Breast more than feeding tool


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Breast feeding in public is obscene and disgusting. Breast pumping should be done at home and not in public places. Breast are also instruments of love making. When a women breast feeds her uterus contracts which is a natural process to help return her uterus to it’s pre-pregnancy state.
A man looks at a breast differently than a baby. Pro.5;19,20. Song of Solomon, a beautiful love story about a desirable Black woman, (1;5,6) mentions the breast 7 times in the 8 chapters. In love making the breast is an erotic zone. A woman should be uncomfortable breast feeding her baby in public, when possible a perverted old man may be looking on and getting off on it. Any woman who would feel comfortable breast feeding in public has to be an exhibitionist.
Janet Jackson was fined for exposing her breast.
Song of Songs commentary
I used to do it all the time.

No one even knew it.

Look seeing a breast is not going to kill people.

did you know that Lips are also part a love making tool.

should we start coving our mouths in public?
Breast feeding is not obscene, it can be done without causing undue attention to the woman.

Breast feeding in public is obscene and disgusting. Breast pumping should be done at home and not in public places. Breast are also instruments of love making. When a women breast feeds her uterus contracts which is a natural process to help return her uterus to it’s pre-pregnancy state.
A man looks at a breast differently than a baby. Pro.5;19,20. Song of Solomon, a beautiful love story about a desirable Black woman, (1;5,6) mentions the breast 7 times in the 8 chapters. In love making the breast is an erotic zone. A woman should be uncomfortable breast feeding her baby in public, when possible a perverted old man may be looking on and getting off on it. Any woman who would feel comfortable breast feeding in public has to be an exhibitionist.
Janet Jackson was fined for exposing her breast.
Song of Songs commentary

most women do it discretely.

mistakes happen when you are dealing with a wigglely baby.

That dosent mena the child should go hungry to protect someone from catching a glimpse of a titty
Public breast feeding is obscene. There's no other way to describe it. It occupies the same place as public fellatio. Women who do it are closet exhibitionists. If they were more honest, they'd be pole dancers and be done with it.
Public breast feeding is obscene. There's no other way to describe it. It occupies the same place as public fellatio. Women who do it are closet exhibitionists. If they were more honest, they'd be pole dancers and be done with it.


I didnt know we had that many up tight puritans....

MY BAD.................
Public breast feeding is perfectly legal in California. It is illegal, as in criminal, to interfere with or even comment or criticize a woman who is breastfeeding. All businesses must provide a space of accommodation for women who breastfeed to use.

Women who breastfeed look around. Who is watching? If no one is watching, they will slip whatever covering they use a little more, just to see if NOW someone will look. The younger the mother, the more tit she exposes. It's become an attention getting device. No one has to say anything, just leave. Quietly leave. The shit hits the fan. They are "humiliated".

I used to live around the corner from a laundromat. Teen mothers (mostly mexican) would feed babies while the laundry was washing and drying. They would sit there, tits hanging out, and if no one paid attention to them, they were not above getting up to stand on the sidewalk outside just to see if one of the cholos going by would pay attention to them.
Public breast feeding is perfectly legal in California. It is illegal, as in criminal, to interfere with or even comment or criticize a woman who is breastfeeding. All businesses must provide a space of accommodation for women who breastfeed to use.

Women who breastfeed look around. Who is watching? If no one is watching, they will slip whatever covering they use a little more, just to see if NOW someone will look. The younger the mother, the more tit she exposes. It's become an attention getting device. No one has to say anything, just leave. Quietly leave. The shit hits the fan. They are "humiliated".

I used to live around the corner from a laundromat. Teen mothers (mostly mexican) would feed babies while the laundry was washing and drying. They would sit there, tits hanging out, and if no one paid attention to them, they were not above getting up to stand on the sidewalk outside just to see if one of the cholos going by would pay attention to them.

Katz I can't really say much as a man I am totally in favor of women popping breasts out whenever they like.
Public breast feeding is perfectly legal in California. It is illegal, as in criminal, to interfere with or even comment or criticize a woman who is breastfeeding. All businesses must provide a space of accommodation for women who breastfeed to use.

Women who breastfeed look around. Who is watching? If no one is watching, they will slip whatever covering they use a little more, just to see if NOW someone will look. The younger the mother, the more tit she exposes. It's become an attention getting device. No one has to say anything, just leave. Quietly leave. The shit hits the fan. They are "humiliated".

I used to live around the corner from a laundromat. Teen mothers (mostly mexican) would feed babies while the laundry was washing and drying. They would sit there, tits hanging out, and if no one paid attention to them, they were not above getting up to stand on the sidewalk outside just to see if one of the cholos going by would pay attention to them.

Katz I can't really say much as a man I am totally in favor of women popping breasts out whenever they like.

I kinda thought you would.

I once got up and walked out on a woman breast feeding in my office. I told her that I would accommodate her need for privacy, which she said she didn't want. Of course not, she really wanted an audience. So ogle away, it's the whole point of tit sucking to begin with.
Breast feeding is not obscene, it can be done without causing undue attention to the woman.
I agree. The only reason it might cause undue attention is our unduly puritanical disposition toward the practice.

While I agree that the comparatively large breast serves the secondary purpose of visual indicator of female physicality its primary purpose is that of nourishing offspring. I personally regard the sight of a suckling infant as a rather pleasant sight to behold -- Unless it is done obtrusively with deliberate and unnecessary disregard for the comfort and social convenience of others.

The erotic connotation of the female breast in our culture is the result of the social taboo associated with it. There are cultures in which the same connotation is assigned to the female leg.
How the fuck can anyone be against public breastfeeding? What the fuck is the woman meant to do, leave the kid at home when she goes shopping, or feed the kid in the loo?

To all your old fashioned prudes, take YOUR lunch into the toilet and eat it. You should do this every few hours, and then maybe you would get an idea of how offensive it is to demand a MOTHER be sent to the dunny to feed her child.
I cannot believe that in this day and age, there are so many fucking prudes around. Grow up, the lot of you.
If women really wanted to give their child breast milk then they would put it in a bottle so they wouldn't have to expose themselves. But, the goal is really to expose themselves so the point is moot.

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