Breaking Revelation: Muellers Law Firm Gave 99.81% Of Its Campaign Contributions To Hillary Clinton

The funny thing here is, Republicans are the one that changed the law back in 1999 to keep Bill Clinton from firing Ken Starr, and now it is effecting Trump, their lord and savior. Odd how that works huh?
Maybe Deputy AG Rosenstein will do the honors for Trump, since he appointed him.
Rosenstein is an establishment douche bag. He's already proven that.
Everyone and anyone is a douche bag who dares to question the ethics of dear leader. The process will continue, like it or not

Do you idiots ever come up with new ploys and diversions?
What exactly makes the Mueller investigation a ploy or a diversion?
The fact that's based entirely on fake news makes it a ploy.

You are fake news.
Nothing to see here...the fix is in. Trump is alreafy gone due to DNC sedition and a 10+ month camppaign led by the formwr President designed to overthrow the President of the United States should Hillary lose.

The fact is that Trump is solely responsible for the fix he is in. I wonder if Trump wants to get himself impeached.
Nothing to see here...the fix is in. Trump is alreafy gone due to DNC sedition and a 10+ month camppaign led by the formwr President designed to overthrow the President of the United States should Hillary lose.

The fact is that Trump is solely responsible for the fix he is in. I wonder if Trump wants to get himself impeached.

You should articulate why this is true. I can't wait.
Nothing to see here...the fix is in. Trump is alreafy gone due to DNC sedition and a 10+ month camppaign led by the formwr President designed to overthrow the President of the United States should Hillary lose.

The fact is that Trump is solely responsible for the fix he is in. I wonder if Trump wants to get himself impeached.

You should articulate why this is true. I can't wait.
Lets see...

The DNC rigged primaries and debates FOR HILLARY. helped her beat Sanders...

OBAMA protected Hillary from indictment and prison for crimes she committed

Obama and the left wing media colluded to keep Hillary OUT of prison and IN the race when she should have been forced out

OBAMA began the multiple investigations when no crime had even been committed - just bs accusations were made

The President of the United States, the US Attorney General, the Director of the FBI, Susan Rice - Obama Administration Cabinet Member, and other Obama loyalists within US Intel agencies have been proven to have committed crimes - felonies...ESPIONAGE - in the coordinated seditious attempt to overthrow the newly elected US President

Almost every accusation made has been debunked or has exploded in the Democrats' fases, exposing more crimes committed by the DNC...and exposed at the end of most of these set-ups has been Obama or hos administration or loyalists

The Director of the FBI admittedly illegally leaked info rather than ethically / legally do his job in order to het this Mueller-led Witch Hunt started...

Mueller's team consists of the DNC 'I Hate Trump' 'Dream Team', a group whose ethical / political conflicts of iterest are undeniable. The team consists of ranid, left wing, Trump-hating Democratis Party / Hillary donors...even Hillary's lawyer is on the team ... and now we find out almost 99% of Mueller's political contributions went to Hillary.
- The only ones who would attempt to call this non-partisan would be the idiots who would say the Battle at Little Big Horn was a 'fair fight'.

Having found no evidence of collusion or obstruction, Mueller has been given carte blanch to investigate ANYTHING Mueller wants, authority to expand his investigation as far as he needs to in order to find SOMETHING against Trump

Just like with their Witch Hunt against Bush when they would not stop until they coulg arrest someone to justify their crusade, someone will go to jail for SOMETHING
- the Democrats will make sure of it, just like they did with Scooter Libby.

They have committed crimes and acts of sedition to try to ensure it that person will be Trump...

All because the worst candidate in US history, the criminal the DNC was determined to 'crown', LOST.

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