Breaking. Oakland has ALSO filed a lawsuit against corrupt!!!

Cleveland did this when Modell moved the Browns to Baltimore. They managed to keep the Browns name and colors for Cleveland. But that was all. Oakland may get to keep the Raiders name and colors, but there is 0 chance that they will be able to prevent the team from moving to Las Vegas.

see YOU are the ONLY one that can think from themselves and is not brainwashed that has come on here that can think for themselves that has ANY clue what they are talking about.:2up::clap: Thinker and Odium you two being the rare exceptions as well.:2up:

although neither of you looked at the info i posted either. I expect that out of the pro vegas people but come on, not from the objective non biased people. come on guys it dont take that long to read the info of facts i posted in the OP and my third post that proves oakland has a strong case. dont just read the thread title guys and what you THINK to be true,.Look at the info in the OP AND "MOST IMPORTANTLY" MY THIRD POST as well.. Patriot here it looks like took the time to do so. thank you for doing that patriot.:):clap: you are about the ONLY one here that has been objective and non biased.:rolleyes: thank god for that i can FINALLY have an intelligent discussion with someone on this.:yes_text12::thankusmile:

Yes that is EXACTLY what I am saying but NOBODY is listening to except you being the one exception and that is because YOU took the time to read the info in my OP and also my third post as well.I again thank you for that.,for doing so:):thup:

Yes,see that is exactly what I been trying to say here.YOU understand that and get that.

Yes in 2020 when Davis goes to Vegas he will have to go the SAME route that Art Modell took when he tried to move the Browns to Baltimore.:D

Yes you are correct,there is ZERO chance Oakland will be able to stop the PLAYERS from going to Vegas.I never said the players would not go to vegas,David Carr and all the rest of the players will be in vegas yes you ARE correct.that cant be debated. But as you just said,oakland will retain the NAME and LOGO.they will go down and take the same path Cleveland did when they filed THEIR their lawsuit against Modell and the NFL.

As you are aware,Modell after saying he would move the team to Baltimore,the city of Cleveland filed a lawsuit against Modell and the NFL when Modell threatend to take the team name with him.

To avoid a lawsuit though and to keep it out of court,Modell and the NFL reached a settlement and offered to leave the team name in clevealand. The NFL they hate to go to court at all costs ESPECIALLY now in this day and age with all the corruption they have been exposed of doing

Mark Davis is shitting his pants now .:rofl:That moron does not have a clue WHY oakland has filed a lawsuit against him.He thinks THEY are the villains when all he did was LIE to them about his intentions that he wanted to stay in oakland but never tired working anything out.HE is the vilain,that stupid fuck cant see that though.:rolleyes-41:

Oakland has an even much stronger case against the NFL than st louis did and incredible as it sounds,an even STRONGER case against Mark Davis and the NFL than Cleveland did against Modell and the NFL as well:2up::abgg2q.jpg::banana:

that is WHY only an idiot would think the raiders NAME will be in vegas in 2020

here are the countless number of violations of NFL relocation rules that mark davis broke that will bite him in the ass and WHY he will have to let oakland retain their name and logo and the raiders NAME will stay in oakland while davis has a team in vegas like the las vegas outlaws or something like that.:abgg2q.jpg:

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This is actually not breaking.It was announced in the bay area in California about a couple weeks ago which was just in time for Christmas for Oakland fans.:beer::clap2::dance:Its breaking for everybody else around here though obviously since nobody else mentioned it. I just waited as long as i did to mention this now because I wanted everybody to see how st louis kicked butt in THEIR lawsuit against the NFL first AND won.:clap2: this is what you can expect.LOL

And just think, the City of Oakland has an even stronger case, and can really stick the screws to the Traiders and NFL. They'll be screaming bloody mercy that they would only have to pay $24 million + attorney's fees.

I kept saying the last several months that st louis was kicking ass in their lawsuit against the corrupt NFL. I also admit however I also said many times-"Man I am beginning to think the politicians in Oakland have all been bought off by the NFL. That was the ONLY thing that made any sense because it made no sense that it took this long to happen.should have happened over a year ago.:mad:

The other reason i thought that was the only thing that made any sense why they did not file the lawsuit like st louis did was because as i said many times,Oakland has an even STRONGER case against the NFL than st Louis did so if st louis won,then Imagine how Oakland will CRUSH the NFL in THEIR lawsuit?:yes_text12::dance:

Everybody here should listen to this short 4 minute video in this link that says Chris Leighton in it. after you click it on,He is the one leading the charge in the lawsuit.

