Bush gave obama an economy that was flatlining.

Reagan had it worse than Obama....

And in four years, we put him back in office by a landslide.

Obama is one-termer.

I think we should put Chris on suicide watch come November 7th.

Got some facts on that, I was a young working girl and do not ever remember it being as bad as it has been in the last 4 years.
The mess Barry inherited was decades in the making. Both parties contributed to it.

Barry has had four years to fix it and hasn't done jack shit. His policies didn't work and he's two damned arrogant to look back in history to see what did work and copy like a son of a bitch.

Reagan had a worse mess and he fixed it in 2yrs. Reagan also won re-election in a landslide.

Doubt very seriously that Barry is gonna win anything in a landslide. Unless you count that kick to the curb coming in Nov.
The day Bush left office, gasoline was a $1.84 per gallon. Since Obama took office, it has gone up a staggering 158%. And that’s not all. This is important for the American people to know:

  • Eggs are up 73%.
  • Coffee is up 90%.
  • Peanut butter up 40%.
  • Milk 25%.
  • White bread 39%.
  • Spaghetti, macaroni is up 44%.
  • Orange juice 46%.
  • Apple juice 43%.
  • Wine up 60%.
  • Electricity up 42%.
  • Beef steak up 41%.
  • Ground beef up 61%.
  • Margarine up 143%.

After 4 years and 100% of his plans to "fix" things it is overwhelmingly apparent that Obama has destroyed everything. And we all know that people like lilolady, Chris, joeB., etc. know that. We all know that they know Bush had nothing to do with any of this nightmare. So the only real question is, why do people like this prefer ideology over success? Why would they rather see people in the streets hungry than admit their philosophy on economics is completely wrong? How sick does one have to be to choose their ego over the misery of people and the collapse of a nation?

Your food and gas prices are rising but everything is totally (not) fine – Glenn Beck
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You never heard Ronald Reagan blaming Jimmy Carter for the economy he inherited. He concentrated on fixing the economy and not playing the blame. He delivered a better economy to Bill Clinton than he had inherited from Jimmy Carter.
You never heard Ronald Reagan blaming Jimmy Carter for the economy he inherited. He concentrated on fixing the economy and not playing the blame. He delivered a better economy to Bill Clinton than he had inherited from Jimmy Carter.


Reagan's 1983 State of the Union:

"The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted."

But then your not much of a history buff. Clinton came after G.W.H. Bush, not Reagan.
The only think flatlining is the left's EEG....but it's always been pretty low and slow.

Reagan's 1983 State of the Union:

"The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted."

Obama didnt cure.

Just blamed.
Any person will tell you ( unless if your in a dream fantasy Fox world) it takes so much to come back from a horrible hole we were in from guess what, the same stupid ass party that got us in the hole in the first place , and are the same ass people complaining all over this board and the internet.
People who work at it and that are patient are coming out of it, like my family who lives in the city. We are slowly seeing it change for the better.


A little pissed your affirmative action messiah isn't getting all his worshipers back ?

That same "stupid" party kicked your ass in 2010 and is about to do a repeat in 2012. Given all that Obama had coming out of 2008, had he been even a little bit of a leader....there would be no race.

He blew it.

You can thank America for recovering in spite of Obama.

And get some new underwear or at least change what you have on....that ammonia in your drawers will irritate your skin and cause you to say stupid things (like the post above).

And Obama put it on life support and four years later it well on it way to a full recover.
Obama inherited an economy that was in free fall and Obama’s policies, the stimulus, bank and auto industry bailouts and more has created 5 million jobs. Obama’s policies are not hurting the economy, but helping. Men and women who are still unemployed is because of the side effects of the Bush’s 8 years of borrowing and reckless spending and it may be felt for decades to come. Two wars not paid for, tax cuts for the rich not paid for and a Medicare prescription drug program not paid for. Wrong answer. It’s being paid for by hard working taxpayers money. Obama’s policies stimulated the economy and put life back into it and we are well into recovery.
Romney is lying when he say Obama’s policies are hurting women and Tagg can take his best swing at me but I call a spade a spade. Romney flip flops so much that he even forgets and you cannot know where he stands on an issue from one minute to another. Meaning anything Romney say cannot be trusted. When is the Right going to stop blaming Obama for the flat lining economy he left Obama and give him credit for giving the economy a shock and bringing it back to life with the stimulus and bailouts for the banking and auto industry. Put blame were blame is and give credit where credit is due. The glass is half full. The economy is well into recovery and you don’t take a horse out of the race with he’s winning.
Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that Obama took a bad economy and made it worse it not only a lie but a damn lie.
Do you have anything you can take for your fucking SENILITY?
You need to come-up (outta your bunker), for fresh-air, more often....

