Bullied Middle Schoolers Take Lives In Suicide Pact


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Bullied Middle Schoolers, Paige Moravetz and Haylee Fentress, Take Lives In Suicide Pact


Family members admit that the signs were there.

After repeatedly indicating that they were bullied and felt ostracized, Paige Moravetz and Haylee Fentress took their lives at a sleepover in what family members believe was a suicide pact.

Moravetz's cousin Hillary Settle tells the TODAY Show that Fentress had posted a telling status update directed at Moravetz on Facebook shortly before their deaths:

"I'm so nervous and I just want to get it over with. I love you, Paige."
The two eighth graders from southwestern Minnesota hanged themselves at a sleepover Friday night at Fentress' house. Her mother discovered their bodies Saturday morning, according to the TODAY Show.

Moravetz, a hockey star remembered for her big smile, and Fentress, a newcomer to Minnesota with a bubbly personality, were best friends.

Still, Fentress had sent her relatives Facebook messages describing how hard it was to have recently moved from Indiana, saying that she was sad and lonely. Those close to her say that she was teased about her weight and her red hair.

Settle tells the TODAY Show:

"Maybe we should have paid closer attention. Maybe everyone should have paid closer attention."

Fentress' mother and her older sister released a statement saying they believe bullying played a role in the suicides:

"We need to stop pretending this isn't happening or that is just a cry for attention because obviously it is not. This needs to be talked about and we need to try to prevent this by teaching kids in school, community and at home. They need to know they are not alone. It shouldn't take more tragedies to realize this."

The two girls became friends about a year ago after Fentress moved to Minnesota from Indiana. Moravetz's uncle says she took Fentress under her wing and was even teaching her to skate.

They grew so close that Fentress was recently expelled from school after getting into a fight to defend Moravetz when other students allegedly harassed her, according to ABC. Robin Settle, Fentress' aunt, says that was just her nature:

"She stood up for the underdogs and she was one herself," Settle said.

Bullied Middle Schoolers, Paige Moravetz and Haylee Fentress, Take Lives In Suicide Pact
Agression is promoted in our current society.

this si an inward turned Columbine incident, but will not get the same coverage, etc.
It happens all over. The workplace, school, the internet. It starts at home during the teaching years of parent(s) with child. This is where they are molded to be who they are. The parent only has 5 years to install values. Then, its the human race that continues the lessons. Which is why I am for home schooling nowadays, but some public schooling so children can learn from society..the good and the bad. Then back home again until they go out in the world again on their own.
I wonder how any of us would have turned out if that were an option back in our school days? Different? The same? Something to muse about, eh?
If someone tries to bully someone at my job they will get in trouble and fired if it continues, no one is firing these kids for bullying.
True. Instead, they are practically using Sharia Law by punishing the victim as well as the victimizer. Both are sent home. Wtf is that all about?
Teachers teach. Principles run the school. Fire those who do nothing. Hire those with balls and gumption.
True. Instead, they are practically using Sharia Law by punishing the victim as well as the victimizer. Both are sent home. Wtf is that all about?
Teachers teach. Principles run the school. Fire those who do nothing. Hire those with balls and gumption.

Schools are scared, they are broke and cannot afford lost suits so they punish the victim and aggressor, you are correct it is Shariah Law.:evil:
True. Instead, they are practically using Sharia Law by punishing the victim as well as the victimizer. Both are sent home. Wtf is that all about?
Teachers teach. Principles run the school. Fire those who do nothing. Hire those with balls and gumption.

Schools are scared, they are broke and cannot afford lost suits so they punish the victim and aggressor, you are correct it is Shariah Law.:evil:

Entirely true, HG, and unfortunately that's unlikely to change, which means that the victims, denied even the chance to fight back, effectively have no real recourse at all. Such is the end result of a society ruled by litigators, instead of common sense (which seems to be just about dead in this country, at least so far as our public institutions are concerned).

Of course, this will inevitably produce some very dysfunctional individuals; but perhaps no more dysfunctional than the society which is producing them. There will be, I fear, many more stories like this to come.
It's unfortunate that the schools don't do more to protect bullied kids, and it's obviously ridiculous that the victim is treated as an offender as well, but at the end of the day you are responsible for yourself because you have to take care of A-number-1.

I don't believe there's any such thing as an unfair fight, because you do what you have to do to win. So if you're being bullied by someone and you don't think you can take them 1-on-1, then you bring something to assist you and you make SURE you take them. And I don't mean a gun or knife. Even if it's just something to pack your fist.

It's time these kids started sticking up for themselves and fighting back.
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I HATE bullies.

I know and it seems to be just getting worse, I worry about these kids nowadays, so many bad things out there.:(

NOTHING has changed about kids behavior. What has changed is the feeling touchy goody shit current generations teach their kids. Don't teach them about hard facts of life, don't let them fail, don't hold them responsible for actions.
My dad told me when I was a kid that if someone was bullying me I had his permission to do whatever I needed to do to fight back and defend myself, and that I wouldn't be in any trouble at home for anything I got in trouble for at school over it.

These kids and parents spend so much time worrying about their "permanent records" and god forbid we have a bad mark!!

When their kids kill themselves over the bullying I guess they can bury them with their spotless grade school record :rolleyes:
It's unfortunate that the schools don't do more to protect bullied kids, and it's obviously ridiculous that the victim is treated as an offender as well, but at the end of the day you are responsible for yourself because you have to take care of A-number-1.

I don't believe there's any such thing as an unfair fight, because you do what you have to do to win. So if you're being bullied by someone and you don't think you can take them 1-on-1, then you bring something to assist you and you make SURE you take them. And I don't mean a gun or knife. Even if it's just something to pack your fist.

It's time these kids started sticking up for themselves and fighting back.

What do you think schools should "do more" to protect bullied kids?.

Almost every kid in school will identify themself as being bullied at one time or another.

Here is a link to the school's web page

Marshall Middle School > Home

There is a school nurse, two counsellors, a psychologist, and a "harrassment form" that you can get online. The entire staff can be contacted via email.

I think its time to step away from blaming the gawddamn school: The public is doing all it can to keep these people happy, but its very clear that NO MATTER WHAT, there will be people that are so disturbed/confused that there's NOTHING that ANYONE can do with them.
As I've said over and over, it all begins at home. Schools can only do so much, but they need to do more because obviously they were not paying attention. Nor the parents. Otherwise these two girls wouldn't be dead, would they?
As I've said over and over, it all begins at home. Schools can only do so much, but they need to do more because obviously they were not paying attention. Nor the parents. Otherwise these two girls wouldn't be dead, would they?

How do you know they didn't "pay attention?"

What would you like? Every kid that feels a little weepy gets sent off to a psychiatric facility for a minimum of 3 months of observation and therapy?

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