Breaking News: Islam conqueors USA


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
In much the same fashion as a dictatorship suppresses all dissent, Islam has effectively overthrown the USA. No American is free to publicly criticize Islam, go on tv and show images of Mohammed, or anything else Muslims don't like. If anyone does, Muslims riot and become violent here and around the world.

In a very real sense then, Islam has conqueored the USA, and without firing a shot.
Islam has set itself on a collision course with the west, and it can expect increasing criticism of its heart felt beliefs. What Islam holds sacred many people with a western education see as primitive nonsense.
I think Islam will gradually be ground down over the next few generations. Then the mosques will be as empty as the churches.
Islam has set itself on a collision course with the west, and it can expect increasing criticism of its heart felt beliefs. What Islam holds sacred many people with a western education see as primitive nonsense.
I think Islam will gradually be ground down over the next few generations. Then the mosques will be as empty as the churches.
Is that how it worked in Europe?
maybe Dajjal !! Course , I see a growth in Christianity as time and more death , oppression happen .
We now know that the isis beheader was raised and educated in London. He came from an upper middle class family and went to college.

The plot to bomb the London tube was created and implemented by a terror cell composed entirely of doctors and nurses from London hospitals.

Western education doesn't affect islamic radicalism at all.
In much the same fashion as a dictatorship suppresses all dissent, Islam has effectively overthrown the USA. No American is free to publicly criticize Islam, go on tv and show images of Mohammed, or anything else Muslims don't like. If anyone does, Muslims riot and become violent here and around the world.

In a very real sense then, Islam has conqueored the USA, and without firing a shot.
In much the same fashion as a dictatorship suppresses all dissent, Islam has effectively overthrown the USA. No American is free to publicly criticize Islam, go on tv and show images of Mohammed, or anything else Muslims don't like. If anyone does, Muslims riot and become violent here and around the world.

In a very real sense then, Islam has conqueored the USA, and without firing a shot.

Ever seen an image of Mohammed on US tv? In a newspaper? In public other than on some protestor's sign?

Even in the wake of the Paris Hebdo attack, no one in the US dares to actually show what the all the fuss is about.
In much the same fashion as a dictatorship suppresses all dissent, Islam has effectively overthrown the USA. No American is free to publicly criticize Islam, go on tv and show images of Mohammed, or anything else Muslims don't like. If anyone does, Muslims riot and become violent here and around the world.

In a very real sense then, Islam has conqueored the USA, and without firing a shot.

Ever seen an image of Mohammed on US tv? In a newspaper? In public other than on some protestor's sign?

Even in the wake of the Paris Hebdo attack, no one in the US dares to actually show what the all the fuss is about.
ah. So sympathy and understanding for others is now defacto dictatorship and suppression by those others?
Islam has set itself on a collision course with the west, and it can expect increasing criticism of its heart felt beliefs. What Islam holds sacred many people with a western education see as primitive nonsense.
I think Islam will gradually be ground down over the next few generations. Then the mosques will be as empty as the churches.
Is that how it worked in Europe?

We are only at the beginning of the process, it will take a couple of generations to educate the middle east away from its obsession with the Quran, to study other things like evolution theory. At the moment middle eastern countries like Afghanistan teach the Quran to the exclusion of other studies, but as they come more into contact with western ideas through the internet they will gradually see there are flaws in their so called holy book.
In much the same fashion as a dictatorship suppresses all dissent, Islam has effectively overthrown the USA. No American is free to publicly criticize Islam, go on tv and show images of Mohammed, or anything else Muslims don't like. If anyone does, Muslims riot and become violent here and around the world.

In a very real sense then, Islam has conqueored the USA, and without firing a shot.

Ever seen an image of Mohammed on US tv? In a newspaper? In public other than on some protestor's sign?

Even in the wake of the Paris Hebdo attack, no one in the US dares to actually show what the all the fuss is about.
ah. So sympathy and understanding for others is now defacto dictatorship and suppression by those others?

