Zone1 Burning of Bibles and Korans


Gold Member
May 29, 2023
Burning of Bibles and Korans

Some say: If a book belongs to me, I may burn it, of course.

I say:

It depends, whether I burn a book at home because it is old and I do not need it any more.
Or if I burn a Bible or a Koran in a public place in front of many people, as a kind of protest demonstration.

What do you think?
I think if they crave attention that bad then by all means give it to them. Nothing says they shouldn't be abused by their betters for doing vermin stuff like that.
Why do you care if people burn their own books?

People do this shit to get a rise out of you and you all oblige them.

Don't react at all and see how many people will burn a book as a protest
Why do you care if people burn their own books?

People do this shit to get a rise out of you and you all oblige them.

Don't react at all and see how many people will burn a book as a protest
Burning stuff needs approval even when its on your own ground. They can burn their white tunics for all I care and their Koran if they need to but they need permission. Burning stuff is a sign of hatred or intolerance, if Muslims may burn Bibles in our country, we also need to burn the rainbow flag because that is just spoilage if certain groups don´t have to adhere to the freedom of others.
Burning of Bibles and Korans

Some say: If a book belongs to me, I may burn it, of course.

I say:

It depends, whether I burn a book at home because it is old and I do not need it any more.
Or if I burn a Bible or a Koran in a public place in front of many people, as a kind of protest demonstration.

What do you think?
I think a public burning is a form of hate speech but should it be illegal or just discouraged? That I don't know but I lean to illegal.
Burning of Bibles and Korans

Some say: If a book belongs to me, I may burn it, of course.

I say:

It depends, whether I burn a book at home because it is old and I do not need it any more.
Or if I burn a Bible or a Koran in a public place in front of many people, as a kind of protest demonstration.

What do you think?

If I was an author I would love for them to burn my books. That is just more sales volume for me. Free advertising to boot.
Burning stuff needs approval even when its on your own ground. They can burn their white tunics for all I care and their Koran if they need to but they need permission. Burning stuff is a sign of hatred or intolerance, if Muslims may burn Bibles in our country, we also need to burn the rainbow flag because that is just spoilage if certain groups don´t have to adhere to the freedom of others.
Thank you for proving my point.

You keep reacting to this stuff and people will keep doing it.
Why do you care if people burn their own books?

People do this shit to get a rise out of you and you all oblige them.

Don't react at all and see how many people will burn a book as a protest

If people run around deliberately baiting people then by all means it should be legal to beat the living crap out of them; hey, it's what they're trying for after all. It would be discrimination and bigotry not to fulfill their wishes.
If people run around deliberately baiting people then by all means it should be legal to beat the living crap out of them; hey, it's what they're trying for after all. It would be discrimination and bigotry not to fulfill their wishes.
You cannot be baited unless you choose to be baited.

Are you admitting that you are incapable of controlling your own reactions?

Stop reacting to these people and see what happens. When they don't get what they want from you they will go away.
Burning of Bibles and Korans

Some say: If a book belongs to me, I may burn it, of course.

I say:

It depends, whether I burn a book at home because it is old and I do not need it any more.
Or if I burn a Bible or a Koran in a public place in front of many people, as a kind of protest demonstration.

What do you think?

Not to speak for my religion as a whole, but my own view, if someone was to burn or otherwise disrespect volumes of my religion's scriptures, would be to not care. You cannot destroy the actual words written in these books; plenty of other copies remain preserved. All that you are doing is destroying paper and ink; inanimate objects that happen to have the holy words of my religion recorded in them. To care so much about the paper and ink that I would get upset or offended by whatever anyone does to them, would in my view, constitute a form of idolatry. I don't worship the books, the paper, ink, or whatever other materials from which they are made. I don't even worship the words that are recorded therein. I worship God. His words are a guide to me, but any record thereof is replaceable.
Make a cartoon of Jesus or Mohammed and lets see which group overreacts.

Oh wait. We already know the answer. ;)
So because other people overreact and are incapable of controlling themselves you think it's OK for everyone?

And why do you feel the need to things like that to get a reaction?

When you give attention whores the attention they crave you are actually encouraging them to keep on doing the same shit.

And when you do shit to make other people react you are being an attention whore too.
You cannot be baited unless you choose to be baited.

Are you admitting that you are incapable of controlling your own reactions?

Stop reacting to these people and see what happens. When they don't get what they want from you they will go away.

Yes, I'm sure the weak people and assorted deviants and crazies would much prefer that people just become desensitized little zombies, but that is what the Soveit Union and Maoists shoot for.
Yes, I'm sure the weak people and assorted deviants and crazies would much prefer that people just become desensitized little zombies, but that is what the Soveit Union and Maoists shoot for.

Ignoring behavior you do not wish to encourage is not being desensitized.

You are just proving that you need to engage in reactionary behavior when someone does something that yo don't like that is actually not even harming anyone.

So what if a person burns a bible or a Koran or whatever? How does that actually injure you in any way?

Your feelings do not trump another [person's speech.

So what if a person burns a bible. It's not like every bible printed s some priceless artifact. Bibles are literally cheap mass produced books these days.
So because other people overreact and are incapable of controlling themselves you think it's OK for everyone?

And why do you feel the need to things like that to get a reaction?

When you give attention whores the attention they crave you are actually encouraging them to keep on doing the same shit.

And when you do shit to make other people react you are being an attention whore too.
When have I done that to get attention?
I merely pointed out the results of others.

I found nothing controversial about the Charlie Hebdo cartoon and a shitload of people lost their shit over it. Perhaps they should learn self control and not let the actions of others determine their behavior.

I really don't give a rats ass either way. Just pointing out the differences between two groups that I am not a part of.
Ignoring behavior you do not wish to encourage is not being desensitized.

You are just proving that you need to engage in reactionary behavior when someone does something that yo don't like that is actually not even harming anyone.

So what if a person burns a bible or a Koran or whatever? How does that actually injure you in any way?

You're just proving you don't have many principles and think nobody else should have any either. A lot of socoipaths and commies and neo-Nazis hide under the 'libertarian' facade.

"NAMBLA" logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained

Stirling S. Newberry

Here is a real Libertarian on how a country should deal with psychos and malcontents:

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816
If I was an author I would love for them to burn my books. That is just more sales volume for me. Free advertising to boot.
I thought of that, too. What they mean to advertise are themselves and their contempt. They are quickly forgotten--if noted at all.

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