt continue to misjudge me . What is it with you people from countries other than The United States ? You guys seem to always want to preface everything you say with "you Americans" . Why are you guys so absorbed with Americans , I've heard the same crap from Europeans , you guys love to assume the worst from Americans. I don't assume Australians are criminals because of the origin of your country . I don't think I know all Australians because I am familiar with Greg Norman , Olivia Newton John and Nicole Kidman . I have always assumed that Aussies were our friends and pretty cool . . . I hope you aren't out to prove me wrong .

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