Brown to release taxes


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2008
on a one way cul-de-sac
U.S. Sen. Scott Brown said this morning he’ll unveil six years of his tax returns this Friday and challenged Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren to release the same, saying she’s trying to hide potentially unfavorable legal work like her work against asbestos victims in 2006.

“The tax years you are attempting to conceal contain important and potentially revealing information, including income you received for outside legal work, such as when you assisted Travelers Insurance in a case against victims of asbestos poisoning,” wrote Brown’s campaign manager Jim Barnett in a release this morning. “The people of Massachusetts deserve better from their candidates for Senate than the type of political gamesmanship you are engaging in.”

Warren said last week that she will release two years of tax returns, and when pressed on whether she will release six years she demurred, saying it depends on Brown.

Sen. Brown to release taxes, urges Warren to follow -
A recent Rasmussen poll (Apr 10) shows Warren up by one over Brown, 46-45, haven't seen anything more current. Probably a tossup unless there's a game changing event.

If I was Brown I wouldn't get too caught up in side issues like her taxes, I think he's better off hammering her on her stance on the big issues.

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