BREAKING! House Intel Committee To Release The FISA/Dossier Memo (It's Over, Mueller/Democrats!)

She does now! Her reporting is worthy of a Pulitzer Prize.

Meh, they don't give Pulitzers to wingnuts who can't even keep a job with the Moonies.
She's a great investigative reporter, just like Sharyl Attkisson.

Steve, no reason to argue with them, the documents are coming out. Nunez and Grassley knew exactly what happened, but could not prove it with evidence until they received the turnover of documents from the FBI and DOJ the end of last week. Now they have them, plain and simple.

Like we all of said---------> if it wasn't terrible for the Democrats, they would be pushing for release also. That is all you need to concern yourself with; that and the timeline for release.

These Leftists on here can say whatever they want, but what do they really know? They know less than we do, know why? Because they have been all in on their narrative for ever. They never even considered that something might be wrong. And why would they? They had the former administration, their Presidential candidate, the FBI, and the DOJ along with Muller telling them they were correct. That is a pretty strong line up to put your faith in.

That is exactly why it appears that this scandal is going to be so devastating. Confidence in what the American people are being told, is going to be shaken to the core.

What is the probability it is true?

Pretty damn high!

What makes us think that?

A whole bunch, but one thing that stands out is---------> There isn't a person on this board that doesn't think that if the FBI or DOJ wants to get you, they will get you! And yet, you seen after reading that memo, members of congress standing there and demanding the jobs of top officials in the FBI, and DOJ, along with prosecution, BY NAME!

Now color me silly, but knowing these people can make anyones live miserable, who would be dumb enough to do that on false pretenses, knowing they are going to be so pissed, an investigation on you would be started the instant they walked back in to headquarters!

See, it is my supposition, (well, not only mine but many others) that the collusion/delusion is a scandal, but not the big Kahuna. The collusion/delusion was not put in for its own sake, it was put in to cover something else by keeping the Trump administration at bay. I, along with most people who believe it is accurate, think this whole thing was really about the Iran deal, Uranium 1, and the Russians helping us to bring Iran to the table.

Now like the Iran deal or not, there was nothing ILLEGAL about the deal, or at least as far as most of us know. So why then would this be about the Iran deal? Because, what did Trump run on AFTER illegal immigration-) And who is Iran really a puppet of now-)

And how do ALL the players throughout the EU view that deal? How does the UK view that deal? How does even Australia and New Zealand view that deal? Especially now that many of their businesses have started investing tons of money over there!

Think it is hard to get players on board to help you when they believe they are helping the candidate who is no doubt going to win anyway, and want to curry favor?

And finally----------> What was Trumps official reason for cancelling his trip to the UK? We know what Leftists on here said----->he wanted to avoid protests.

Do you think that either of those was the REAL reason-)

Just one more thing----------> How did all these nation states in the EU view BREXIT as it was coming up for vote? Which PRESIDENT sent his peeps over there to try and help secure that they stayed in the EU! When BREXIT shockingly happened, what did that President say moving forward with trade, etc?

What did the CURRENT President say about it when it shockingly happened when he was a candidate? Which candidate for President did the leader of the BREXIT movement openly campaign for, and speak at their rallys?

So, why then would the EU, Australia, New Zealand, and all those wonderful places across the pond actively get involved in something this shady?

Oh, I dunno, why don't you tell me-)
Fit will hit the shan when it is all released.

Leadership at the highest levels of the FBI, DOJ, and Obama administration will further be exposed for their abuse of power, crines, and sedition, and treason.

The Mueller investigation will collapae, then it will be 'open-season' on Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Trzok, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Hillary, and Obama.
Fit will hit the shan when it is all released.

Leadership at the highest levels of the FBI, DOJ, and Obama administration will further be exposed for their abuse of power, crines, and sedition, and treason.

The Mueller investigation will collapae, then it will be 'open-season' on Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Trzok, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Hillary, and Obama.

I actually feel sorry for you. You have yourself worked up into such an aroused state over this memo that when it turns out to be a dude in a dress you are going to be so disappointed.

