Bump stock ban: President's dangerous precedent


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Bump Stock Ban: President’s Dangerous Precedent
By presidential fiat, an accessory that was allowed throughout the George W. Bush & Obama administrations was just banned and John Roberts who claimed the Constitution permitted Obamacare, has just shut down a lawsuit to stop the dangerous precedent.

It does but you can't get sheep to see it............... They can't even begin to imagine .
Bump Stock Ban: President’s Dangerous Precedent
By presidential fiat, an accessory that was allowed throughout the George W. Bush & Obama administrations was just banned and John Roberts who claimed the Constitution permitted Obamacare, has just shut down a lawsuit to stop the dangerous precedent.

It does but you can't get sheep to see it............... They can't even begin to imagine .

This is prime InfoWars shit... Hardly ANY gun owners gonna lose sleep over a gimmick that melts the barrels of a perfectly good AR-15.. GunOwnersofAmer.. is the ONLY large group whining about precedent.. Even the NRA doesn't care about stupid toy...

You can "bump" a semi auto with a rubber cord properly placed. You won't hit anything you aim at and your rifle is gonna jam if you keep it up for 20 rounds or more..

As for John Roberts... It's just poor reporting.. No one Supreme Ct justice determines ANYTHING...

Quit fawning on this sewage and start thinking for yourself...

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