Brzezinski apologizes after backlash over homophobic remark about Pompeo


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Shouldn't Mika lose her job just like Kevin Hart did?

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski is apologizing after she used a homophobic remark to describe Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Wednesday morning on "Morning Joe."

Brzezinski was speaking about Pompeo's interview on cable news rival "Fox & Friends," where the secretary of State reiterated that while the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was a "tragic incident" that America doesn't approve of, the Saudis are still "an important ally" of the United States.

"I understand that Donald Trump doesn't care … But why doesn't Mike Pompeo care right now?" Brzezinski asked during an interview with Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). "Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard when he appeared on 'Fox & Friends,' is that a patriot speaking, or a wannabe dictator's butt boy? I'm dead serious. I'm asking, are these the words of a patriot?"

Brzezinski's audio appeared to be cut right after the comment in an apparent attempt to bleep it.

She later apologized on Twitter after her comment went viral on social media, calling it a "super bad" choice of words.

"Totally agree with you -SUPER BAD choice of words," she wrote. "I should have said 'water boy'... like for football teams or something like that.. apologize to @SenatorDurbin too! SO SORRY!"

The blowback against Brzezisnki on social media was substantial.
Shouldn't Mika lose her job just like Kevin Hart did?

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski is apologizing after she used a homophobic remark to describe Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Wednesday morning on "Morning Joe."

Brzezinski was speaking about Pompeo's interview on cable news rival "Fox & Friends," where the secretary of State reiterated that while the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was a "tragic incident" that America doesn't approve of, the Saudis are still "an important ally" of the United States.

"I understand that Donald Trump doesn't care … But why doesn't Mike Pompeo care right now?" Brzezinski asked during an interview with Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). "Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard when he appeared on 'Fox & Friends,' is that a patriot speaking, or a wannabe dictator's butt boy? I'm dead serious. I'm asking, are these the words of a patriot?"

Brzezinski's audio appeared to be cut right after the comment in an apparent attempt to bleep it.

She later apologized on Twitter after her comment went viral on social media, calling it a "super bad" choice of words.

"Totally agree with you -SUPER BAD choice of words," she wrote. "I should have said 'water boy'... like for football teams or something like that.. apologize to @SenatorDurbin too! SO SORRY!"

The blowback against Brzezisnki on social media was substantial.
Shouldn't Mika lose her job just like Kevin Hart did?

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski is apologizing after she used a homophobic remark to describe Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Wednesday morning on "Morning Joe."

Brzezinski was speaking about Pompeo's interview on cable news rival "Fox & Friends," where the secretary of State reiterated that while the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was a "tragic incident" that America doesn't approve of, the Saudis are still "an important ally" of the United States.

"I understand that Donald Trump doesn't care … But why doesn't Mike Pompeo care right now?" Brzezinski asked during an interview with Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). "Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard when he appeared on 'Fox & Friends,' is that a patriot speaking, or a wannabe dictator's butt boy? I'm dead serious. I'm asking, are these the words of a patriot?"

Brzezinski's audio appeared to be cut right after the comment in an apparent attempt to bleep it.

She later apologized on Twitter after her comment went viral on social media, calling it a "super bad" choice of words.

"Totally agree with you -SUPER BAD choice of words," she wrote. "I should have said 'water boy'... like for football teams or something like that.. apologize to @SenatorDurbin too! SO SORRY!"

The blowback against Brzezisnki on social media was substantial.

No offense, but instead of being a thread, this should have ben used as a deflection for the next Leftist that called you a homophobe...……...which would probably be; knowing them, in the next 2hrs, lol.

Still, good call out on hypocrisy!
She needs to be ruined just like those before her. Equal treatment for all
Fired no later than Friday to be on par with what’s expected from the rest of the world
Shouldn't Mika lose her job just like Kevin Hart did?
Or like Russia Limbaugh did?
Oh wait....
Funny how these Right-wing HYPOCRITES have no problem with Russia Limbaugh habitually using the exact same term!!!!!

February 26, 2009
RUSH: "Matt Lauer sounds like Robert Gibbs' 'butt boy,'" Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama'sbutt boy. Matt, you do. In the sound bite you sounded like a butt boy.
She needs to be ruined just like those before her. Equal treatment for all
Fired no later than Friday to be on par with what’s expected from the rest of the world
Yeah, treat her just like the Right-wing HYPOCRITES treated your MessiahRushie!!!!
March 4, 2009
RUSH: Whatever he says the opposite is true. But whatever he says, the sycophants and the butt boys in the media simply repeat. Is that term starting to bother you, Dawn? Dawn is starting to shake her head in there. Well, it may be hysterical, but I can't think of a better way to describe what's going on in that White House pressroom. It's what I've always meant when I've said bend over, grab the ankles
Shouldn't Mika lose her job just like Kevin Hart did?
Or like Russia Limbaugh did?
Oh wait....
Funny how these Right-wing HYPOCRITES have no problem with Russia Limbaugh habitually using the exact same term!!!!!

