Brooklyn Public Library fighting censorship and the cancel culture

It never fails. When Americans push back against federal agencies like the Dept. Ed., the left gets concerned that there is too much democracy going on out there and we should be content with a government ruled by decree.
What part of democracy is banning books part of ? Americans wont put up with this shit.
There was a woman in St Louis on our TV the other night. She is part of a feedom railroad taking poor women to places they can get abortions.
You cant remove rights without the people finding a way to beat oppression.
In a year or two Hollywood will make films celevrating these Americans. .

List of the 200 books God ordered Florida to ban.

Each title will require thousands of copies to be burned in the fire.
The Christians at times warned about many things we use and do. When Rock and Roll first started and growing Elvis Presley was asked about it. Now he came from faith. He did not believe it meant anything to how we live. Twenty years later Elvis died from gluttony, intoxication and drug issues. The Baby Boomer generation started the ball rolling in many problems becoming larger. And now look at today. We all live within this framework.
What part of democracy is banning books part of ? Americans wont put up with this shit.
There was a woman in St Louis on our TV the other night. She is part of a feedom railroad taking poor women to places they can get abortions.
You cant remove rights without the people finding a way to beat oppression.
In a year or two Hollywood will make films celevrating these Americans. .
Foreign lefties might not understand the Bill of Rights but keeping porn out of the hands of teenagers is a legitimate concern. The democratic system allows citizens to determine what's right for them in the voting booth. Groomer perverts might think they are in charge purely by decree but it just ain't so.

In your hour of darkness a beacon shines across America . From seat to shining sea the Brooklyn public library sets Americans free from the tyrrany of nazi book bans.

A teenager in Florida or other occupied states now has access to important works of literature that they are denied by their imbecilic right wing rulers.

As a socialist my heart bursts with pride . America may be under threat but there are still Americans who believe in America. The Brooklyn public library is a national treasure.

Yeah....none of those stories that are pointed at in that link are soon as I saw the "Maus" title, I knew this was a heaping crock of shit....


Jonathan Pierce, the board member who initiated the vote to remove Maus from the eighth-grade curriculum, said during the meeting that the Holocaust should be taught in schools, but this is not the book to do it.

And, moron, the book is still in the school would be nice if actual books were used in schools instead of comic books to teach history....
Foreign lefties might not understand the Bill of Rights but keeping porn out of the hands of teenagers is a legitimate concern. The democratic system allows citizens to determine what's right for them in the voting booth. Groomer perverts might think they are in charge purely by decree but it just ain't so.
Brave New World is not a porn book. Is that what you thought it was when you read it?
Here it is. A temple of learning in a dark divided land.
A bulwark against the Calibans of a degraded society.
Fucking gorgeous.
America built this and it will rebuild America in its own image.
Educated and enlightened.


A lot of our fellow posters seem to be gung ho for the bans. They like not to know. Strange for people who claim to love their freedom.

Look at all the people who post here that have no clue how our laws actually work. It's obvious they never have had any desire to actually read anything for themselves.

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