Bringing murders of Flotilla to justice


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Other threads are too focused on the incident itself.
This thread is dedicated to bringing those responsible for this massacre to justice.

The idea of USA that Israel investigates the massacre itself, is rejected by Turkey:
Turkish FM:
What can be expected from an investigation run by a state in criminal status? It’s Israel’s actions that need to be investigated. We want a detailed investigation by the United Nations into Israel's rogue state actions.
Davuto?lu presses for UN probe into aid ship deaths

Government, generals discuss measures against Israel
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gathered in a second emergency summit with Chief of General Staff Gen. İlker Başbuğ, force commanders and ministers who are members of the National Security Council (MGK) at his residence on Wednesday to discuss the situation with Israel. This is the second summit on the matter since Tuesday.
A a brief written statement was issued after the four-hour meeting late yesterday afternoon. The statement said the Cabinet members and generals discussed possible political, diplomatic, economic, military measures to be taken against Israel.
Government, generals discuss measures against Israel

Unfortunately, no english sources report, but State prosecutor of province Ankara has also initiated investigations.

This thread shall document the path to bringing the responsible to justice.
Lifting the Gaza blockade.

It is not about "violent Activists" or any other thing. This is a non-sense debate measured on where the fallout of this incident will lead to.
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Unanswered question: Who will be the investigator?
Who will conduct this investigation and how is unclear for now. And this is the most critical part of the problem. Apparently, the United States doesn’t support the idea of launching a “U.N. investigation.”
The council meetings the other day reflect that the only criticism – except that of Israel – against sending humanitarian aid to Gaza through the sea has been raised by the United States.
How should we read the UN’s decision? - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

If the USA blockades punishment of Israel through bodies of world-community (UN), this just means, USA plays double-standards when the case is just "some f*ing Muslim Turkish deads".
That means, the interests of Turkey are not respected by USA, and USA should not expect her interests respected also.

This won't end with Israelis investigating their own criminal actions of the massacre.
It would be a farce, and is unacceptable.
As Princeton law professor and the U.N.’s special rapporteur for Gaza, Richard Falk, has argued: “This peaceful humanitarian initiative by citizens from 50 countries is an urgent response to the continuation of an unlawful blockade that has been maintained for almost three years, causing great physical and mental harm to the whole of the 1.5 million people entrapped within Gaza.” Falk continued, saying, “Unless prompt and decisive action is taken to challenge the Israeli approach to Gaza all of us will be complicit in criminal policies that are challenging the survival of an entire beleaguered community.”
From the Bosphorus: Straight - We must focus on the central crime in Gaza - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

USA should move away from being the partner of Israeli crimes.
Gaza blockade needs to be lifted, Israelian officials responsible of Flottila massacre brought to justice, and after that the process of de-nuclearization of Israel initiated.
It is simple really when Israel releases the captured terrorists and protesters Turkey can arrest them as they come home and determine which among them were attacking Israeli commandos with knives and metal batons. Those men are legally responsible for every death on the ship and are the ones that need to be brought to justice. 9 of them are held accountable already as they are dead. Turkey should show it is unbiased and arrest the rest and try them for their crimes.
It is simple really when Israel releases the captured terrorists and protesters Turkey can arrest them as they come home and determine which among them were attacking Israeli commandos with knives and metal batons. Those men are legally responsible for every death on the ship and are the ones that need to be brought to justice. 9 of them are held accountable already as they are dead. Turkey should show it is unbiased and arrest the rest and try them for their crimes.

That works for me.
It is simple really when Israel releases the captured terrorists and protesters Turkey can arrest them as they come home and determine which among them were attacking Israeli commandos with knives and metal batons. Those men are legally responsible for every death on the ship and are the ones that need to be brought to justice. 9 of them are held accountable already as they are dead. Turkey should show it is unbiased and arrest the rest and try them for their crimes.

Turkey seeks support from International community, with USA being the patron of Israel, especially seeking support from USA.
If that support does not come, USA chooses side of criminals and this will shape the direction of future events.
Suat Kiniklioglu, member of Parliament and member of Foreign Relations Committee:

US response to Israel’s flotilla raid will shape the Middle East
US response to Israel?s flotilla raid will shape the Middle East - Yahoo! News
Orginally published in Christian Science Monitor.

Turkey demands – as does the UN – an independent investigation into the murder of the nine activists and wants an apology and compensation for those killed by Israeli commandos.
Ankara also wants those responsible for this crime to be punished. Anything short of these measures will not cut it.
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Stratfor-Video (Free to watch):
Egypt comes under pressure from Israelian-Turkish dynamics and opens Gaza blockade:
Dispatch: The Turkish Flotilla and Egypt's Position | STRATFOR

Turkish Psyche:
There is even a more fundamental question here, relating to the elephant in the Middle Eastern room: Who the hell is Israel to occupy the West Bank and East Jerusalem since 1967, and to systematically steal these territories by building illegal settlements?
And how can she expect the Palestinians, and other nations like us, the Turks, to bow down to this unabashed theft of land?
When I asked that question to an Israeli hawk some years ago, I received a very revealing response: “Might,” he said, “makes right.”
Well, that might be a popular belief in Tel Aviv and Occupied Jerusalem, but not here in Istanbul. In fact our creed tells us that the exact opposite is true: Right, sooner or later, makes might.
The hundreds of heroes who sailed to Gaza last weekend had this faith in their hearts. Here in Turkey, 70 million more stand by them. We mourn for our fallen, but also know that they did not die in vain. Their sacrifice unveiled to the world not just the suffering of the innocents in the Gaza ghetto, but also the brutality of the rogue state that imposes it.
Read my lips: This spirit is really not going to die. We Turks will continue to stand for what is right, regardless of Israel’s might. None of her lobbying, bullying or killing is going to change that.
Who the hell does Israel think she is? - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review
Now Israelian-Bitch media says, Turks on ships were Al-Qaeda.
Turkey should revert its capabilities from containing Al-Qaeda into fighting Al-Qaeda of Egypt, the Mubarak regime. Egyptians as most populate Sunnite state of region deserves better then being ruled by bunch of Corrupts who go to bed with Israelian Criminals.
Suat Kiniklioglu, member of Parliament and member of Foreign Relations Committee:

US response to Israel’s flotilla raid will shape the Middle East
US response to Israel?s flotilla raid will shape the Middle East - Yahoo! News
Orginally published in Christian Science Monitor.