It's censorship of dissent. No one restricts criticism of Christianity or of showing Jesus. The censorship is entirely in favor of Islam. Which violates the 1st Amendment. Thus Islam has a special class all its own where dissent is forbidden.
sympathy and understanding should have no place when it comes to news organizations reporting , news , facts and events OGIBILLIM .
We now know that the isis beheader was raised and educated in London. He came from an upper middle class family and went to college.

The plot to bomb the London tube was created and implemented by a terror cell composed entirely of doctors and nurses from London hospitals.

Western education doesn't affect islamic radicalism at all.

They probably have not been exposed to sufficient Quranic criticism to see the flaws in the Quran, but they will in time.
In much the same fashion as a dictatorship suppresses all dissent, Islam has effectively overthrown the USA. No American is free to publicly criticize Islam, go on tv and show images of Mohammed, or anything else Muslims don't like. If anyone does, Muslims riot and become violent here and around the world.

In a very real sense then, Islam has conqueored the USA, and without firing a shot.

Ever seen an image of Mohammed on US tv? In a newspaper? In public other than on some protestor's sign?

Even in the wake of the Paris Hebdo attack, no one in the US dares to actually show what the all the fuss is about.
ah. So sympathy and understanding for others is now defacto dictatorship and suppression by those others?

It's censorship of dissent. No one restricts criticism of Christianity or of showing Jesus. The censorship is entirely in favor of Islam. Which violates the 1st Amendment. Thus Islam has a special class all its own where dissent is forbidden.
First, voluntarily censorship does not violate the first amendment.
second, there is no restriction on criticism of islam. See this board, fox news, any number of pundits, politicians, and average joes looking to declare themselves an expert on the koran.
third, christians do not feel the same way about depictions of jesus-but that doesn't mean some dont get upset and protest when they see something they dont like
sympathy and understanding should have no place when it comes to news organizations reporting , news , facts and events OGIBILLIM .
Yes it does. Do you want your evening news showing the body of the murdered little girl, the guts of the motorcycle driver spread out over the highway, the faces of rape victims?

Some things are not in good taste
We now know that the isis beheader was raised and educated in London. He came from an upper middle class family and went to college.

The plot to bomb the London tube was created and implemented by a terror cell composed entirely of doctors and nurses from London hospitals.

Western education doesn't affect islamic radicalism at all.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Underwear bomber, child of wealth and privilege.
sympathy and understanding should have no place when it comes to news organizations reporting , news , facts and events OGIBILLIM .
Yes it does. Do you want your evening news showing the body of the murdered little girl, the guts of the motorcycle driver spread out over the highway, the faces of rape victims?

Some things are not in good taste

Actually I do. If we actually showed the bloody aftermath of things people wouldn't be so blaise about them. Show the ISIS beheading videos, the burning of the Jordan pilot and people will get pissed off. As well they should. Just as with showing the aftermath of drunk driving would cause outrage at people driving drunk instead of the indifferent shrugs and claims "everybody does it" we have now.

Show reality if you're going to then discuss reality. If you censor reality, discussions about it are redundant.
In much the same fashion as a dictatorship suppresses all dissent, Islam has effectively overthrown the USA. No American is free to publicly criticize Islam, go on tv and show images of Mohammed, or anything else Muslims don't like. If anyone does, Muslims riot and become violent here and around the world.

In a very real sense then, Islam has conqueored the USA, and without firing a shot.

Ever seen an image of Mohammed on US tv? In a newspaper? In public other than on some protestor's sign?

Even in the wake of the Paris Hebdo attack, no one in the US dares to actually show what the all the fuss is about.
ah. So sympathy and understanding for others is now defacto dictatorship and suppression by those others?

It's censorship of dissent. No one restricts criticism of Christianity or of showing Jesus. The censorship is entirely in favor of Islam. Which violates the 1st Amendment. Thus Islam has a special class all its own where dissent is forbidden.
Works the same with Obama and race.

No white President could have ruled by decree like he has.

Big gamble for the Dems if they lose the White House and Congress.

They are banking on keeping the powers Obama usurped from behind the protection of his race, for themselves, for President Rodriquez and President Chin.

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