Money, Power & Wall Street

( A primer for poorly-educated Teabaggers. )
Last edited:
The day Bush left office, gasoline was a $1.84 per gallon. Since Obama took office, it has gone up a staggering 158%. And that’s not all. This is important for the American people to know:

  • Eggs are up 73%.
  • Coffee is up 90%.
  • Peanut butter up 40%.
  • Milk 25%.
  • White bread 39%.
  • Spaghetti, macaroni is up 44%.
  • Orange juice 46%.
  • Apple juice 43%.
  • Wine up 60%.
  • Electricity up 42%.
  • Beef steak up 41%.
  • Ground beef up 61%.
  • Margarine up 143%.

After 4 years and 100% of his plans to "fix" things it is overwhelmingly apparent that Obama has destroyed everything. And we all know that people like lilolady, Chris, joeB., etc. know that. We all know that they know Bush had nothing to do with any of this nightmare. So the only real question is, why do people like this prefer ideology over success? Why would they rather see people in the streets hungry than admit their philosophy on economics is completely wrong? How sick does one have to be to choose their ego over the misery of people and the collapse of a nation?

Your food and gas prices are rising but everything is totally (not) fine – Glenn Beck

One word Drought! Not everything is Obama's fault.

Reagan's 1983 State of the Union:

"The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted."

Obama didnt cure.

Just blamed.

That was in rebuttal to the claim that St. Raygun did play politics and blame Carter. Everyone knows it was Volker who set us on the right course not Ronnie.

The economy was taking out of ICU long ago. The GOP has done everything it can to stiffle any recovery in their effort to make President Obama a one term president.

Reagan's 1983 State of the Union:

"The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted."

Obama didnt cure.

Just blamed.

That was in rebuttal to the claim that St. Raygun did play politics and blame Carter. Everyone knows it was Volker who set us on the right course not Ronnie.

The economy was taking out of ICU long ago. The GOP has done everything it can to stiffle any recovery in their effort to make President Obama a one term president.

He blamed Carter.

And then fixed it.

Le differance.
Good God i believe you're in LOVE with BOOOSSSHHHH!!!!
You are ALWAYS talking about him and he's been gone for 4 years!
You are one looney old lady! It's not even worth reading your posts.....

And if you think Obama has done nothing wrong....you need to have yourself committed somewhere!
Obama didnt cure.

Just blamed.

That was in rebuttal to the claim that St. Raygun did play politics and blame Carter. Everyone knows it was Volker who set us on the right course not Ronnie.

The economy was taking out of ICU long ago. The GOP has done everything it can to stiffle any recovery in their effort to make President Obama a one term president.

He blamed Carter.

And then fixed it.

Le differance.

Carter appointed Volker. Volker fixed it.

And Obama put it on life support and four years later it well on it way to a full recover.
Obama inherited an economy that was in free fall and Obama’s policies, the stimulus, bank and auto industry bailouts and more has created 5 million jobs. Obama’s policies are not hurting the economy, but helping. Men and women who are still unemployed is because of the side effects of the Bush’s 8 years of borrowing and reckless spending and it may be felt for decades to come. Two wars not paid for, tax cuts for the rich not paid for and a Medicare prescription drug program not paid for. Wrong answer. It’s being paid for by hard working taxpayers money. Obama’s policies stimulated the economy and put life back into it and we are well into recovery.
Romney is lying when he say Obama’s policies are hurting women and Tagg can take his best swing at me but I call a spade a spade. Romney flip flops so much that he even forgets and you cannot know where he stands on an issue from one minute to another. Meaning anything Romney say cannot be trusted. When is the Right going to stop blaming Obama for the flat lining economy he left Obama and give him credit for giving the economy a shock and bringing it back to life with the stimulus and bailouts for the banking and auto industry. Put blame were blame is and give credit where credit is due. The glass is half full. The economy is well into recovery and you don’t take a horse out of the race with he’s winning.
Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that Obama took a bad economy and made it worse it not only a lie but a damn lie.

