Democrats dont care what scotus says/gonna do what they want anyhow

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Arizona's immigration law is set to be ruled on by the supreme court. Democrats vow to overturn the ruling of the court if its not in their favor with new legislation. So essentially if SCOTUS rules in favor of Arizona democrats vow to give them the finger.

On an unrelated note, they can't seem to muster the same work ethic to pass a budget.
(Some) Democrats have always opposed Arizona's immigration law. There's nothing wrong with fighting it in the courts and in the legislature. Unless the Supreme Court of the US rules that not only is Arizona's law constitutional but that a law repealing it would be unconstitutional (which they won't, of course) I doubt they'll have a problem with it. Indeed, Supreme Court justices have often remarked that they would prefer issues to be settled in the legislative arena and that many of the laws they find to be constitutional are also bad laws they would like to see repealed.
and now we hear that mexicans are fleeing back home. so much for the illegal alien votes come 2012. we can only hope and pray that the economy kicks in in south america so that illegals will flock back home ASAP !!! (at least it is in Brazil)
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(Some) Democrats have always opposed Arizona's immigration law. There's nothing wrong with fighting it in the courts and in the legislature. Unless the Supreme Court of the US rules that not only is Arizona's law constitutional but that a law repealing it would be unconstitutional (which they won't, of course) I doubt they'll have a problem with it. Indeed, Supreme Court justices have often remarked that they would prefer issues to be settled in the legislative arena and that many of the laws they find to be constitutional are also bad laws they would like to see repealed.

With all due respect if democrats don't like the law they should do one of two things.

1. Move to Arizona and get elected at the state level so as to institute the change they desire.

2. Tell their leader to do his fucking job and enforce current federal laws so Arizona doesn't have to.

Otherwise butt out.
well we all know why Obumma and this thugs are up the butts of SC,Texas and Arizona, they need to make up for the 5 or 6 states that Romney will flip in November,,,,of course,,derr,,,,thats the chicago & democratic way to steal elections,,,,no ID Required !!! and you dont ever hear about the dems complaining that you need ID to vote in Illinios,Cally and New York, right? oh,,and Minnesota.
Hmmmm......if I broke into the White House and claimed to be an "undocumented aide" do ya think I'd get my ass thrown in jail? I wonder. Maybe I should try the Super Bowl first claiming to be an "undocumented ticket holder". Much safer
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(Some) Democrats have always opposed Arizona's immigration law. There's nothing wrong with fighting it in the courts and in the legislature. Unless the Supreme Court of the US rules that not only is Arizona's law constitutional but that a law repealing it would be unconstitutional (which they won't, of course) I doubt they'll have a problem with it. Indeed, Supreme Court justices have often remarked that they would prefer issues to be settled in the legislative arena and that many of the laws they find to be constitutional are also bad laws they would like to see repealed.

With all due respect if democrats don't like the law they should do one of two things.

1. Move to Arizona and get elected at the state level so as to institute the change they desire.

2. Tell their leader to do his fucking job and enforce current federal laws so Arizona doesn't have to.

Otherwise butt out.

Enforcing the immigration laws should be done by Obama and should have been done by Obama's predecessors as historical facts show.
Arizona's immigration law is set to be ruled on by the supreme court. Democrats vow to overturn the ruling of the court if its not in their favor with new legislation. So essentially if SCOTUS rules in favor of Arizona democrats vow to give them the finger.

On an unrelated note, they can't seem to muster the same work ethic to pass a budget.

I guess it's a bit like the healthcare legislation. If the SCOTUS does not overturn the legislation, then Republicans vow to give them the finger by repealing it. Funny how that works, don't you think?
Arizona's immigration law is set to be ruled on by the supreme court. Democrats vow to overturn the ruling of the court if its not in their favor with new legislation. So essentially if SCOTUS rules in favor of Arizona democrats vow to give them the finger.

On an unrelated note, they can't seem to muster the same work ethic to pass a budget.

I guess it's a bit like the healthcare legislation. If the SCOTUS does not overturn the legislation, then Republicans vow to give them the finger by repealing it. Funny how that works, don't you think?

Not at all like it. Republicans are fighting to preserve every Americans rights. Democrats are fighting to give illegals rights that should only belong to Americans. Not to mention democrats on a national level are meddling is a sovereign states affairs.
Arizona's immigration law is set to be ruled on by the supreme court. Democrats vow to overturn the ruling of the court if its not in their favor with new legislation. So essentially if SCOTUS rules in favor of Arizona democrats vow to give them the finger.

On an unrelated note, they can't seem to muster the same work ethic to pass a budget.

I guess it's a bit like the healthcare legislation. If the SCOTUS does not overturn the legislation, then Republicans vow to give them the finger by repealing it. Funny how that works, don't you think?

Not at all like it. Republicans are fighting to preserve every Americans rights. Democrats are fighting to give illegals rights that should only belong to Americans. Not to mention democrats on a national level are meddling is a sovereign states affairs.

And just how are Republicans fighting to preserve every American's right? Right to what? Right to not pay for their own healthcare so everyone else can absorb their costs? Okay.

BTW, Republicans long ago supported a mandate for everyone to purchase at least minimum health insurance, but since it was finally put through by the Dems, now they are against it. It's all political BS and has zero to do with anyone's rights.

Healthcare law: Requirement to buy insurance was long a GOP concept - Los Angeles Times
I guess it's a bit like the healthcare legislation. If the SCOTUS does not overturn the legislation, then Republicans vow to give them the finger by repealing it. Funny how that works, don't you think?

Not at all like it. Republicans are fighting to preserve every Americans rights. Democrats are fighting to give illegals rights that should only belong to Americans. Not to mention democrats on a national level are meddling is a sovereign states affairs.

And just how are Republicans fighting to preserve every American's right? Right to what? Right to not pay for their own healthcare so everyone else can absorb their costs? Okay.

BTW, Republicans long ago supported a mandate for everyone to purchase at least minimum health insurance, but since it was finally put through by the Dems, now they are against it. It's all political BS and has zero to do with anyone's rights.

Healthcare law: Requirement to buy insurance was long a GOP concept - Los Angeles Times

I don't give a rats ass who originally thought of it. I do however care that someone is actually forcing me by threat to purchase a product from a private for profit business. It's not the product, its the action of forcing it upon me. What's next? The road to dictatorship and socialism is paved with small steps.

Try again.

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