Breaking: Idaho GOP has voted to abolish the FBI and ban them from the state

A county sheriff is suppose to be THE law of the land and has the authority to direct FBI and federal Marshals when they are operating in his county.... sad that so many Sherriff's don't know this....

Right wingers know so many things that simply are not true.

Federal jurisdiction trumps everything.
Right wingers know so many things that simply are not true.

Federal jurisdiction trumps everything.
No, it does not. Federal jurisdiction trumps everything only where federal matters are concerned. Not everything is a federal matter.

Demwits know so many things that simply are NOT true.
First the retarded Left wanted to defund the police.

Now the Orange Cult wants to abolish the police.
What police?

We don't have any police.

The uniformed asswipes kneel for commies, and stand around going nothing while children are getting shot.

Why should we pay people to stand around doing nothing?
Right wingers know so many things that simply are not true.

Federal jurisdiction trumps everything.
I would bet that the FBI will be closed down during our lifetime and replaced with federal Marshals.... they did it to themselves... the FBI polls below congress today... what a shame... whatever dems touch the fuck up beyond repair....
There's a handy little tool on the internet called "Google". You can ask it anything, and it will provide links to give you the facts of any given subject (there's also a lot of bullshit mixed in, but that's another subject).

I suggest you use it before spouting off with demonstrably false crap like what you just did.
Maybe you should listen to your own advice dummy....

A Sheriff is generally (but not always) the highest, usually elected, law-enforcement officer of a county. Chiefs of Police usually are municipal employees who owe their allegiance to a city.
I would bet that the FBI will be closed down during our lifetime and replaced with federal Marshals.... they did it to themselves... the FBI polls below congress today... what a shame... whatever dems touch the fuck up beyond repair....
Anything authoritarian needs to be dealt with. Law and order does not mean "comply" We are free..."comply". Never forget the authoritarian. If empowered, he will destroy you.
It's a start.
Most extensive VOTER FRAUD organization’ in history
“...well sob, they fired the prosecutor”
“I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things...”
Honesty stemming from his dementia?

Every other state should do the same. Both the FBI and CIA have completely shot down their own credibility, pandering to treasonous criminal Democrats.
Every other state should do the same. Both the FBI and CIA have completely shot down their own credibility, pandering to treasonous criminal Democrats.
Agreed. Shut the fuckers down. Oklahoma will go along, I can practically guarantee it. So will South Dakota. Put the pressure on the corrupt FBI dumbfucks, and the corrupt mayors running the worthless police chiefs.
Exactly the response I'd expect from a leftard liar.



BULLSHIT. You just keep lying. One lie after another. I hope they're paying you well for your soul.

That's not COLLUSION, shit for brains.

Goddammit you're fucking stupid.

I didn't parrot a fucking thing you lying asswipe.

Shut the fuck up and stop meddling in our politics, you goddamn FOREIGNER.

Stay on your side of the border, you're not welcome here.

Somebody’s certainly triggered on a Sunday morning.

Calling me a quote, liar“ in capital letters doesn’t make anything you posted true.

You call anybody who posts facts and box them up with links “a liar”. Federal law is over all. The County Sherriff is low man on the totem pole.

Idaho is the ONLY state in the Union where the people took it upon themselves to repel BLM.

BLM busses showed up in Idaho, they took one look at the wall of armed trucks and left again.

Good for Idaho. A thousand cheers and a big thumbs up.

No First Amendment rights for voters in Idaho. Might makes right.

Thanks for proving right wing fascism yet again.

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