Burying Hillary’s Garbage


Sep 23, 2010
A sick freak full of hatred murdered two news people on camera. I knew that would bring the gun control sneaks out from under their rocks faster than would a school shooting:

Hillary Clinton has long pushed to regulate access to guns. In her Friday speech, she pledged her presidency would be no different.

“Now I know the politics are hard. I know that some would rather throw up their hands and give up the fight, but not me. I’m not going to sit by while more good people die across America,” she said.

08.29.1512:13 AM ET
Hillary Clinton Really Is Coming For Your Guns
Jackie Kucinich

Hillary Clinton Really Is Coming For Your Guns

Before Hillary Clinton takes on the job of preventing more good people from dying, I would like to know when she was born again:

Hillary, not Bill, not Janet Reno, not Webb Hubbell, not Vince Foster was the one who ordered the final assault. Final death count: 76 Branch Davidians, including 21 children and two pregnant women.

Hillary Ordered The Final Massacre At Waco
Robert Morrow

Hillary Ordered The Final Massacre At Waco

It is a sad commentary on the Democrat party when its frontrunner fears more from her erased e-mails more than she fears a mass murder she pooh-poohed away more than two decades ago. I assume that two elections to the U.S. Senate convinced large campaign donors that quid pro quo is safe in Hillary’s hands:

Nobody went to jail over the Branch Davidian Massacre, nor did anyone get fired or resign. It isn’t likely that Hillary Clinton will be arrested and tried for espionage or treason because of emails that she already blew off as nonsense.

The fact is: Hillary Clinton needs a large landfill to hold all of the garbage she created. Hillary surrogate James Carville crawling out from under his rock to drive the backhoe does not cut it:


NOTE: Carville does not mention Waco:

JAMES CARVILLE: Do you remember Whitewater? Do you remember Foulgate? Do you remember Travelgate? Do you remember Pardongate? Do you remember Benghazi?​

Andrea Mitchell did a good job interviewing Carville, but she should have asked him “Do you remember Waco?”

Incidentally, far from being forgotten, Benghazi is coming to a boil whether or not Carville will admit it.
It’s no wonder she got away everything she did at State:

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is investigating how and why the Department of State operated without a permanent oversight official for years under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and whether her staff had any involvement in the unusually slow effort to fill the vacancy.

No permanent inspector general was appointed to the State Department between 2008 and 2013, including the four years Clinton served as secretary.


“Secretary Clinton is the only Secretary of State to have served every single day of her tenure without a permanent IG overseeing the Department since that watchdog position was created in 1957,” wrote Grassley.​

On the plus side, then-First Lady Hillary Clinton’s expertise came in handy:

A 2014 report by Steve Linick, the State Department’s current inspector general, found evidence of misconduct at the agency during this five-year period. This included a U.S. ambassador’s alleged solicitation of a prostitute, suspected sexual harassment by a manager, and an alleged effort by Cheryl Mills, a Clinton aide, to influence an investigation related to a U.S. ambassador nominee.

Grassley Presses State Department on Oversight Lapse Under Clinton
State lacked permanent inspector general for Clinton’s tenure as secretary
By: Alana Goodman
August 28, 2015 1:10 pm

Grassley Presses State Department on Oversight Lapse Under Clinton

In addition to liar —— experience is prominent in Hillary’s Word Cloud:


Who had more experience dealing with bimbo eruptions than Hillary Clinton:

Rosen isn't the first State Department official to get into trouble with alleged sex solicitation. For years, and specifically under Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, Department officials have reportedly engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior.

Under Clinton's watch, U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman was accused of routinely ditching his “protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children,” in a nearby park according to an internal memo written by a chief inspector general investigator. A State Department security official stationed in Beirut was accused of engaging in multiple sexual assaults. Further, a U.S. Embassy official was removed for allegedly trading visas for sexual favors.


Even female whistleblowers who spoke out against the misconduct and exploitation of women and girls by State Department officials have been retaliated against and punished.

Top State Department Official Arrested and Charged With Soliciting Sex From a Minor
Katie Pavlich | Feb 25, 2015

In addition to liar —— experience is prominent in Hillary’s Word Cloud:
American Thinker’s Ed Lasky offered a serious defense of Word Clouds:

The Weekly Standard has mocked word clouds in the past but based on this graphic seems to be revising its opinion. As the mandarins there should, because it should be the goal of all Republican campaigns to create and shape word clouds that help defeat Democrats. They should embrace wordclouding as a political strategy.


Charles Krauthammer is probably correct: Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2016. So it would behoove opponents to be focusing on campaigns to run against Hillary, beginning yesterday.

The threatening word cloud hanging over Hillary’s candidacy was achieved despite a sympathetic liberal media doing her bidding.

September 8, 2015
Wordclouding Hillary
By Ed Lasky

Articles: Wordclouding Hillary
Hillary Ordered The Final Massacre At Waco
Robert Morrow

Hillary Ordered The Final Massacre At Waco
I am thinking about taking a vacation in a mental institution just to relax with people who are not wrapped in more cruelty than Hillary Clinton who suddenly found love and kindness:

I doubt if you can find one inmate in a mental institution who would compare Margaret Sanger to Thomas Jefferson:

Hillary Clinton: I Admire Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 9/23/14 6:02 PM

Hillary Clinton: I Admire Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger
A substantial amount of Hillary’s garbage was produced by Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood. That is a lot of garbage to celebrate:

Planned Parenthood is about to celebrate its 100th birthday.


Planned Parenthood was founded on Oct. 16, 1916, by population control advocate Margaret Sanger.​

Even though using tax dollars to pay for abortions is unconstitutional:

Although the Hyde Amendment was first passed in 1976, it did not take effect until 1980 when the Supreme Court ruled it to be constitutional.​

Hillary Clinton Wants to Scrap a 36-Year-Old Law Protecting You From Paying for Abortions
Palmer Williams
Aug 8, 2016 | 10:45AM

Hillary Clinton Wants to Scrap a 36-Year-Old Law Protecting You From Paying for Abortions | LifeNews.com

American taxpayers are still funding Hillary’s garbage:

As the country’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood performs over 300,000 abortions per year. That is approximately one out of every three in the country.​

While it is responsible for just over 30 percent of abortions in the country, it performs less than 1 percent of Pap tests and less than 2 percent of clinical breast exams. And, for the record, Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms.

Though the organization downplays the percentage of its business that is abortion related, the facts speak for themselves. As a Heritage Foundation report found, “Planned Parenthood affiliates perform about 20 abortions for every prenatal care visit and about 200 abortions for every adoption referral … ”

The organization has financially come a long way since 1916, taking in over $1.2 billion in revenue last year. Sadly, over $550 million of that came from taxpayers.​

Margaret Sanger Would Be Proud of What Planned Parenthood Has Become
Genevieve Wood
October 13, 2016

Sanger Would Be Proud of What Planned Parenthood Has Become
The American Tax payer pays for abortions everyday... The Hyde Amendment is a joke written by the democratic congress in 1976 and found to be Constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court in 1980...

Another very good reason to vote against Bill's wife...

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