Bush IQ higher than Kerry's

wallyvon said:
I must retire for the moment, but don't worry, I'll be back to lambast you fools in the morning.

unfortunatly once SE gets reading your posts I doubt you will be with us much longer :(
CivilLiberty said:
You know, I think I found a scoring error in this IQ test.

They want a "TRUE" for question 29, but that's not correct, or at least it's ambiguous:

I wrote them this:

There actually were five "f"'s in that sentence. It's very easy to overlook the word "of," which appears once. There was another but I forgot.
a conservative message board just wouldnt seem right without suppression of free speech, now would it? I fully expect that to happen.
wallyvon said:
a conservative message board just wouldnt seem right without suppression of free speech, now would it? I fully expect that to happen.

Actually we welcome people from all political veins - where did you get the idea that we are only a conservative message board? And the people we throw out are the troublemakers, which you are looking more and more like!
you jest. I'm just offering my opinion, isn't that what messageboards are for?
wallyvon said:
a conservative message board just wouldnt seem right without suppression of free speech, now would it? I fully expect that to happen.
Free speech isn't a problem, you're a problem.
wallyvon said:
I'm prepared for 4 years of pain. And I'm going to make you all feel it as best I can.
Right here you're admitting to being a troll. You're just here to stir shit up and this board isn't about that. If you want to actually have some kind of debate or conversation, you could start by coming off intelligently, give reasons and links to the crap you're spewing. Other than that, you're just a troll.
wallyvon said:
you jest. I'm just offering my opinion, isn't that what messageboards are for?

When your first post on the "US Message Board" is about how you would kill Americans if you were an Iraqi, I see a troublemaker.
I know a good number of religious fools in real life. And you guys are all the same; you can't live in the real world alongside differing opinions, you need to encapsulate yourself with opinions like your own. You live in fairyland. I'm trying to welcome you to the real world.
i'll just create a new moniker. They won't be able to track me.
gop_jeff said:
When your first post on the "US Message Board" is about how you would kill Americans if you were an Iraqi, I see a troublemaker.
Oh yeah, that too! :mad:
wallyvon said:
I know a good number of religious fools in real life. And you guys are all the same; you can't live in the real world alongside differing opinions, you need to encapsulate yourself with opinions like your own. You live in fairyland. I'm trying to welcome you to the real world.

Bringing religion into it already? So now we are all religious bigots, but you're the open-minded liberal? How tolerant of you. :rolleyes:
wallyvon said:
I'm trying to welcome you to the real world.
If the "real world" is your world, I don't want it! You're a hateful little person and I wouldn't want to be that miserable!
wallyvon said:
i'll just create a new moniker. They won't be able to track me.

Good luck.

BTW, if you want to talk religion, why not post about it in the RELIGION forum!? That's what it's there for! Go on, tell all of us what morons the Christians are! :mad:
did i ever claim to be a tolerant liberal? No! I'm not tolerant at all, I'm not a liberal. But I especially hate religious fools like you.
wallyvon said:
I hate you, and everyone who voted for bush. I wont lie. and if you were to come up to me and state this, I would have trouble restraining myself from beating the shit out of you. But since this is only an online forum, I will try to show you your folly, although it is probably a lost cause.

I know Wade has been banned again but i seriously had to laugh at this one. I dont think he could beat up any of the lovely ladies we had here. lol.

This is a pure example what happens to people when they have no moral core to rely on. They end up having no life and troll message boards thinking they are cool.
Question 29:

For a sentence with such fine phrasing, there are five instances of the sixth letter from the alphabet here

It appears that you have set this with the "correct" answer being "TRUE".

However, based on the wording of this question, the correct answer should be FALSE.

1) The letter F is the sixth letter in the alphabet.
2) The letter F appears only 3 times in that sentence.
3) While "PH" sounds like "F", it is NOT "F". You cannot say that there are "5 instances of the sixth letter" based on sound.
4) If that's what you intended, then this question needs to be re-worded to clarify that you are looking for the "F" phoneme, and not the letter "F".



It shows up 5 times in the sentence not three. I answered False, I guess my test is off then.
no1tovote4 said:
It shows up 5 times in the sentence not three. I answered False, I guess my test is off then.

Yea, I looked at it again this morning... guess that's my weak spot... I was overly excited that I *thought* I found an error - heh.



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