Chris Leighton

I got to talk to him once about it last week and he told me the REASON it did take so long for Oakland to file the lawsuit was because Oakland after losing their team once before and trying to stop the move,for a long time they did not want to try and fight it and go through all that again But they had to be convinced that NFL relocations are TEN TIMES more difficult to have now than they were back in the early 80's when traiter Al Davis moved them to LA. Had the NFL relocation rules been in place back then that are in place now,Al Davis would NEVER have been allowed to move the Raiders to LA back then.:)

Politicians being bought off, especially in someplace like Oakland? What a shock.

that was WHY Thinker101
for the last couple months or so I was beginning to think that was the case that the politicians of oakland had been bought off since they were not filing a lawsuit against them when they kept saying they would and waited for so long and since they have an even stronger case against the NFL than st louis did who recently won THEIR lawsuit. It was the only thing that made any sense.

The REASON though that it took Oakland so long to file the lawsuit I found out from talking to one of the main people behind the lawsuit is that many of the politicians at first they did not want to try and fight them because they tried once before to stop Al Davis from moving them to LA but failed so they did not want to go through all that again so it was very tough to convince them to do it because of that but they finally understood after people like me who knew the FACTS of the lawsuit,that moving an NFL team is much more difficult now that it was back then.

they got NFL relocation rules now that they did not have back then or when the Rams left LA that make it 10 times much more difficult to move a team than it was back then when the raiders left for LA and then the rams to st louis and the oliers to tennessee later on. after that,the next year,they came out with NFL rules that make it MUCH MORE difficult than it was back then and Mark Davis and the NFL violated those NFL rules.

people around here seem to have reading comprehension problems though because no matter how many times i say that,it just goes through one ear and out the other same as it did when i laid out the facts why the Rams would be back in LA.they could not get it then,they still cant NOW.:cuckoo::rolleyes: :abgg2q.jpg:

st louis was different,they just sued for money because they knew they could not get the team back since the city of st louis violated the terms of the lease agreement and the rams did everything they were supposed to according to the terms.

PLUS st louis never had a viable plan for a new stadium where oakland DID and the NFL did not even take a look at it.that is ONE of MANY facts they have in their case against the NFL.which is too complicated for the pro vegas people to understand obviously.:abgg2q.jpg:

Eh I was looking forward to Las Vegas having an NFL team!

Oh dont get me wrong Odium

Vegas WILL have an NFL team,it just WONT be the Raiders.It will be something like the Las Vegas Outlaws or Las Vegas gamblers.something like that.:D
What do you think happens IF Oakland wins this lawsuit and forces the Raiders to stay then? Will the Raiders disband? Be sold? What?
This is actually not breaking.It was announced in the bay area in California about a couple weeks ago which was just in time for Christmas for Oakland fans.:beer::clap2::dance:Its breaking for everybody else around here though obviously since nobody else mentioned it. I just waited as long as i did to mention this now because I wanted everybody to see how st louis kicked butt in THEIR lawsuit against the NFL first AND won.:clap2: this is what you can expect.LOL

And just think, the City of Oakland has an even stronger case, and can really stick the screws to the Traiders and NFL. They'll be screaming bloody mercy that they would only have to pay $24 million + attorney's fees.

I kept saying the last several months that st louis was kicking ass in their lawsuit against the corrupt NFL. I also admit however I also said many times-"Man I am beginning to think the politicians in Oakland have all been bought off by the NFL. That was the ONLY thing that made any sense because it made no sense that it took this long to happen.should have happened over a year ago.:mad:

The other reason i thought that was the only thing that made any sense why they did not file the lawsuit like st louis did was because as i said many times,Oakland has an even STRONGER case against the NFL than st Louis did so if st louis won,then Imagine how Oakland will CRUSH the NFL in THEIR lawsuit?:yes_text12::dance:

Everybody here should listen to this short 4 minute video in this link that says Chris Leighton in it. after you click it on,He is the one leading the charge in the lawsuit.

