British Muslims set up center to monitor criticism of Islam


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

So much for free speech in the UK. Of course, they don’t have a law enforcing free speech.

In other words, the media must conform to sharia dictates. Islam must be presented as a religion of peace, and it must be presented as if it were no different from any other religion, in complete contradiction to all facts about the abusive, oppressive and supremacist Sharia. This is what the MCB calls the promotion of “fair and responsible reporting of Muslims and Islam,” as it deceptively promotes its agenda as “engaging constructively with the media and empowering communities to make a change.” Such change will not support reports that condemn Muslim rape gangs, sanctioned by Islamic doctrine that approves of the assault of infidel girls. The Islamic monitoring center will condemn valid criticism of Islam.

They already arrest and prosecute anyone accused of defaming Islam on social media.]

More @ Muslim Council of Britain launches Center for Media Monitoring to silence criticism of Islam

So much for free speech in the UK. Of course, they don’t have a law enforcing free speech.

In other words, the media must conform to sharia dictates. Islam must be presented as a religion of peace, and it must be presented as if it were no different from any other religion, in complete contradiction to all facts about the abusive, oppressive and supremacist Sharia. This is what the MCB calls the promotion of “fair and responsible reporting of Muslims and Islam,” as it deceptively promotes its agenda as “engaging constructively with the media and empowering communities to make a change.” Such change will not support reports that condemn Muslim rape gangs, sanctioned by Islamic doctrine that approves of the assault of infidel girls. The Islamic monitoring center will condemn valid criticism of Islam.

They already arrest and prosecute anyone accused of defaming Islam on social media.]

More @ Muslim Council of Britain launches Center for Media Monitoring to silence criticism of Islam
Maybe Google will help them setup surveillance on citizens the way they are with China.
As usual, the UK is terrified of the Muslims and will allow them to do whatever they like.
The once mighty Britannia, who used to ruled the waves, is no more!

The most common first name in England now is Mohamed. :eek-52:

Look at England abject and whimpering bunch of cowards, who turned the other cheek!

Shame shame shame!
The most common first name in England now is Mohamed.
People who dislike Islam will often cite that fact as evidence that muslims are taking over England.

It is very misleading because muslims only make up 5% of England's population.

The truth is the name Muhammad is traditionally given the the first male child born in a muslim family, and when you also add up all the adult men named Muhammad. It's easy to see how 5% of the population is responsible for having the most common name in the entire country.

So now you know....... :cool:
The most common first name in England now is Mohamed.
People who dislike Islam will often cite that fact as evidence that muslims are taking over England.

It is very misleading because muslims only make up 5% of England's population.

The truth is the name Muhammad is traditionally given the the first male child born in a muslim family, and when you also add up all the adult men named Muhammad. It's easy to see how 5% of the population is responsible for having the most common name in the entire country.

So now you know....... :cool:

those people who know anything about the ETHOS of ISLAM already knew.
I do not believe that people who feel a bit distressed over the name MUHUMMAD
becoming so common in England see that fact as a TAKE-OVER----seems to me
to be a kind of paranoia on the part of muslims themselves. The actual "take-over" attempt is far more nefarious that a "muhummad" on every corner and gutter
Hey, that's just like the Jews. Looks like they learned from the masters.

what is "just like the jews"? who learned what from 'the masters' ?

Don't play that simple shit with me.
Try saying something negative against Jews on national TV...newspapers.
You know as well as I do that anything that does not kiss the ass of Jews, Judaism and Zionism is immediately deemed anti-semitic and banished from the mainstream.
It has gotten so bad that simply being against Zionism is considered anti-semitic.
The sad thing about Jews is that the fact of simply NOTICING the rigged anti-semitic too!