Turkey demands – as does the UN – an independent investigation into the murder of the nine activists and wants an apology and compensation for those killed by Israeli commandos.
Ankara also wants those responsible for this crime to be punished. Anything short of these measures will not cut it.

They were not murdered dumb ass. A State enforcing a legal blockade is not committing murder when its troops fire on assailants attacking said military while trying to run said blockade. Keep proving just how stupid you are.
They were not murdered dumb ass. A State enforcing a legal blockade is not committing murder when its troops fire on assailants attacking said military while trying to run said blockade. Keep proving just how stupid you are.

Thanks for Georgephillip for the link:

Craig Murray, a former British ambassador and Foreign Office specialist on maritime law (and VIPS member), has just weighed in with a helpful description of two clear legal possibilities, which take into account both international law and the Law of the Sea:

Possibility one is that the Israeli commandos were acting on behalf of the
government of Israel in killing the activists in international waters. The applicable law is that of the flag state of the ship on which the incident occurred.
In legal terms, the Turkish ship was Turkish territory. So in this case Israel is in a position of war with Turkey, and the attack by Israeli commandos falls under international jurisdiction as a war crime.

Possibility two is that, if the killings were not military actions authorized by Israel, they were then acts of murder and fall under Turkish jurisdiction. If Israel does not consider itself in a position of war with Turkey, it must hand over the commandos involved for trial in Turkey under Turkish law. It is for Turkey, not Israel, to carry out any inquiry or investigation and to initiate any prosecutions. Israel would be obliged by law to hand over indicted personnel for prosecution.
Ray McGovern: Obama's Timidity and Deaths at Sea

Like you see, "violent Activists", "Turkish Al-Qaeda on ships" is just a non-sense debate of the underlying implications.
They were not murdered dumb ass. A State enforcing a legal blockade is not committing murder when its troops fire on assailants attacking said military while trying to run said blockade. Keep proving just how stupid you are.

Thanks for Georgephillip for the link:

Craig Murray, a former British ambassador and Foreign Office specialist on maritime law (and VIPS member), has just weighed in with a helpful description of two clear legal possibilities, which take into account both international law and the Law of the Sea:

Possibility one is that the Israeli commandos were acting on behalf of the
government of Israel in killing the activists in international waters. The applicable law is that of the flag state of the ship on which the incident occurred.
In legal terms, the Turkish ship was Turkish territory. So in this case Israel is in a position of war with Turkey, and the attack by Israeli commandos falls under international jurisdiction as a war crime.

Possibility two is that, if the killings were not military actions authorized by Israel, they were then acts of murder and fall under Turkish jurisdiction. If Israel does not consider itself in a position of war with Turkey, it must hand over the commandos involved for trial in Turkey under Turkish law. It is for Turkey, not Israel, to carry out any inquiry or investigation and to initiate any prosecutions. Israel would be obliged by law to hand over indicted personnel for prosecution.
Ray McGovern: Obama's Timidity and Deaths at Sea

Like you see, "violent Activists", "Turkish Al-Qaeda on ships" is just a non-sense debate of the underlying implications.

Wrong again retard. Tell ya what numnuts, go invade Israel.
Wrong again retard. Tell ya what numnuts, go invade Israel.

We seek International backing, especially from USA.
If that does not come, we will have to pursue unilateral steps.
That means, we shift from the status of being a "Mediator" of this region into someone who jumps with all her weight and thereby shakes the Israelian comfort-zone, like they never witnessed before.
Wrong again retard. Tell ya what numnuts, go invade Israel.

We seek International backing, especially from USA.
If that does not come, we will have to pursue unilateral steps.
That means, we shift from the status of being a "Mediator" of this region into someone who jumps with all her weight and thereby shakes the Israelian comfort-zone, like they never witnessed before.

Sure thing you RETARD. Turkey will do NOTHING. And if they do militarily attack Israel they will find out just who's side the US is on.
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Make no doubt about this:
From now on, Israel is on its own in this region.
More I will not say, as I would then prophecy the sure-to-follow actions against Israel by Turkey.
Turkish Parliament Adopts Declaration Against Israeli Attack

In the declaration, the parliament called on the government to review its political, economic and military relations with Israel and take efficient measures.
In its declaration, the parliament said it was expecting the UN Security Council to adopt, as soon as possible,
a resolution condemning Israel and imposing sanctions.

Turkish Parliament Adopts Declaration Against Israeli Attack

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Suat Kiniklioglu, member of Parliament and member of Foreign Relations Committee:

US response to Israel’s flotilla raid will shape the Middle East
US response to Israel?s flotilla raid will shape the Middle East - Yahoo! News
Orginally published in Christian Science Monitor.

Turkey demands – as does the UN – an independent investigation into the murder of the nine activists and wants an apology and compensation for those killed by Israeli commandos.
Ankara also wants those responsible for this crime to be punished. Anything short of these measures will not cut it.

They were not murdered dumb ass. A State enforcing a legal blockade is not committing murder when its troops fire on assailants attacking said military while trying to run said blockade. Keep proving just how stupid you are.

You Israel supporters are getting dizzy with all that spin.

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