February 26, 2009
RUSH: "Matt Lauer sounds like Robert Gibbs' 'butt boy,'" Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama'sbutt boy. Matt, you do. In the sound bite you sounded like a butt boy.
Republicans are the ones who insist that anyone who says anything not totally PC should be destroyed. Democrats are. Shouldn't they comply with their so-called "principles?"
Buddy Budddy
Here and now, not 10 years ago and who is the “he”?
She needs to be ruined just like those before her. Equal treatment for all
Fired no later than Friday to be on par with what’s expected from the rest of the world
Yeah, treat her just like the Right-wing HYPOCRITES treated your MessiahRushie!!!!
March 4, 2009
RUSH: Whatever he says the opposite is true. But whatever he says, the sycophants and the butt boys in the media simply repeat. Is that term starting to bother you, Dawn? Dawn is starting to shake her head in there. Well, it may be hysterical, but I can't think of a better way to describe what's going on in that White House pressroom. It's what I've always meant when I've said bend over, grab the ankles
There is nothing hypocritical about their treatment of Trump. They're not the ones who insist that people should be destroyed because the don't comply with hypocritical leftwing rules.
She’s implying that butt plugging is terrible. Rush is a commentator, she’s supposed to be news reporter. Any conservative face who on air portrayed in a negative light the butt plug would be gone already
She needs to be ruined just like those before her. Equal treatment for all
Fired no later than Friday to be on par with what’s expected from the rest of the world
She works at MSNBC how much more ruined could she be? As a previous poster pointed out if not for social media few would even know who she is still it will be nice to see that comment get thrown back in her face the next time she accuses someone else of being homophobic.
Shouldn't Mika lose her job just like Kevin Hart did?

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski is apologizing after she used a homophobic remark to describe Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Wednesday morning on "Morning Joe."

Brzezinski was speaking about Pompeo's interview on cable news rival "Fox & Friends," where the secretary of State reiterated that while the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was a "tragic incident" that America doesn't approve of, the Saudis are still "an important ally" of the United States.

"I understand that Donald Trump doesn't care … But why doesn't Mike Pompeo care right now?" Brzezinski asked during an interview with Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). "Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard when he appeared on 'Fox & Friends,' is that a patriot speaking, or a wannabe dictator's butt boy? I'm dead serious. I'm asking, are these the words of a patriot?"

Brzezinski's audio appeared to be cut right after the comment in an apparent attempt to bleep it.

She later apologized on Twitter after her comment went viral on social media, calling it a "super bad" choice of words.

"Totally agree with you -SUPER BAD choice of words," she wrote. "I should have said 'water boy'... like for football teams or something like that.. apologize to @SenatorDurbin too! SO SORRY!"

The blowback against Brzezisnki on social media was substantial.

What's shameful is the broad is having to quote the competition to have something to talk about on her show. Great job promoting FOX, she's really pathetic.

Shouldn't Mika lose her job just like Kevin Hart did?
Or like Russia Limbaugh did?
Oh wait....
Funny how these Right-wing HYPOCRITES have no problem with Russia Limbaugh habitually using the exact same term!!!!!

February 26, 2009
RUSH: "Matt Lauer sounds like Robert Gibbs' 'butt boy,'" Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama'sbutt boy. Matt, you do. In the sound bite you sounded like a butt boy.
Republicans are the ones who insist that anyone who says anything not totally PC should be destroyed. Democrats are. Shouldn't they comply with their so-called "principles?"
It is the Republicans who thought the tern "butt boys" was hysterical when Russia Limbaugh used it for at least a decade, but now suddenly they are offended when someone on the Left uses the Limbaugh term. The Right has always been more PC than the Left, they are offended by everything the Left says even when the Right says the same thing.

March 4, 2009
RUSH: Whatever he says the opposite is true. But whatever he says, the sycophants and the butt boys in the media simply repeat. Is that term starting to bother you, Dawn? Dawn is starting to shake her head in there. Well, it may be hysterical, but I can't think of a better way to describe what's going on in that White House pressroom.
She needs to be ruined just like those before her. Equal treatment for all
Fired no later than Friday to be on par with what’s expected from the rest of the world
Yeah, treat her just like the Right-wing HYPOCRITES treated your MessiahRushie!!!!
March 4, 2009
RUSH: Whatever he says the opposite is true. But whatever he says, the sycophants and the butt boys in the media simply repeat. Is that term starting to bother you, Dawn? Dawn is starting to shake her head in there. Well, it may be hysterical, but I can't think of a better way to describe what's going on in that White House pressroom. It's what I've always meant when I've said bend over, grab the ankles
There is nothing hypocritical about their treatment of Trump. They're not the ones who insist that people should be destroyed because the don't comply with hypocritical leftwing rules.
Well it is the HYPOCRITICAL Right who want to destroy Mika for using a term your MessiahRushie has used for at least a decade!

August 16, 2011
RUSH: Classic Butt Boy and this tour is filled with them. Obama Butt Boys All Over The Place
She’s implying that butt plugging is terrible. Rush is a commentator, she’s supposed to be news reporter. Any conservative face who on air portrayed in a negative light the butt plug would be gone already
January 18, 2013
RUSH: Snerdley is wanting to know why I didn't object to the previous caller praising my talents as a journalist. I think what happens here on this show is closer to real journalism than anything we're getting from so-called journalists. I have said for the longest time, "We do here what the mainstream journalists used to do."
I will take a wild guess and assume Mike uses a strap on to do Joe daily before their insane broadcast. Lots of transgenderism in their relationship and everyone on fake news MSNBC and CNN!

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