Bullies: Obama Administration Summons NRA to White House

I don't much care for the NRA, but I suspect they will tear Biden a new asshole. If that's possible since he's already the biggest fucking asshole there is.
January 9, 2013

Big Joe Meets With Gun-Safety Groups

"Mr. Obama has said he also wants to look at changing mental-health laws to ensure guns don't end up in the hands of the mentally unstable."


Jake raises a very valid question. How do we separate legitimate threats from the mentally ill from just the mentally ill. I'm certainly not going to advocate ALL mentally ill be institutionalized. Are you?

Who classifies who is "mentally ill"?
Do they not have rights too?

Very slippery slope my friend...
Jake raises a very valid question. How do we separate legitimate threats from the mentally ill from just the mentally ill. I'm certainly not going to advocate ALL mentally ill be institutionalized. Are you?

Who classifies who is "mentally ill"?
Do they not have rights too?

Very slippery slope my friend...

Which was Jake's point that you reamed him over. Glad to see we are all on the same page.
To cop another saying and apply it here: "The Constitution is not a death pact." In other words, a person's freedom and liberty poses a potential deathly impact on the public, then, yes, that person's freedom and liberty can be restricted.
NRA better be prepared!!!!
Obama and Biden's plan is to PR them to death. They will pull out gun victim after gun victim to gather sympathy for their cause. Obama and Biden will tell story after story about how guns killed innocent children. They will cry and weep for the victims. Hugging family members and letting them demand more gun control.
Then point to the NRA and say how can you be so cold hearted and not feel sympathy for these people.

Then one miss place word out of the mouth of the NRA will be jumped on with contentment. They will characterize them as evil, blood thirsty, closer minded individuals that seek to destroy society.

The NRA and gun right activist better be prepared to play this game or kiss your guns rights good bye.

Well, yeah, the President can hug a gun victim and the NRA can hug their AR-15's...

I think we know who will win that fight.

If the NRA is going to get put through the wringer it's because they've terrorized the rest of us for decades. Except now they are exposed as a very fringe and radical group.

That sounds very similair to the reasons Hitler gave when he disarmed the German population of their firearms. Lenin and Stalin didn't need any excuses, they just grabbed them all and killed anyone that resisted. Which tact will Oblamer take?
Joe Biden, while at times too quick with his mouth, could tear any ultra right on this Board a new butt hole. The NRA reps will be very, very non-attack mode with the VP. Also to consider: the administration does not want to do away with the 2nd Amendment, but Heller 1(F) gives it and SCOTUS the cover to regulate certain types of weapons.

You're not even trying to hide your man-crush on this Administration, are you?
NRA better be prepared!!!!
Obama and Biden's plan is to PR them to death. They will pull out gun victim after gun victim to gather sympathy for their cause. Obama and Biden will tell story after story about how guns killed innocent children. They will cry and weep for the victims. Hugging family members and letting them demand more gun control.
Then point to the NRA and say how can you be so cold hearted and not feel sympathy for these people.

Then one miss place word out of the mouth of the NRA will be jumped on with contentment. They will characterize them as evil, blood thirsty, closer minded individuals that seek to destroy society.

The NRA and gun right activist better be prepared to play this game or kiss your guns rights good bye.

Well, yeah, the President can hug a gun victim and the NRA can hug their AR-15's...

I think we know who will win that fight.

If the NRA is going to get put through the wringer it's because they've terrorized the rest of us for decades. Except now they are exposed as a very fringe and radical group.

You're terrorized by a group of people who supports an amendment of the Constitution?

What a pussy. :lol:
Well, yeah, the President can hug a gun victim and the NRA can hug their AR-15's...

I think we know who will win that fight.

If the NRA is going to get put through the wringer it's because they've terrorized the rest of us for decades. Except now they are exposed as a very fringe and radical group.

Case and point... This thinking will spread. Then anyone that owns a gun for self defense will be considered a threat to society and will be stuck with a baseball bat and a cell phone to protect ourselves and our families.

No you won't. You will still be able to own a firearm...you'll just have to jump through hoops to get it. It should be hard.
Should that apply to the First Amendment as well? Should you have to justify your opinions to the government before they allow you to express them?

Or is that different? Somehow? It just is!!
Here's the NRA's real problem.

The Guns, Gays and God bullshit is how the wealthy keep dumb white people voting against their own economic interests...

But when someone breaks into a school in a rich place like Newton and shoots it up, the rich start seriously rethinking if they want these folks to all have guns.

Watch for the NRA to be thrown under the bus faster than the Pro-Lifers...
Your version of reality is always amusing. Which recreational pharmaceutical do you use to get there?
by Ben Shapiro
8 Jan 2013

Vice President Joe Biden, who is heading up the President’s task force on gun control proposals, announced Tuesday that he would be meeting this week with the National Rifle Association, among other groups.