Chris Leighton

I got to talk to him once about it last week and he told me the REASON it did take so long for Oakland to file the lawsuit was because Oakland after losing their team once before and trying to stop the move,for a long time they did not want to try and fight it and go through all that again But they had to be convinced that NFL relocations are TEN TIMES more difficult to have now than they were back in the early 80's when traiter Al Davis moved them to LA. Had the NFL relocation rules been in place back then that are in place now,Al Davis would NEVER have been allowed to move the Raiders to LA back then.:)

Politicians being bought off, especially in someplace like Oakland? What a shock.

that was WHY Thinker101
for the last couple months or so I was beginning to think that was the case that the politicians of oakland had been bought off since they were not filing a lawsuit against them when they kept saying they would and waited for so long and since they have an even stronger case against the NFL than st louis did who recently won THEIR lawsuit. It was the only thing that made any sense.

The REASON though that it took Oakland so long to file the lawsuit I found out from talking to one of the main people behind the lawsuit is that many of the politicians at first they did not want to try and fight them because they tried once before to stop Al Davis from moving them to LA but failed so they did not want to go through all that again so it was very tough to convince them to do it because of that but they finally understood after people like me who knew the FACTS of the lawsuit,that moving an NFL team is much more difficult now that it was back then.

they got NFL relocation rules now that they did not have back then or when the Rams left LA that make it 10 times much more difficult to move a team than it was back then when the raiders left for LA and then the rams to st louis and the oliers to tennessee later on. after that,the next year,they came out with NFL rules that make it MUCH MORE difficult than it was back then and Mark Davis and the NFL violated those NFL rules.

people around here seem to have reading comprehension problems though because no matter how many times i say that,it just goes through one ear and out the other same as it did when i laid out the facts why the Rams would be back in LA.they could not get it then,they still cant NOW.:cuckoo::rolleyes: :abgg2q.jpg:

st louis was different,they just sued for money because they knew they could not get the team back since the city of st louis violated the terms of the lease agreement and the rams did everything they were supposed to according to the terms.

PLUS st louis never had a viable plan for a new stadium where oakland DID and the NFL did not even take a look at it.that is ONE of MANY facts they have in their case against the NFL.which is too complicated for the pro vegas people to understand obviously.:abgg2q.jpg:

Eh I was looking forward to Las Vegas having an NFL team!

Oh dont get me wrong Odium

Vegas WILL have an NFL team,it just WONT be the Raiders.It will be something like the Las Vegas Outlaws or Las Vegas gamblers.something like that.:D
What do you think happens IF Oakland wins this lawsuit and forces the Raiders to stay then? Will the Raiders disband? Be sold? What?

well Oaklands case is very identical and very similiar to clevelands case when art modell tried to take the team name to baltimore. when the city of cleveland threatened to sue modell and the NFL for the move,to avoid going to court knowing they would lose because the NFL relocation rules got 10 times harder for an NFL team to relocate than it was back in the early 80's when al took the raiders to LA,to avoid going to court and being embarrassed,the NFL in a settlement out of court,agreed to leave the name in cleveland and as you know,the city of cleveland did not have an NFL team for four years before they were able to find a buyer to buy them and take over. well since again,oakland case is very similair and identical to clevelands,i see the same thing happening here with oakland although i dont think oakland will have to wait as long as cleveland did to have the browns as part of the NFL again having to wait four years to do so because it took them that long to find another owner.

oakland has ronnie lott and a group of bankers and investors already lined up is what i am hearing ready to purchase them so the LONGEST i see oakland not having the raiders as part of the NFL would be ONE YEAR at the most.and that is prefectly fine for the oakland fans just as long as they retain the name and logio is all they care about.
hey wrongwinger cry baby,i know you are STILL butthurt today on your prediction that the Rams would never coming back to LA that you STILL do this all the time about being proven wrong on that.

ahhh you are so cute in this pic there i found of you:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok::itsok: i know you had to be talked out of jumping off the bridge and commiting suicide that day since you would kill yourself first before ever admitting to being wrong,i wonder if you will keep from jumping off the bridge THIS time when as always,y u show why you need to change your name to WRONGwinger since being right is something you have NEVER done in your sad life before. i also notice how as ALWAYS,wrongwinger in defeat,when backed up against the wall and cant counter facts posts a smiley in defeat:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Glad you agree with me wrongwinger how it IS funny that picture of you there crying to the whole world your butthurt on being proven wrong on the rams not coming back to LA AND your butthurt as well that the raiders are going to stay in oakland when you cant counter the evidence and just try and laugh it off which your lover jarlaxie joined in on:itsok:


Moron still believes the Rams play in LA

You got your ass handed to you by LA RAM still stings to this day. BTW, you are an "Award Winning USMB Paid Message Board Poster"? How much did ya pay for the trophy and do you have it prominently displayed over the mantle of your abode along with a shrine consisting of candles strategically placed?????
Wonderful news! High time these might professional sports owners were humbled by the people they play for.

I just got out of Vegas a week ago. Already a lot of people walking the strip were clad in Raiders gear. Hopefully they can get refunded lol.
Wonderful news! High time these might professional sports owners were humbled by the people they play for.

I just got out of Vegas a week ago. Already a lot of people walking the strip were clad in Raiders gear. Hopefully they can get refunded lol.

They are going to start crying once they discover they will have to keep going to oakland if they want to see a Raiders game LIVE.:abgg2q.jpg: yeah aint it wonderful news though?
Dismiss? SERIOUSLY?:lmao::laughing0301:

They tried to previously get the St. Louis suit dismissed also, and guess where that case is headed?

Oakland possesses an even stronger and more stellar case than that in St. Louis, so expect the NFL and it's owners request for dismissal to be denied.:2up::haha::lmao::laughing0301:

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Cleveland did this when Modell moved the Browns to Baltimore. They managed to keep the Browns name and colors for Cleveland. But that was all. Oakland may get to keep the Raiders name and colors, but there is 0 chance that they will be able to prevent the team from moving to Las Vegas.
So if Oakland gets to keep the colors and the name, they would have to get an expansion franchise or existing team to move there. And a new stadium will have to funded. No one is going to play in the current one.
Cleveland did this when Modell moved the Browns to Baltimore. They managed to keep the Browns name and colors for Cleveland. But that was all. Oakland may get to keep the Raiders name and colors, but there is 0 chance that they will be able to prevent the team from moving to Las Vegas.
So if Oakland gets to keep the colors and the name, they would have to get an expansion franchise or existing team to move there. And a new stadium will have to funded. No one is going to play in the current one.

They wont have any problem getting a new stadium funded.Oakland has a couple of billion dollar investors ready to go to purchase and buy the team and privately fiance the new stadium. Once a new OWNER takes over the team,I think Levil stadium will do an about face and let the Raiders play there asa temp home for the couple seasons or so while the new stadium is being built.

Jed York Just does not want the raiders to play there while MARK DAVIS is the owner because its well known all the owners hate the davis family. thats WHY they gave the chargers the second option of joining the rams as the second team in LA even thougjh THE RAIDERS have a much larger fanbase than the chargers in LA,the chargers have a ZERO fanbase in LA but the owners gave them the approval to be the seond team cause they knew the raiders would succeed in LA where vegas,it is a VERY uncertain market with MANY questions. Vegas doesnt even support their own college football team there.LOL plus experts have called it the WORST sports disaster deal in sports HISTORY. the owners KNOW the raiders would bomb in VEGAS so that is WHY they gave them the approval,there is so many problems with the vegas deal as i have outlined on this whole thread,its comical.:abgg2q.jpg:

like for one as i mentioned,the NFL and davis were counting on it being ready by 2020/Its not even close to being ready by then,it is WAY behind schedule so it wont be ready till 2021 NOW.:laughing0301::lmao: that is a HORRIBLE situation for the NFL as long as Davis is the owner anyways.LOL
Its official,no surprise in the least. Davis has to go back to oakland with his tail between his legs after he said there was no way he would play in oakland this year if they filed a lawsuit against them. must suck to be mark davis and have egg on your face right now.:abgg2q.jpg:

Report: Raiders back to Oakland for 2019 a done deal

so many things are going wrong for mark davis.poor baby.:abgg2q.jpg:
amen to that.:2up: exactly what myself and EVERY oakland raiders fans has been saying the last few years. Davis remaining owner of the raiders only hurts the NFL,he sells the team to an owner committed to winning as his dad was,does nothing but enhance the NFL and make it much better.

