Breaking News: Turkish jets bomb US backed forces in iraq and Syria


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Fikri Isik, at the Pentagon for talks about the upcoming Raqqa offensive in Syria. Both secretaries ignored a question from a reporter about the role Kurds would play in that operation. There are currently about 1,000 U.S. troops on the ground in Syria. In March, 400 Marines deployed to Syria as part of an artillery battery to support U.S.-backed troops fighting around Raqqa. The U.S. Air Force uses a Turkish airbase near the border with Syria to conduct strikes against ISIS. FULL REPORT
BREAKING NEWS: Turkish Jets Bomb US-backed forces in Iraq and Syria

Our soldiers are being stretched out way to far for all these freaking wars.
The problem was the 8 years of weakness before all this!

It was a mess made worse by Obama and the far left around the world.

Proof the far left is much more damaging to the world and should never been in power of anything!
The problem was the 8 years of weakness before all this!

It was a mess made worse by Obama and the far left around the world.

Proof the far left is much more damaging to the world and should never been in power of anything!

Your ignorance is astonishing. The Military is too small to maintain the pace of deployments they have been for the duration of the war on terror. That is fifteen years so far. A decade and a half of deployments followed by a bit of home time and training and then redeployment back into the fight.

Back when I was in the Army we were downsizing even then. The 24th Infantry was disestablished and reflagged the Third Infanty.

List of current formations of the United States Army - Wikipedia

We just don't have the troops we had in the Cold War. We don't have half the troops. The argument made was that with the technological advantage we could save money and live letting drones and bombs do the work. How is that turning out for us?

The scandalous lack of armored vehicles during Iraq is from the war fighting plans that created the equipment. The vehicles were intended to transport the troops to the area where they would dismount and fight forward if the trucks. The trucks were never intended to be used as armored cars.

We switched from long range A2 rifles to the shorter M-4 because it was better in urban environments. Then we got fired up in Afghanistan where we couldn't reach the snipers with any accuracy except our own sniper rifles.

The Army is too small for the many tastings they are getting. Too small by half. There is no way anyone is going to vote to spend the millions of dollars to start trying to man another division now. We probably couldn't recruit enough troops.

The Navy has more ships so they can fire missiles that cost a million bucks a pop. The Air Force has fewer combat aircraft. Even the marines are smaller than they were.

All of this was the case from Bush the first, through Clinton to Bush the Second and continued through Obama. Blaming Obama for it is asinine.

We had a military that could fight two and a half wars when Reagan was in office. Since that time the requirement keeps lowering until we are where we can't fight one real war anymore. That's why they rely on the drones so much. They don't have the troops anymore.

Blaming Obama for this is giving everyone else a pass for all they did. Obama didn't help the situation. That is true. But there was no realistic way he could. Recruiting has been missing the goals for years. Most kids used to join for something to do, or college money, or skill training.

Donald Trump’s hopes to rebuild military threatened by manpower shortage

Now the only recruits are the legacy military, the patriots, and the killers. The legacy types join because their family has for generations. The Patriots join for obvious reasons. The killers join because they want to kill. Many of those are gang members going in to become more dangerous and thus more valuable for the gang.

In the Army Now: Gangs, Nazis & the Mentally Ill

The Gang Bangers that the Right regularly deride make up a fair portion of the Army, and are being trained to kill with far more skill than they had in the streets.

So blame Obama for American Gang Grafitti showing up in Iraq in 2003 if you want. Personally I think there are a lot of problems and enough blame to go around. But pretend it's all better now because Obama is gone.
The problem was the 8 years of weakness before all this!

It was a mess made worse by Obama and the far left around the world.

Proof the far left is much more damaging to the world and should never been in power of anything!

Your ignorance is astonishing. The Military is too small to maintain the pace of deployments they have been for the duration of the war on terror. That is fifteen years so far. A decade and a half of deployments followed by a bit of home time and training and then redeployment back into the fight.

Back when I was in the Army we were downsizing even then. The 24th Infantry was disestablished and reflagged the Third Infanty.

List of current formations of the United States Army - Wikipedia

We just don't have the troops we had in the Cold War. We don't have half the troops. The argument made was that with the technological advantage we could save money and live letting drones and bombs do the work. How is that turning out for us?

The scandalous lack of armored vehicles during Iraq is from the war fighting plans that created the equipment. The vehicles were intended to transport the troops to the area where they would dismount and fight forward if the trucks. The trucks were never intended to be used as armored cars.

We switched from long range A2 rifles to the shorter M-4 because it was better in urban environments. Then we got fired up in Afghanistan where we couldn't reach the snipers with any accuracy except our own sniper rifles.