There is no one in this USA that does not know that Barack Obama in fact stepped into a sinking financial crisis. I often wonder why Obama is not outright telling all who voted for hope via him in 2008:

"I am sorry, but I was unable to accomplished the too many promises I made to you all because I was very busy trying to get the nation out of a very deep and sinking pit. And sometimes, getting out of a deep and sinking pit can be very challenging and dangerous, and our fire crew and recue crews will attest to this. We did not sink as was almost inevitable; now that is a very good report!"
Reagan had it worse than Obama....

And in four years, we put him back in office by a landslide.

Obama is one-termer.

I think we should put Chris on suicide watch come November 7th.

Got some facts on that, I was a young working girl and do not ever remember it being as bad as it has been in the last 4 years.

You don't remember waiting in long lines for gas, or the odd/even days of rationing? I remember that. Double digit interest rates. The reason why it seems worse now is that prices are so high for everything.

And Obama put it on life support and four years later it well on it way to a full recover.
Obama inherited an economy that was in free fall and Obama’s policies, the stimulus, bank and auto industry bailouts and more has created 5 million jobs. Obama’s policies are not hurting the economy, but helping. Men and women who are still unemployed is because of the side effects of the Bush’s 8 years of borrowing and reckless spending and it may be felt for decades to come. Two wars not paid for, tax cuts for the rich not paid for and a Medicare prescription drug program not paid for. Wrong answer. It’s being paid for by hard working taxpayers money. Obama’s policies stimulated the economy and put life back into it and we are well into recovery.
Romney is lying when he say Obama’s policies are hurting women and Tagg can take his best swing at me but I call a spade a spade. Romney flip flops so much that he even forgets and you cannot know where he stands on an issue from one minute to another. Meaning anything Romney say cannot be trusted. When is the Right going to stop blaming Obama for the flat lining economy he left Obama and give him credit for giving the economy a shock and bringing it back to life with the stimulus and bailouts for the banking and auto industry. Put blame were blame is and give credit where credit is due. The glass is half full. The economy is well into recovery and you don’t take a horse out of the race with he’s winning.
Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that Obama took a bad economy and made it worse it not only a lie but a damn lie.

There is no one in this USA that does not know that Barack Obama in fact stepped into a sinking financial crisis. I often wonder why Obama is not outright telling all who voted for hope via him in 2008:

"I am sorry, but I was unable to accomplished the too many promises I made to you all because I was very busy trying to get the nation out of a very deep and sinking pit. And sometimes, getting out of a deep and sinking pit can be very challenging and dangerous, and our fire crew and recue crews will attest to this. We did not sink as was almost inevitable; now that is a very good report!"

How about...."I am sorry, but my golf game was more important than your job. In addition, I had to ram through a miserable health care system that not only further hurt confidence in the economy, but has been a lightning rod of contention. When not golfing or passing stupid legislation, I was fighting over further raising the debt ceiling because I can't cut spending...and for grins I go out an apologize for American."
That was in rebuttal to the claim that St. Raygun did play politics and blame Carter. Everyone knows it was Volker who set us on the right course not Ronnie.

The economy was taking out of ICU long ago. The GOP has done everything it can to stiffle any recovery in their effort to make President Obama a one term president.

He blamed Carter.

And then fixed it.

Le differance.

Carter appointed Volker. Volker fixed it.

Ah, the old double standard.

Reagan didn't fix it, but Bush destroyed it.

You pricks are so unveiled.
He blamed Carter.

And then fixed it.

Le differance.

Carter appointed Volker. Volker fixed it.

Ah, the old double standard.

Reagan didn't fix it, but Bush destroyed it.

You pricks are so unveiled.

You keep setting them up and I'll keep knocking them down. Now if you will kindly find where I said Bush was solely responsible for destroying it.....as opposed to what the current President inherited, who of course blames his predicessor......just like your Blessed Saint Raygun did.

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