Why Mark Davis Needs to Sell the Raiders
This is actually not breaking.It was announced in the bay area in California about a couple weeks ago which was just in time for Christmas for Oakland fans.:beer::clap2::dance:Its breaking for everybody else around here though obviously since nobody else mentioned it. I just waited as long as i did to mention this now because I wanted everybody to see how st louis kicked butt in THEIR lawsuit against the NFL first AND won.:clap2: this is what you can expect.LOL

And just think, the City of Oakland has an even stronger case, and can really stick the screws to the Traiders and NFL. They'll be screaming bloody mercy that they would only have to pay $24 million + attorney's fees.

I kept saying the last several months that st louis was kicking ass in their lawsuit against the corrupt NFL. I also admit however I also said many times-"Man I am beginning to think the politicians in Oakland have all been bought off by the NFL. That was the ONLY thing that made any sense because it made no sense that it took this long to happen.should have happened over a year ago.:mad:

The other reason i thought that was the only thing that made any sense why they did not file the lawsuit like st louis did was because as i said many times,Oakland has an even STRONGER case against the NFL than st Louis did so if st louis won,then Imagine how Oakland will CRUSH the NFL in THEIR lawsuit?:yes_text12::dance:

Everybody here should listen to this short 4 minute video in this link that says Chris Leighton in it. after you click it on,He is the one leading the charge in the lawsuit.

Chris Leighton

I got to talk to him once about it last week and he told me the REASON it did take so long for Oakland to file the lawsuit was because Oakland after losing their team once before and trying to stop the move,for a long time they did not want to try and fight it and go through all that again But they had to be convinced that NFL relocations are TEN TIMES more difficult to have now than they were back in the early 80's when traiter Al Davis moved them to LA. Had the NFL relocation rules been in place back then that are in place now,Al Davis would NEVER have been allowed to move the Raiders to LA back then.:)

You certainly make an interesting case.

I hope you are right. Though I would like to see an NFL team in Las Vegas, I do NOT want it to be the Raiders.
I am NOT a Raiders fan. But I am a BIG fan of the Raiders staying in Oakland.
I did not like it when the Raiders were in LA and I don't want to see them move now.
This is actually not breaking.It was announced in the bay area in California about a couple weeks ago which was just in time for Christmas for Oakland fans.:beer::clap2::dance:Its breaking for everybody else around here though obviously since nobody else mentioned it. I just waited as long as i did to mention this now because I wanted everybody to see how st louis kicked butt in THEIR lawsuit against the NFL first AND won.:clap2: this is what you can expect.LOL

And just think, the City of Oakland has an even stronger case, and can really stick the screws to the Traiders and NFL. They'll be screaming bloody mercy that they would only have to pay $24 million + attorney's fees.

I kept saying the last several months that st louis was kicking ass in their lawsuit against the corrupt NFL. I also admit however I also said many times-"Man I am beginning to think the politicians in Oakland have all been bought off by the NFL. That was the ONLY thing that made any sense because it made no sense that it took this long to happen.should have happened over a year ago.:mad:

The other reason i thought that was the only thing that made any sense why they did not file the lawsuit like st louis did was because as i said many times,Oakland has an even STRONGER case against the NFL than st Louis did so if st louis won,then Imagine how Oakland will CRUSH the NFL in THEIR lawsuit?:yes_text12::dance:

Everybody here should listen to this short 4 minute video in this link that says Chris Leighton in it. after you click it on,He is the one leading the charge in the lawsuit.

Chris Leighton

I got to talk to him once about it last week and he told me the REASON it did take so long for Oakland to file the lawsuit was because Oakland after losing their team once before and trying to stop the move,for a long time they did not want to try and fight it and go through all that again But they had to be convinced that NFL relocations are TEN TIMES more difficult to have now than they were back in the early 80's when traiter Al Davis moved them to LA. Had the NFL relocation rules been in place back then that are in place now,Al Davis would NEVER have been allowed to move the Raiders to LA back then.:)

How dare you. Tom Brady is an upstanding citizen. And his cheating was an isolated incident. He just wanted to win at any cost. Hell even if he had to cheat to win. But Tom Brady is the only one. All the other great quarterbacks would never cheat right?

