Bush persona vs Obama


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I've watched a few interviews with George W. Bush the last few days.

I can't believe how refreshing it is. Seriously, if a presidential election were held today, with Bush vs Obama, Bush wins by a landslide.

I can't believe the contrast in honest patriotism, HUMILITY, class, and just overall presidential persona Bush has when compared to our current president.

The overwhelming contrast I feel from watching the two is the humility factor. Bush comes across as so humble when contrasted with the arrogant demeanor of the constantly whining Obama. Anyone else get that sense?
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No. Bush was an illiterate douche...although he has recently admitted he fucked up over a few things, so kudos to him... Mind you, it took him over two years to do so...
Let's ask Bush's speechwriter:

"I always believed as a speechwriter that if you could persuade the president to commit himself to certain words, he would feel himself committed to the ideas that underlay those words. And the big shock to me has been that although the president said the words, he just did not absorb the ideas. And that is the root of, maybe, everything."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush
America has a serious case of buyers remorse. What makes it worse is Obama doesn't care. He's not a politician, he's a community organizer.
America has a serious case of buyers remorse. What makes it worse is Obama doesn't care. He's not a politician, he's a community organizer.

And today's authoritarian GOP are community dis-organizers and community destroyers.
It easier to talk once your out of office. You can look back and reflect on the woulda, shoulda, couldas and get a little more perspective.

But lets be blunt; Who would you rather share a beer with? A man that knows what it is like to do a days labor? Or some asshole that wants you to pay? :lol:
I've watched a few interviews with George W. Bush the last few days.

I can't believe how refreshing it is. Seriously, if a presidential election were held today, with Bush vs Obama, Bush wins by a landslide.

I can't believe the contrast in honest patriotism, HUMILITY, class, and just overall presidential persona Bush has when compared to our current president.

The overwhelming contrast I feel from watching the two is the humility factor. Bush comes across as so humble when contrasted with the arrogant demeanor of the constantly whining Obama. Anyone else get that sense?

Giant belt buckle and giant truck. How humble!
It easier to talk once your out of office. You can look back and reflect on the woulda, shoulda, couldas and get a little more perspective.

But lets be blunt; Who would you rather share a beer with? A man that knows what it is like to do a days labor? Or some asshole that wants you to pay? :lol:

You're right. Obama made his guests pay for those beers, and Bush was not a Connecticut transplant rich boy to Texas, and totally knows about a day's labor.:lol:
America has a serious case of buyers remorse. What makes it worse is Obama doesn't care. He's not a politician, he's a community organizer.

And today's authoritarian GOP are community dis-organizers and community destroyers.

So why did the voters allow the GOP to defeat many many democrats last week?

There are no simple answers. But it is probably why human history has been dominated by aristocracies and plutocracies. Power and wealth have always had an advantage over the common man.

What really made America 'exceptional' was the robust middle class we saw blossom from the New Deal through the Great Society. But when power and wealth decide to fight back, and have one party in their pocket, the outcome is not in doubt.

30+ years of conservative policies that were a concentrated assault on the middle guy and the little guy has neither built or created anything, but the destruction can only be ignored by someone who is so brainwashed that they vote for more.

I heard a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries say the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.
I've watched a few interviews with George W. Bush the last few days.

I can't believe how refreshing it is. Seriously, if a presidential election were held today, with Bush vs Obama, Bush wins by a landslide.

I can't believe the contrast in honest patriotism, HUMILITY, class, and just overall presidential persona Bush has when compared to our current president.

The overwhelming contrast I feel from watching the two is the humility factor. Bush comes across as so humble when contrasted with the arrogant demeanor of the constantly whining Obama. Anyone else get that sense?

I would not have thought that someone would associate the characteristic of humility to George Bush, when considering the national security/ foreign policy actions of his administration. You might wish to check out the book

"Wanting War"
Why the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq
by Jeffrey Record.

This book presents a very harsh critique of the "neoconservatives" who had a powerful influence during the Bush years.

