British raid on terror group finds rifles and pistols...don't the terrorists know they banned guns?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep......pure dumb luck...the only thing that has kept Britain from having a mass shooting since they banned guns for law abiding citizens.

Last year a 19 year old got a Glock 19 on the dark web to shoot up his school....he bragged about it on Facebook and was arrested before the act...

Now.....terrorists are caught with rifles and Britain...where they banned guns.....

Hey...anti you know if the British gun ban actually applied to criminals and terrorists....? Or did they just ban guns for law abiding Brits who wouldn't use them for crime or terrorism?

Men jailed after counter-terror raid uncovers horde of guns
2aguy, by his logic, wants the bad guys to have guns. OK, Brit cops: give them back. Right now. (2aguy stamps foot)
2aguy, by his logic, wants the bad guys to have guns. OK, Brit cops: give them back. Right now. (2aguy stamps foot)
Wow...drinking again?
Then why take their guns?

They already took guns away from law abiding people in Britain..the good guys who don't use guns to commit crimes don't have guns....

The criminals have guns......gun crime in London is up 49%.....their gun ban didn't work....they need criminal control, not gun control.
2aguy, by his logic, wants the bad guys to have guns. OK, Brit cops: give them back. Right now. (2aguy stamps foot)
Wow...drinking again?
Then why take their guns?

They already took guns away from law abiding people in Britain..the good guys who don't use guns to commit crimes don't have guns....

The criminals have guns......gun crime in London is up 49%.....their gun ban didn't work....they need criminal control, not gun control.
Then why are gun deaths only 1/12th to 1/18th of that in America. Methinks you are fudging numbers again, do stop stomping your foot: you just look stupid.
This is like the idiotic anti climate change comment "it was cold today." Boom, climate change debunked.

Hey did you hear that 2 states had done voter fraud investigations. They found literally 10s of ppl out of millions illegally registered. Serious problem. Rampant voter fraud confirmed.

Welfare fraud. I heard once someone was collecting in two states! Abolish the whole thing! Not on my watch are those selfish worthless wretches going to take my hard earned money!

I can go on and on.

Meanwhile real crooks are buying their way out of the types of penalties that petty criminals get put away for.

Maybe you do support this, but by your own logic, hard drugs should be legalized. Because the ban sure as heck ain't workin!

Sent from my SM-G930V using mobile app
This is like the idiotic anti climate change comment "it was cold today." Boom, climate change debunked.

Hey did you hear that 2 states had done voter fraud investigations. They found literally 10s of ppl out of millions illegally registered. Serious problem. Rampant voter fraud confirmed.

Welfare fraud. I heard once someone was collecting in two states! Abolish the whole thing! Not on my watch are those selfish worthless wretches going to take my hard earned money!

I can go on and on.

Meanwhile real crooks are buying their way out of the types of penalties that petty criminals get put away for.

Maybe you do support this, but by your own logic, hard drugs should be legalized. Because the ban sure as heck ain't workin!

Sent from my SM-G930V using mobile app

Dude, you totally missed the point.

In exchange for being knuckled down and terrified of any big muscled man attacking you or invading your home due to being disarmed, the Brits are supposed to live in a safe society free of guns.

THAT IS A BIG FAT LIE and you dont give a shit how many innocent people end up dead because of it.

2aguy, by his logic, wants the bad guys to have guns. OK, Brit cops: give them back. Right now. (2aguy stamps foot)
Wow...drinking again?
Then why take their guns?

They already took guns away from law abiding people in Britain..the good guys who don't use guns to commit crimes don't have guns....

The criminals have guns......gun crime in London is up 49%.....their gun ban didn't work....they need criminal control, not gun control.
Then why are gun deaths only 1/12th to 1/18th of that in America. Methinks you are fudging numbers again, do stop stomping your foot: you just look stupid.

No shit for brains......

They took guns away from law abiding people and their gun murder rate did not fact, it went up, then went back to where it was at before they took guns away from the law abiding people...showing that guns in the hands of law abiding people didn't increase the gun crime or gun murder rate.....

criminals....... in Britain.....have the guns and used them for rapes, and robberies...but just didn't pull the trigger to kill their victims....

And now....their gun crime rate is way up....due to single, teenage girls having multiple children by multiple boyfriends/babby daddies....

Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

The Met Police's figures showed there were 2,544 gun crime offences from April 2016 to April 2017 compared to 1,793 offences from 2015 until 2016.
Knife crime also increased by 24% with 12,074 recorded offences from 2016 to 2017.


One person killed or badly injured by guns every three days in London

The statistics, obtained by the Standard under Freedom of Information rules, showed that the total number of people threatened, shot at, injured or killed in a shooting rose by almost 80 per cent, compared to 2015 when there were 10 deaths, 52 serious injuries and 322 fewer serious offences.

The figures come as a top surgeon issued a warning over the handguns used by London street gangs which fire low-velocity rounds, causing devastating injuries to victims.

Last year, a total of 691 people were threatened with a gun, shot at, injured or killed in a firearms incident in London.

Twenty-seven people are believed to have been killed in shootings and stabbings in London so far this year, compared with 20 by this time in 2016.
This is like the idiotic anti climate change comment "it was cold today." Boom, climate change debunked.

