Brian Sandoval, Republican governor of Nevada, is being vetted for Supreme Court vacancy

It doesn't make any difference how qualified the nominee is – Senate republicans will still refuse to hold hearings for purely partisan reasons, having nothing to do with the nominee's qualifications, and everything to do with not allowing the hated Obama make an appointment replacing Scalia, hero to the reactionary right.
Pretty much everything. And yes, we would disagree on what is a moderate. A moderate to me is someone who would put aside race, gender, economic status, sexual preference, etc, and focus on whether a law is really constitutional. IOW, not an activist.

I believe that Sotomayor and Kagan do exactly that.

Do you? Is that what Sotomayor was doing when she ruled it was okay for New Haven to deny white firefighters a promotion because not enough black one passed the exam?

Outside of the judicial activism that Scalia brought in 2008...there have been no major shifts in gun policy in this nation for decades.

Only because of a 5 to 4 vote. The four leftists on the court were not willing to concede that the Second Amendment implies an individual right.
Pretty much everything. And yes, we would disagree on what is a moderate. A moderate to me is someone who would put aside race, gender, economic status, sexual preference, etc, and focus on whether a law is really constitutional. IOW, not an activist.

I believe that Sotomayor and Kagan do exactly that.

Do you? Is that what Sotomayor was doing when she ruled it was okay for New Haven to deny white firefighters a promotion because not enough black one passed the exam?

I don't know. Don't know anything about hat case. Don't care. Look her up. She's a moderate. That's what I did when she was nominated. I looked her up. It seems you heard about a position of hers that you don't like.....and decided she is a radical lefty. Good for you.
Pretty much everything. And yes, we would disagree on what is a moderate. A moderate to me is someone who would put aside race, gender, economic status, sexual preference, etc, and focus on whether a law is really constitutional. IOW, not an activist.

I believe that Sotomayor and Kagan do exactly that.

Do you? Is that what Sotomayor was doing when she ruled it was okay for New Haven to deny white firefighters a promotion because not enough black one passed the exam?

I don't know. Don't know anything about that case. Don't care.

Precisely...... You don't know anything, but keep believing she is a moderate who would "put aside race, gender, economic status, sexual preference, etc" We wouldn't want reality to get in the way of your bias because where would the fun be in that.

Outside of the judicial activism that Scalia brought in 2008...there have been no major shifts in gun policy in this nation for decades.

Only because of a 5 to 4 vote. The four leftists on the court were not willing to concede that the Second Amendment implies an individual right.

It doesn't. Why should they have?

Apparently it does. The court has spoken.

Awwwww aren't you just the cutest thing!
So Obama has played his will Republicans play their hand?

1. Block the nomination in the hope that they win both the Presidency and the Senate in 2016 at which time they name a far right conservative

2. Acknowledge that they are unlikely to win both the Presidency and Senate and take the moderate Republican being offered

3. Lose the Presidency and Senate and have Obama withdraw the nomination and end up with Hillary naming a young liberal who will haunt them for decades

My money says Republicans will end up with option 3 and Obama wins again
Sandoval is a serious candidate.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval, a Republican and former federal judge, is among candidates being considered by President Barack Obama for appointment to the Supreme Court, a source close to the process said on Wednesday, as Obama sought to overcome Senate Republican resistance to any nominee.

Sandoval, a 52-year-old Mexican-American, is considered a moderate Republican, particularly on social issues. He supports abortion rights and abandoned the state's legal defense of a same-sex marriage ban before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that such bans were unconstitutional.

Sandoval has supported gun rights as governor, which could prompt concerns from gun-control advocates. He was appointed as a federal judge by Republican George W. Bush, Obama's predecessor, before being elected governor in 2010.

Obama weighs Republican Nevada governor for Supreme Court
Be interesting to see if Republicans nibble at Obama's bait?

Accept a moderate Republican or risk Hillary winning and naming a flaming liberal
Conservative old me wants hearings.

Doesn't EVERYONE love a circus?
I just find McConnell to be offensive. I'd think his truly personal dislike of Obama was race, but he's married to an Asian-American. But it's hilarious that for months the gop's been handwringing "Trump is the worst candidate for us because we're defending Senate seats in battleground states," and now Mitch walks right into Obama's left hook that was telegraphed for everyone, but apparently for him, to see.
Conservative old me wants hearings.

Doesn't EVERYONE love a circus?
I just find McConnell to be offensive. I'd think his truly personal dislike of Obama was race, but he's married to an Asian-American. But it's hilarious that for months the gop's been handwringing "Trump is the worst candidate for us because we're defending Senate seats in battleground states," and now Mitch walks right into Obama's left hook that was telegraphed for everyone, but apparently for him, to see.

Of course mitch did. He could have held that card. They'll delay now but the public will forget. Remember, they have the attention span of a gnat. Everyone said the gop would pay in 2014 after shutting govt down a year earlier. They actually expanded.

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