Breaking lie: Romney at Bain 3 years longer than he said!?! Wha, AGAIN?


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
NY 26th FINALLY DEM! Romney stayed longer at Bain - *18 minutes ago*

Government documents filed by Mitt Romney and Bain Capital say Romney remained chief executive and chairman of the firm three years beyond the date he said he ceded control, even creating five new investment partnerships during that time.
This guy is unbelievable! LOL

News for Romney at bain 3 years longer
Romney stayed longer at Bain - 42 minutes ago
Government documents filed by Mitt Romney and Bain Capital say Romney remained chief executive and chairman of the firm three years - 2190 related articles »
Firm's 2002 filings identify him as CEO, though he said he left in 1999 - *Boston Globe

Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain ...
4 hours ago ... Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated. Firm's 2002 filings
identify him as CEO, though he said he left in 1999 ...
Wasn't that to do with trying to distance him from the Bain investment in Stericycle...a firm that dispose of aborted foetuses?
Another lame left thread.

Who the hell cares how long Romney was at Bain?? Just because you think Bain was evil doesn't meand the rest of us do.

Now. Why aren't you as interested in Barrys past?? That would be an interesting place to dig for dirt.
It was Romney's time, the republicans puppets will pardon him but castigate Obama till the cows come home. We can only hope enough Americans see Romney for what he is: more of the same failed republican policies.

The 7 Types Of Republican Idiots | Addicting Info

If there are any characteristics that the right wing exemplifies they are the whining, the sky is falling, and martyrdom syndromes. Someone is always plotting to destroy some past utopia that only they can see. Add the Dunning-Kruger effect and you have the perfect right winger, usually a conservative, often republican, but occasionally a libertarian sort of mortal. They are real beauts, guided by the narrative of taxes are bad and government is even worse, the corporations play them like banjos, and like banjos they willingly acquiesce in their own - circle back to the top line.
It was Romney's time, the republicans puppets will pardon him but castigate Obama till the cows come home. We can only hope enough Americans see Romney for what he is: more of the same failed republican policies.

The 7 Types Of Republican Idiots | Addicting Info

If there are any characteristics that the right wing exemplifies they are the whining, the sky is falling, and martyrdom syndromes. Someone is always plotting to destroy some past utopia that only they can see. Add the Dunning-Kruger effect and you have the perfect right winger, usually a conservative, often republican, but occasionally a libertarian sort of mortal. They are real beauts, guided by the narrative of taxes are bad and government is even worse, the corporations play them like banjos, and like banjos they willingly acquiesce in their own - circle back to the top line.

addicting info calling Republicans idiots huh..real nice midcan
bottom of the barrel stuff

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