And his timing is just a bit suspect; the day before meeting with the NRA, Biden will be meeting with gun control organizations and shooting victims. Presumably, his welcome for the NRA will be somewhat less hearty.

The NRA, under heavy public pressure thanks to the White House’s bully tactics after the Sandy Hook massacre, said it would visit the White House to “hear what they have to say.”

This is all a dog and pony show, of course. The Washington Post has already reported that the administration wants a broad swath of gun legislation; Democratic Congresspeople proposed eight separate gun bills on the first day of the term; and Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston, who co-chairs Mayors Against Illegal Guns with nanny Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said that Biden promised him action before the end of January.

So why is the NRA visiting? Because the White House has given them no other public relations choice. President Obama has singled the group out for criticism. The White House’s media lackeys, including David Gregory of NBC News, have grilled the NRA, asking them to back off their organization’s stated mission.

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Bullies: Obama Administration Summons NRA to White House

MLK would be treated better at a Klan rally.

Not a bad thing at all. The NRA deserves a sound ass kicking. They have fought any reasonable law that would keep assault weopons out of the hands of the crazies, now they are reaping the consequences of that. But it was someone else's kids that died for their folly, so it matters little to them.
Oh, you mean like you don't give a shit about all the gang killings in Chicago?
Maybe so but the stiff gun laws in Conn did nothing to stop that nut-case. He still got access to what he needed and new laws won't change that. Bringing charges against a corpse is a futile proposition. His mother included. The root causes are being ignored here. Guns didn't force this kid over the edge. Guns didn't allow him to walk the streets when he should have been locked up before he had a paper trail facilitating his commital.

Locked up for what?

That is the issue, of course. What should the procedures be for institutionalizing citizens who have not violated the law yet pose a risk to society?
According to others like you, the first step should be to check their politics. If they're conservatives, off to the gulag!
Bullies: Obama Administration Summons NRA to White House

Its about time somebody "bullied' the bullies.

For decades, the NRA has been trying to intimidate anyone and everyone who had the "intestinal fortitude" to stand in its way - Congressmen, Senatos, Judges.

The Bible says that "for severything there is a season" and the "season" is rapidly approaching were the NRA will have far greater worries than spending an hour with Joe Biden!

Its all just a matter of time before America experiences yet another Newtown/Columbine/Virginia Tech/Colorado theater massacre - followed by the NRA and their supporters searching for scapegoats, while trying to justify the unjustifiable!
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Amendment 2 Is clear about the proper role of White People in America, v. the Indigenous Tribes.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

My Gawd! Even now, there are Women and Children out there running around. . .and especially in the old days, in the Southwest. . .on ponies. . . .even. . . .(?)!. . .Well! Clint Eastwood does not just talk to empty chairs, when being filmed, you know(?)!

Probably the Framers intended that people be allowed to keep a regulated weapon: In the sense of one that worked. The word, "regulated," even appears in Amendment Two. . .Which is really close to Amendment One. . .and the other intent of Civil Liberties in America(?)! The NRA is clearly, "Back to Basics," on this matter! Who would have guessed, that even now in Connecticut. . .there were still little kids around(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Who was that mascale, anyway?" "He's the Lo-o-o-ne White Man! Tune In, and See if he's dead yet!")
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by Ben Shapiro
8 Jan 2013

Vice President Joe Biden, who is heading up the President’s task force on gun control proposals, announced Tuesday that he would be meeting this week with the National Rifle Association, among other groups.

And his timing is just a bit suspect; the day before meeting with the NRA, Biden will be meeting with gun control organizations and shooting victims. Presumably, his welcome for the NRA will be somewhat less hearty.

The NRA, under heavy public pressure thanks to the White House’s bully tactics after the Sandy Hook massacre, said it would visit the White House to “hear what they have to say.”

This is all a dog and pony show, of course. The Washington Post has already reported that the administration wants a broad swath of gun legislation; Democratic Congresspeople proposed eight separate gun bills on the first day of the term; and Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston, who co-chairs Mayors Against Illegal Guns with nanny Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said that Biden promised him action before the end of January.

So why is the NRA visiting? Because the White House has given them no other public relations choice. President Obama has singled the group out for criticism. The White House’s media lackeys, including David Gregory of NBC News, have grilled the NRA, asking them to back off their organization’s stated mission.

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Bullies: Obama Administration Summons NRA to White House

I would imagine Obama wants to give him the curtesy of a discussion before he wins yet another battle. :D

Republicans are so stupid, they're always on the wrong side of everything.
When are we going to start stripping other rights away?? ABORTION MURDERS CHILDREN. How come leftists aren't screaming about that?

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