Hey did you hear that 2 states had done voter fraud investigations. They found literally 10s of ppl out of millions illegally registered. Serious problem. Rampant voter fraud confirmed.

Welfare fraud. I heard once someone was collecting in two states! Abolish the whole thing! Not on my watch are those selfish worthless wretches going to take my hard earned money!

I can go on and on.

Meanwhile real crooks are buying their way out of the types of penalties that petty criminals get put away for.

Maybe you do support this, but by your own logic, hard drugs should be legalized. Because the ban sure as heck ain't workin!

Sent from my SM-G930V using mobile app are one is making that argument....we are making the argument that taking guns away from normal, law abiding people doesn't lower the crime rate......what lowers the crime rate is locking up criminals....for violent felons, 30 years needs to be the minumum...
This is like the idiotic anti climate change comment "it was cold today." Boom, climate change debunked.

Hey did you hear that 2 states had done voter fraud investigations. They found literally 10s of ppl out of millions illegally registered. Serious problem. Rampant voter fraud confirmed.

Welfare fraud. I heard once someone was collecting in two states! Abolish the whole thing! Not on my watch are those selfish worthless wretches going to take my hard earned money!

I can go on and on.

Meanwhile real crooks are buying their way out of the types of penalties that petty criminals get put away for.

Maybe you do support this, but by your own logic, hard drugs should be legalized. Because the ban sure as heck ain't workin!

Sent from my SM-G930V using mobile app are one is making that argument....we are making the argument that taking guns away from normal, law abiding people doesn't lower the crime rate......what lowers the crime rate is locking up criminals....for violent felons, 30 years needs to be the minumum...
No you did. Two of you major points there are attempting to reinforce that gun bans don't work because they found some people with guns.
This is like the idiotic anti climate change comment "it was cold today." Boom, climate change debunked.

Hey did you hear that 2 states had done voter fraud investigations. They found literally 10s of ppl out of millions illegally registered. Serious problem. Rampant voter fraud confirmed.

Welfare fraud. I heard once someone was collecting in two states! Abolish the whole thing! Not on my watch are those selfish worthless wretches going to take my hard earned money!

I can go on and on.

Meanwhile real crooks are buying their way out of the types of penalties that petty criminals get put away for.

Maybe you do support this, but by your own logic, hard drugs should be legalized. Because the ban sure as heck ain't workin!

Sent from my SM-G930V using mobile app are one is making that argument....we are making the argument that taking guns away from normal, law abiding people doesn't lower the crime rate......what lowers the crime rate is locking up criminals....for violent felons, 30 years needs to be the minumum...
No you did. Two of you major points there are attempting to reinforce that gun bans don't work because they found some people with guns.

No...gun bans don't work because criminals get guns...they get them in Britain, Australia, Japan and Europe......the only people who don't have guns are the normal, law abiding gun I pointed out....gun crime is up 42% in London.....and they banned guns...violent crime is skyrocketing all through Britain.....

What about us....we didn't ban fact....more Americans own guns and now carry guns..and what happened....?

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2016...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Yep......pure dumb luck...the only thing that has kept Britain from having a mass shooting since they banned guns for law abiding citizens.

Last year a 19 year old got a Glock 19 on the dark web to shoot up his school....he bragged about it on Facebook and was arrested before the act...

Now.....terrorists are caught with rifles and Britain...where they banned guns.....

Hey...anti you know if the British gun ban actually applied to criminals and terrorists....? Or did they just ban guns for law abiding Brits who wouldn't use them for crime or terrorism?

Men jailed after counter-terror raid uncovers horde of guns

90 people were shot and killed over here today. None were shot and killed over there.

That's the diff between us and them.
80 to 100 Americans are shot dead every single day.

The Brits may have 5 in a day, if they are very unlucky.
Yep......pure dumb luck...the only thing that has kept Britain from having a mass shooting since they banned guns for law abiding citizens.

Last year a 19 year old got a Glock 19 on the dark web to shoot up his school....he bragged about it on Facebook and was arrested before the act...

Now.....terrorists are caught with rifles and Britain...where they banned guns.....

Hey...anti you know if the British gun ban actually applied to criminals and terrorists....? Or did they just ban guns for law abiding Brits who wouldn't use them for crime or terrorism?

Men jailed after counter-terror raid uncovers horde of guns

90 people were shot and killed over here today. None were shot and killed over there.

That's the diff between us and them.

That is the difference between our criminals and their criminals.....exactly. Our criminals kill often, theirs use their guns to rape and rob, but don't kill....
80 to 100 Americans are shot dead every single day.

The Brits may have 5 in a day, if they are very unlucky.

Yep...their criminals do not commit murder as often or as easily as ours do.....they do have guns though, and they are using them more often. Gun crime in London is up 42%, and it is up 10% or more in other major British cities....after they banned guns for normal, law abiding citizens.
80 to 100 Americans are shot dead every single day.

The Brits may have 5 in a day, if they are very unlucky.

Of those killed.....70-80% of those killed are actual criminals....and of the rest, many of them are friends and family of the criminals....and the killings are isolated to tiny, tiny areas of our democrat run cities....

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