Breaking News: Cure For HIV AIDS Discovered By The Muslims!


Jun 29, 2011
Praise Allah, The Elusive Cure For The Scourge Of HIV AIDS Has Been Discovered 5 Years Ago By The Slaves Of Allah. Who even knew there are Muslime scientists? ALLAHU AKBAR! :bow3: :clap2:

[ame=]Science and Islam: Muslim Cure for Aids! - YouTube[/ame]
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There appears to be some controversy over the validity of the Yemenite muslim that they have discovered a cure for HIV AIDS.

Controversial sheikh claims AIDS cure

After 5 years of hiding the "cure," the world calls upon the muslims to release it if you have it Allahu Akbar :clap2:
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Fighting bigotry with bigotry?

I suspect that you may be right. They do not want to help you.
You're straying pretty far from your Op, bigot. Then again, i think your point is simply bigotry and hatred for muslims. Then again, most bigots are opposed to any race/creed outside their own, so Im sure you quietly extend the same feelings towards all gentile.

It's of course, your perogative to be a bottom feeder.

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