The Army is too small for the many tastings they are getting. Too small by half. There is no way anyone is going to vote to spend the millions of dollars to start trying to man another division now. We probably couldn't recruit enough troops.

The Navy has more ships so they can fire missiles that cost a million bucks a pop. The Air Force has fewer combat aircraft. Even the marines are smaller than they were.

All of this was the case from Bush the first, through Clinton to Bush the Second and continued through Obama. Blaming Obama for it is asinine.

We had a military that could fight two and a half wars when Reagan was in office. Since that time the requirement keeps lowering until we are where we can't fight one real war anymore. That's why they rely on the drones so much. They don't have the troops anymore.

Blaming Obama for this is giving everyone else a pass for all they did. Obama didn't help the situation. That is true. But there was no realistic way he could. Recruiting has been missing the goals for years. Most kids used to join for something to do, or college money, or skill training.

Donald Trump’s hopes to rebuild military threatened by manpower shortage

Now the only recruits are the legacy military, the patriots, and the killers. The legacy types join because their family has for generations. The Patriots join for obvious reasons. The killers join because they want to kill. Many of those are gang members going in to become more dangerous and thus more valuable for the gang.

In the Army Now: Gangs, Nazis & the Mentally Ill

The Gang Bangers that the Right regularly deride make up a fair portion of the Army, and are being trained to kill with far more skill than they had in the streets.

So blame Obama for American Gang Grafitti showing up in Iraq in 2003 if you want. Personally I think there are a lot of problems and enough blame to go around. But pretend it's all better now because Obama is gone.

Exactly, you just proven my comments that Obama made it worse..

Ignorance is a trait of the far left!
The problem was the 8 years of weakness before all this!

It was a mess made worse by Obama and the far left around the world.

Proof the far left is much more damaging to the world and should never been in power of anything!

Your ignorance is astonishing. The Military is too small to maintain the pace of deployments they have been for the duration of the war on terror. That is fifteen years so far. A decade and a half of deployments followed by a bit of home time and training and then redeployment back into the fight.

Back when I was in the Army we were downsizing even then. The 24th Infantry was disestablished and reflagged the Third Infanty.

List of current formations of the United States Army - Wikipedia

We just don't have the troops we had in the Cold War. We don't have half the troops. The argument made was that with the technological advantage we could save money and live letting drones and bombs do the work. How is that turning out for us?

The scandalous lack of armored vehicles during Iraq is from the war fighting plans that created the equipment. The vehicles were intended to transport the troops to the area where they would dismount and fight forward if the trucks. The trucks were never intended to be used as armored cars.

We switched from long range A2 rifles to the shorter M-4 because it was better in urban environments. Then we got fired up in Afghanistan where we couldn't reach the snipers with any accuracy except our own sniper rifles.

The Army is too small for the many tastings they are getting. Too small by half. There is no way anyone is going to vote to spend the millions of dollars to start trying to man another division now. We probably couldn't recruit enough troops.

The Navy has more ships so they can fire missiles that cost a million bucks a pop. The Air Force has fewer combat aircraft. Even the marines are smaller than they were.

All of this was the case from Bush the first, through Clinton to Bush the Second and continued through Obama. Blaming Obama for it is asinine.

We had a military that could fight two and a half wars when Reagan was in office. Since that time the requirement keeps lowering until we are where we can't fight one real war anymore. That's why they rely on the drones so much. They don't have the troops anymore.

Blaming Obama for this is giving everyone else a pass for all they did. Obama didn't help the situation. That is true. But there was no realistic way he could. Recruiting has been missing the goals for years. Most kids used to join for something to do, or college money, or skill training.

Donald Trump’s hopes to rebuild military threatened by manpower shortage

Now the only recruits are the legacy military, the patriots, and the killers. The legacy types join because their family has for generations. The Patriots join for obvious reasons. The killers join because they want to kill. Many of those are gang members going in to become more dangerous and thus more valuable for the gang.

In the Army Now: Gangs, Nazis & the Mentally Ill

The Gang Bangers that the Right regularly deride make up a fair portion of the Army, and are being trained to kill with far more skill than they had in the streets.

So blame Obama for American Gang Grafitti showing up in Iraq in 2003 if you want. Personally I think there are a lot of problems and enough blame to go around. But pretend it's all better now because Obama is gone.

Exactly, you just proven my comments that Obama made it worse..

Ignorance is a trait of the far left!

There is ignorance here. You hold it. How was Obama supposed to keep a division active when the Army could not recruit the troops to man it? Was Obama supposed to bring back the Draft that the Army is absolutely opposed to? Tell me what Obama was supposed to do to force people to join an army?

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