Eric's too hard to frame people for civil rights crimes...need to lower standards....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Just heard on the radio that eric holder wants the standards for prosecuting people for civil rights violations to be lowered.......what he didn't say but we know is the truth....they tried to frame zimmerman, and the cop in ferguson...but because of the damned "Constitution" and "Bill of Rights" they weren't able to rail road them....

Of course, when it comes to black panthers intimidating voters.....on video.....wellllllll....nothing to see here.......
The NEW civil rights statute:

Any person who willingly or knowingly, or indirectly, commits any act voluntary or involuntary, that angers anyone of African or Hispanic descent.
How much taxpayer money do you estimate Holder has blown with his Federal investigations of cases like the shootings of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown?

What's annoying to me isn't that the money was was the reason the money was send a message that the Obama Administration wasn't happy with results of "local justice" and was there to make things right...only to quietly slip away later on when it became obvious that the locals HAD got it right in the first place.
Eric Holder was the pit bull on Obama's leash. He broke the law and trampled all over the Constitution to serve his master. In a fair world, he would go to prison for his crimes. But that won't happen. He will get rewarded by the liberal elite he serves with money and awards.
Just heard on the radio that eric holder wants the standards for prosecuting people for civil rights violations to be lowered.......what he didn't say but we know is the truth....they tried to frame zimmerman, and the cop in ferguson...but because of the damned "Constitution" and "Bill of Rights" they weren't able to rail road them....

Of course, when it comes to black panthers intimidating voters.....on video.....wellllllll....nothing to see here.......

BillC -

Holder is right.
Just heard on the radio that eric holder wants the standards for prosecuting people for civil rights violations to be lowered.......what he didn't say but we know is the truth....they tried to frame zimmerman, and the cop in ferguson...but because of the damned "Constitution" and "Bill of Rights" they weren't able to rail road them....

Of course, when it comes to black panthers intimidating voters.....on video.....wellllllll....nothing to see here.......

BillC -

Holder is right.

That it is too hard to rail road innocent people thru the use of the Justice dept. abusing civil rights laws.....Yeah.....he is right about that......

And can call me Bill if you want, any one can actually....but it is interesting that you have latched on to that.....considering you don't use your real name...and haven't since I have been on here.....just a thought about your condition......

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