I hope you do not do anything rash after your wet dreams are quashed once again.
The possibility that the government shutdown by the Democrats being used as to distract media attention from this document(s) think?
Fit will hit the shan when it is all released.

Leadership at the highest levels of the FBI, DOJ, and Obama administration will further be exposed for their abuse of power, crines, and sedition, and treason.

The Mueller investigation will collapae, then it will be 'open-season' on Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Trzok, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Hillary, and Obama.

I agree with everyone you said but Obama and Holder. They will never prosecute a former President, and unless Holder is somehow tied to this fiasco in ways I am not aware of, he to will skate.

But you really want to know the best take on all this is?

If it comes out that Democrats knew this was going on, they LIED to their base and made them all look like fools. The people who are NOT paid Democratic posters on here, allowed LIES to ruin their integrity! LIES from the very people they believed in.

This is not a lie like------->I am going to do this, and then don't!

This is a LIE that ruins peoples veracity, by being forced to take a false position with your heart and mind, while the people who told you it was true, knew it was false from the start of the whole deal.

If it comes down the way it appears it is, if I was a Democrat, (not a far leftist but a REAL Democrat) I would run their leaders out of town on a rail!
I doubt that Mueller or any Democrats are losing any sleep over this.

Ya got a great big nothing burger here.

Sounds like the Repugs know that the ax is coming down on the Trump administration very soon and this is nothing but an act of desperation.

Create a rumor of some insignificant memo, get the base riled up about it, then find some lame excuse not to release it to the public. The wingnut base will continue to foam at the mouth about it ad infinitum.

Hell, none of you know what's in the memo, yet you're all already salivating over it - like the mindless pack dogs that you are!
Breaking News Update!

Per Sarah Carter on Fox & Friends 1/21/18: House Intelligence Committee to hold vote and WILL VOTE YES to make “The Memo” available to the public. Trump WILL DECLASSIFY IT. (HE HAS 5 DAYS TO DECIDE) PUBLIC SEES MEMO BY END OF WEEK SOONEST OR END OF MONTH LATEST.

13:30 mark
Fit will hit the shan when it is all released.

Leadership at the highest levels of the FBI, DOJ, and Obama administration will further be exposed for their abuse of power, crines, and sedition, and treason.

The Mueller investigation will collapae, then it will be 'open-season' on Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Trzok, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Hillary, and Obama.

I actually feel sorry for you. You have yourself worked up into such an aroused state over this memo that when it turns out to be a dude in a dress you are going to be so disappointed.

I hope you do not do anything rash after your wet dreams are quashed once again.
Don't feel sorry. If history is any indication they are just going to migrate to the next 'breaking release' for next month until that one becomes a nothing burger as well.

At one point I thought there would be an end to the 'its going to be over next week' crowd but they have proven without a doubt that they can go on like this for an eternity.
The Democrats are simply filth, the Seth Rich murder, rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders, Hillary's looting of the state parties, their incessant need for their fire hose of illegal alien voters, using the NSA's surveillance resources to spy on ordinary everyday Americans and their political opponents, now this:
Adam Schiff (D-CA) says Americans are too stupid to understand the FISA memo.

Intel Committee Ranking Dem Adam Schiff: “Can’t Release Memo Because American People Won’t Understand It”…
It's official! The process has been approved to release the memo that will end the Mueller Investigation and expose the upper FBI and DOJ officials who tried to thwart Trumps campaign and then attempt a coup to remove him after he was duly elected. With that said, Democrats, and as Don Meredith used to say on Monday Night Football when an opposing team had been defeated:

"Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over!"

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Officially Begins Process To #ReleaseTheMemo

The memo that GOP staffers wrote?
The Democrats are simply filth, the Seth Rich murder, rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders, Hillary's looting of the state parties, their incessant need for their fire hose of illegal alien voters, using the NSA's surveillance resources to spy on ordinary everyday Americans and their political opponents, now this:
Adam Schiff (D-CA) says Americans are too stupid to understand the FISA memo.

Intel Committee Ranking Dem Adam Schiff: “Can’t Release Memo Because American People Won’t Understand It”…

Seth Rich, huh?

Tell us more. Just get the tin foil hat on first.

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