While he may very well possess personal characteristics such as humility, you did raise the issue of his "presidential persona" which should be characterized by the policies and actions of his Administration.
I've watched a few interviews with George W. Bush the last few days.

I can't believe how refreshing it is. Seriously, if a presidential election were held today, with Bush vs Obama, Bush wins by a landslide.

I can't believe the contrast in honest patriotism, HUMILITY, class, and just overall presidential persona Bush has when compared to our current president.

The overwhelming contrast I feel from watching the two is the humility factor. Bush comes across as so humble when contrasted with the arrogant demeanor of the constantly whining Obama. Anyone else get that sense?

Giant belt buckle and giant truck. How humble!

That ain't no giant truck you pansy. It's a standard pick up. You must drive one of these


if you think a regular run of the mill pick up is "giant"
America has a serious case of buyers remorse. What makes it worse is Obama doesn't care. He's not a politician, he's a community organizer.

And today's authoritarian GOP are community dis-organizers and community destroyers.

So why did the voters allow the GOP to defeat many many democrats last week?

because, sadly enough, we are a nation inhabited by large numbers of instant gratification, ADD inflicted uninformed sheep who didn't say SHIT for eight years while Dubya drove the economy over the cliff, but somehow, think that Obama should have taken us back to the days of Father Knows Best and Leave it to Beaver in 20 months.

Again... the voters will get another wake up call when Boner submits his first budget... and they will see that the new boss is just the same as the old boss.

Sadly, they will forget THAT lesson as well in a matter of months. They will be ready to get all pumped up about DWTS or Survivor or American Idol until the next election when they'll fall for the cutest soundbite all over again.

The foundation of democracy is an informed electorate.... something we ain't got.

By then, I will be an expatriate living outside of America...
I've watched a few interviews with George W. Bush the last few days.

I can't believe how refreshing it is. Seriously, if a presidential election were held today, with Bush vs Obama, Bush wins by a landslide.

I can't believe the contrast in honest patriotism, HUMILITY, class, and just overall presidential persona Bush has when compared to our current president.

The overwhelming contrast I feel from watching the two is the humility factor. Bush comes across as so humble when contrasted with the arrogant demeanor of the constantly whining Obama. Anyone else get that sense?

Giant belt buckle and giant truck. How humble!

That ain't no giant truck you pansy. It's a standard pick up. You must drive one of these


if you think a regular run of the mill pick up is "giant"

There's a big difference between this:

and this

maineman, you described the typical electorate perfectly.
youd have to be really stupid or misinformed to believe that the bush era is something to be missed. and as for who you'd rather have a beer with? that's so funny, because bush is the epitome of what it means to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. he was born into wealth.
what is to be missed? a president who sent our men and women to die in a cause from which there's no escape? a president who did everything in his power to protect the richest two percent of the public? a president who stood idly by as new orleans was destroyed? a president who let americans be murdered on 9/11, when all the signs were there that al qaeda was planning an attack?
morons. yeah, go have a beer with him. maybe he can tell you about what it's like to grow up wiping your ass with hundred dollar bills.
By then, I will be an expatriate living outside of America...
hey Hoss, don't let the door hit you in the ass.
oh, I won't big fella... don't worry... and thanks for that nice fat retirement check you'll keep depositing in my bank.:razz:
And with the US Government going broke, we both know there is absolutely no possibility of you getting an IOU in the mail.
There is no possibility of the US Government "means testing" your retirement check.
There's no possibility of the US Government taxing retirement checks of people who live outside the US.

No possibility I tell ya', none. :lol:
By then, I will be an expatriate living outside of America...

hey Hoss, don't let the door hit you in the ass.

oh, I won't big fella... don't worry... and thanks for that nice fat retirement check you'll keep depositing in my bank.:razz:

hey no problemo. I am something of a philanthropist, mopping floors deserves recognition and reward just like any other vocation....enjoy the Slurpees and chiz wiz your years of service have earned you.

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