It's ok...cause its alllllll cyclical. You get what you give and Jews give some great shit sandwiches.
Amazing. Blacks can set a center to monitor racism (and call it out), Jews can set a center to monitor anti-Jewish (and all it out) but if Muslims want to monitor anti Muslim hate and call it is “silencing criticism”. I wonder if the day will ever come when we can all call out hate, with pausing to make sure the correct ethnoreligious groups are involved,
Amazing. Blacks can set a center to monitor racism (and call it out), Jews can set a center to monitor anti-Jewish (and all it out) but if Muslims want to monitor anti Muslim hate and call it is “silencing criticism”. I wonder if the day will ever come when we can all call out hate, with pausing to make sure the correct ethnoreligious groups are involved,

try again-----there is an INTERNATIONAL program which calls upon criminalizing ANY COMMENT THAT MUSLIMS DEEM "ISLAMOPHOBIC". It is clear that you know nothing about history. Historically---muslims considered a murderous attack and genocide on any people who resisted forced conversion to islam----to be a "LEGAL DEFENSIVE WAR" which is why they murdered in excess of 100 million hindus in south east asia whilst you and yours giggled
for our cyber idiots ----try to be honest. Does anyone out there AGREE that a statement----"THE KORAN IS A FRAUD"-----should be deemed criminal? ----try to be honest both muslims and ass-lickers. More news-----the statement----"the torah is a fraud" is NOT CRIIMINAL and no one is seeking to criminalize it
Hey, that's just like the Jews. Looks like they learned from the masters.

what is "just like the jews"? who learned what from 'the masters' ?

Don't play that simple shit with me.
Try saying something negative against Jews on national TV...newspapers.
You know as well as I do that anything that does not kiss the ass of Jews, Judaism and Zionism is immediately deemed anti-semitic and banished from the mainstream.
It has gotten so bad that simply being against Zionism is considered anti-semitic.
The sad thing about Jews is that the fact of simply NOTICING the rigged anti-semitic too!

It's ok...cause its alllllll cyclical. You get what you give and Jews give some great shit sandwiches.

So, this vitriolic rant about Jews controlling everything means you're NOT anti-Semitic?
Hey, that's just like the Jews. Looks like they learned from the masters.

what is "just like the jews"? who learned what from 'the masters' ?

Don't play that simple shit with me.
Try saying something negative against Jews on national TV...newspapers.
You know as well as I do that anything that does not kiss the ass of Jews, Judaism and Zionism is immediately deemed anti-semitic and banished from the mainstream.
It has gotten so bad that simply being against Zionism is considered anti-semitic.
The sad thing about Jews is that the fact of simply NOTICING the rigged anti-semitic too!

It's ok...cause its alllllll cyclical. You get what you give and Jews give some great shit sandwiches.

So, this vitriolic rant about Jews controlling everything means you're NOT anti-Semitic?

of course not-----that is the stuff----that EVERYONE KNOWS. Long ago----I befriended the young doctors that worked in a very large hospital in which I did a light little 10 hr per week college time job as a front desk girl. Lots of them were from muslim lands. I learned what muslim kids are taught that EVERYONE KNOWS -----everyone knows that joooos control just about everything and have ALL DA MONEY ----ask the vile bitch Ilhan Omar-----her little fart about "...the franklins baby...." is a bit of shit she licked up off the mosque floor. EVERYONE KNOWS
Hey, that's just like the Jews. Looks like they learned from the masters.

what is "just like the jews"? who learned what from 'the masters' ?

Don't play that simple shit with me.
Try saying something negative against Jews on national TV...newspapers.
You know as well as I do that anything that does not kiss the ass of Jews, Judaism and Zionism is immediately deemed anti-semitic and banished from the mainstream.
It has gotten so bad that simply being against Zionism is considered anti-semitic.
The sad thing about Jews is that the fact of simply NOTICING the rigged anti-semitic too!

It's ok...cause its alllllll cyclical. You get what you give and Jews give some great shit sandwiches.

So, this vitriolic rant about Jews controlling everything means you're NOT anti-Semitic?
Case in point. Damned if you why not?

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