Joe Montana denies illegal activity after being linked to college admissions scandal


  • upload_2019-3-15_13-39-33.png
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This is actually not breaking.It was announced in the bay area in California about a couple weeks ago which was just in time for Christmas for Oakland fans.:beer::clap2::dance:Its breaking for everybody else around here though obviously since nobody else mentioned it. I just waited as long as i did to mention this now because I wanted everybody to see how st louis kicked butt in THEIR lawsuit against the NFL first AND won.:clap2: this is what you can expect.LOL

And just think, the City of Oakland has an even stronger case, and can really stick the screws to the Traiders and NFL. They'll be screaming bloody mercy that they would only have to pay $24 million + attorney's fees.

I kept saying the last several months that st louis was kicking ass in their lawsuit against the corrupt NFL. I also admit however I also said many times-"Man I am beginning to think the politicians in Oakland have all been bought off by the NFL. That was the ONLY thing that made any sense because it made no sense that it took this long to happen.should have happened over a year ago.:mad:

The other reason i thought that was the only thing that made any sense why they did not file the lawsuit like st louis did was because as i said many times,Oakland has an even STRONGER case against the NFL than st Louis did so if st louis won,then Imagine how Oakland will CRUSH the NFL in THEIR lawsuit?:yes_text12::dance:

Everybody here should listen to this short 4 minute video in this link that says Chris Leighton in it. after you click it on,He is the one leading the charge in the lawsuit.

Chris Leighton

I got to talk to him once about it last week and he told me the REASON it did take so long for Oakland to file the lawsuit was because Oakland after losing their team once before and trying to stop the move,for a long time they did not want to try and fight it and go through all that again But they had to be convinced that NFL relocations are TEN TIMES more difficult to have now than they were back in the early 80's when traiter Al Davis moved them to LA. Had the NFL relocation rules been in place back then that are in place now,Al Davis would NEVER have been allowed to move the Raiders to LA back then.:)

You certainly make an interesting case.

I hope you are right. Though I would like to see an NFL team in Las Vegas, I do NOT want it to be the Raiders.
I am NOT a Raiders fan. But I am a BIG fan of the Raiders staying in Oakland.
I did not like it when the Raiders were in LA and I don't want to see them move now.

same here.i also am not a Raiders fan but you are so right,they belong in oakland. Them not playing in oakland is like the yankees leaving new york for vegas.I mean their identity is new york which is why they are called the bronx bombers.

The name Raiders without Oakland in front of it just doesnt work. when they were in LA anytime they said Los Angeles Raiders,it sounded so childish,you just couldnt put los angeles raides in the same name with NFL,they sounded like an arena football team or something like that.

I am glad you see unlike most people that have come on here,that oakland has a very strong case against the NFL. The reason i am very confidant that vegas will have a new team but it wont be the raiders is because st louis won THEIR case against the NFL and Oaklands case is even stronger than st louis's was and not only that,is even stronger than clevelands was when they sued the NFL and modell when he tried to take the Browns team name to balttimore.

when cleveland threatened the lawsuit against him both him and the NFL backed down and settled the case out of court avoiding trial with modell settling by leaving the name in Cleveland .

I see the same thing happening with the raiders.

speaking of that,guess what? the trial date is set in two years from now,


you think davis is going to want to go to court and fight this? :abgg2q.jpg:He tried hard as hell to get the courts to drop the lawsuit but to no avail .you KNOW he was crying when he heard the news the lawsuit would not be dropped.:lmao::haha::laughing0301:

It is not looking good for davis at all,recently at an anti trust itigation hearing where all the NFL owners were present,THEY all had their lawyers with them and they were all appointed by the NFL. David had his lawyer with him as well but guess what? the difference is he was the ONLY owner who did not have the NFL appoint one for him,he had to hire his OWN? you think the other owners are going to back davis up in oaklands lawsuit? Not happening.:laughing0301::iyfyus.jpg:
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the LAMESTREAM media lies as always,here saying the raiders expect to be ready to move to vegas in 2020 holding out facts that the stadium is way behind schedule and wont be ready by 2020two years.:abgg2q.jpg:

Greg Jones
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This is actually not breaking.It was announced in the bay area in California about a couple weeks ago which was just in time for Christmas for Oakland fans.:beer::clap2::dance:Its breaking for everybody else around here though obviously since nobody else mentioned it. I just waited as long as i did to mention this now because I wanted everybody to see how st louis kicked butt in THEIR lawsuit against the NFL first AND won.:clap2: this is what you can expect.LOL

And just think, the City of Oakland has an even stronger case, and can really stick the screws to the Traiders and NFL. They'll be screaming bloody mercy that they would only have to pay $24 million + attorney's fees.

