British tanks outnumbered by horses...

Of course Britain wasn't the only one colonising the world...Spain, France, Holland, the Middle East were in the game bigtime as well.

In biancoland today one will get 'colonised' out of getting a seat on the bus by the many races at the bus stop if one is not willing to 'fight' for and be able to defend one's 'land'.
When the degenerate, taxpayer subsidized Brit monarchy holds up in barricaded mansions pretending that they still live in the 19th century and the most common name for a male child in London is "mohammed" what do you think is going to happen?


After 9/11, as NYC was burning, Americans gathered at Buckingham Palace London, seemingly for some kind of reassurance/comfort.

Seeing them there, the Monarch ordered her guards to play the US National Anthem for them...'solidarity'.

[ame] [/ame]

The Brit monarchy is about bloodlines rather than intelligence or integrity. Every monarch from fat Henry on down had some sort of mental or socio-sexual problem. Prince Chuck and Lady Di stand out for their personal problems. It would be fine if they weren't almost entirely supported by hard working taxpayers. Yeah, the band played "The Star Spangled Banner after 9-11 and all those kids named Mohammed are rioting in the streets today against Israel.

Part of the 'deal' Pakistan is part of the Commonwealth...and Britain is an "equal opportunity employer".

Israel is not perfect...but it's a whole lot more perfect in the eyes of many people than the Muslim Arab world.

Not only did Britain play the Star Spangled Banner after 9/11, they played The Battle Hymn of The Republic as well.

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Would you csare to count how many 'tanks' the US has and compare it to how many horses the US has in private ownership and on the plains?? You might be surprised that since the draw down we are brothers in arms with the Brits.
That was first time I heard Star Spangled Banner after 9-11 and I cried. Great Britain will always be our greatest friend in the world and Brits hold a fond place in the hearts of every Yank.

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