I kept saying the last several months that st louis was kicking ass in their lawsuit against the corrupt NFL. I also admit however I also said many times-"Man I am beginning to think the politicians in Oakland have all been bought off by the NFL. That was the ONLY thing that made any sense because it made no sense that it took this long to happen.should have happened over a year ago.:mad:

The other reason i thought that was the only thing that made any sense why they did not file the lawsuit like st louis did was because as i said many times,Oakland has an even STRONGER case against the NFL than st Louis did so if st louis won,then Imagine how Oakland will CRUSH the NFL in THEIR lawsuit?:yes_text12::dance:

Everybody here should listen to this short 4 minute video in this link that says Chris Leighton in it. after you click it on,He is the one leading the charge in the lawsuit.

Chris Leighton

I got to talk to him once about it last week and he told me the REASON it did take so long for Oakland to file the lawsuit was because Oakland after losing their team once before and trying to stop the move,for a long time they did not want to try and fight it and go through all that again But they had to be convinced that NFL relocations are TEN TIMES more difficult to have now than they were back in the early 80's when traiter Al Davis moved them to LA. Had the NFL relocation rules been in place back then that are in place now,Al Davis would NEVER have been allowed to move the Raiders to LA back then.:)

You certainly make an interesting case.

I hope you are right. Though I would like to see an NFL team in Las Vegas, I do NOT want it to be the Raiders.
I am NOT a Raiders fan. But I am a BIG fan of the Raiders staying in Oakland.
I did not like it when the Raiders were in LA and I don't want to see them move now.

same here.i also am not a Raiders fan but you are so right,they belong in oakland. Them not playing in oakland is like the yankees leaving new york for vegas.I mean their identity is new york which is why they are called the bronx bombers.

The name Raiders without Oakland in front of it just doesnt work. when they were in LA anytime they said Los Angeles Raiders,it sounded so childish,you just couldnt put los angeles raides in the same name with NFL,they sounded like an arena football team or something like that.

I am glad you see unlike most people that have come on here,that oakland has a very strong case against the NFL. The reason i am very confidant that vegas will have a new team but it wont be the raiders is because st louis won THEIR case against the NFL and Oaklands case is even stronger than st louis's was and not only that,is even stronger than clevelands was when they sued the NFL and modell when he tried to take the Browns team name to balttimore.

when cleveland threatened the lawsuit against him both him and the NFL backed down and settled the case out of court avoiding trial with modell settling by leaving the name in Cleveland .

I see the same thing happening with the raiders.

speaking of that,guess what? the trial date is set in two years from now,


you think davis is going to want to go to court and fight this? :abgg2q.jpg:He tried hard as hell to get the courts to drop the lawsuit but to no avail .you KNOW he was crying when he heard the news the lawsuit would not be dropped.:lmao::haha::laughing0301:

It is not looking good for davis at all,recently at an anti trust itigation hearing where all the NFL owners were present,THEY all had their lawyers with them and they were all appointed by the NFL. David had his lawyer with him as well but guess what? the difference is he was the ONLY owner who did not have the NFL appoint one for him,he had to hire his OWN? you think the other owners are going to back davis up in oaklands lawsuit? Not happening.:laughing0301::iyfyus.jpg: certainly seem an expert in this stuff.

What I don't understand is - why don;t cities get 20-30 year guarantees from the teams they build the stadiums for? Have some cities done that? Or is that illegal somehow? Do you know?
the LAMESTREAM media lies as always,here saying the raiders expect to be ready to move to vegas in 2020 holding out facts that the stadium is way behind schedule and wont be ready by 2020two years.:abgg2q.jpg:

Greg Jones

Vegas is SO fickle as well (it used to be anyway).

I doubt the Raiders will workout there either...especially if they go through a long period of lousy teams (like they have lately).

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