Dubious Russian document swayed FBI in Clinton probe


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Breaking on MSNBC. Sounds like Hillary unfairly got the shaft once again. Apparently the original source is the Washington Post.

The bureau's then-director, James B. Comey, may have relied on unconfirmed intelligence in announcing on his own, without Justice Department involvement, that the investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server was over, officials said.

More: A dubious Russian document influenced the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email probe
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Here is some not so breaking news.

Bill Clinton meets secretly with Loretta Lynch who was overseeing the Hillary scandal and people like yourself don't give a damn.

Face it, both sides are corrupt, you are just pissed you got out maneuvered
The 2016 election should be declared null and void.

Why is it people like you push for government run health care, but when the government decides to reduce health care benefits on a whim, you get all bent out of shape?

You asked for it dope. The most frightening aspect is, once they have control they never give it back.

Here is a thought, let's limit the power of the President and the federal congress so half the nation does not continue these insane posts about impeachment and leaving the union and unfair elections every election cycle?
Here are some more details on the OP:

Dubious Russian Intel Doc Spurred Comey To Speak On Clinton Emails Probe

The Washington Post reported that many people within the U.S. intelligence community believed the document either contained bad intelligence or was fake.

Former FBI Director James Comey told Congress in early May that he felt “mildly nauseous” at the idea that he may have influenced the outcome of the U.S. election by speaking publicly about Hillary Clinton’s “carelessness” in using a private e-mail server as secretary of state.

The Washington Post on Wednesday shed more light on why he chose to make that announcement, which broke FBI protocol not to comment on closed cases where no charges are brought. Before Comey’s July announcement, the FBI obtained a Russian intelligence document of dubious origin and veracity that claimed to cite communications between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Clinton’s campaign, in which Lynch assured a campaign staffer that the Justice Department would not closely investigate the email server.

The document did not include the email in question and merely described its contents. The Post reported that many people within the U.S. intelligence community believed the document either contained bad intelligence or was fake. FBI officials, who said the source who provided the document had offered up un-corroborated information in the past, called the document “junk” and “unreliable and based on multiple layers of hearsay.”

The agency tried to verify the document by searching for the compromising email in question and could not find it, according to the report. Then when the FBI interviewed Lynch to determine the validity of the document’s claims, she said she had never communicated with the Clinton staffer in question.

Still, the Post reported that the document had a major impact on Comey, who believed he needed to speak publicly about the Clinton email server case in order to get out ahead of accusations of coziness and special favors. Without giving Lynch a heads up, and in the heat of the general election, he publicly criticized Clinton’s handling of classified material over email, a decision some have argued helped Donald Trump clinch the presidency.

More: Dubious Russian Intel Doc Spurred Comey To Speak On Clinton Emails Probe

This is unconscionable! This clearly cost Hillary the election! Comey acted on a fake Russian document.
Breaking on MSNBC. Sounds like Hillary unfairly got the shaft once again. Apparently the original source is the Washington Post.

The bureau's then-director, James B. Comey, may have relied on unconfirmed intelligence in announcing on his own, without Justice Department involvement, that the investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server was over, officials said.

More: A dubious Russian document influenced the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email probe
Washington Redskin
Why don't you just go propose to the Hildabeast? Slick Willy wouldn't care... he has his interns to attend to
Still waiting for you to explain why millions of Americans voted for Trump instead of Hillary, even the blue states of PA, MI, and WI. I doubt Comey changed the minds of any Hillary fans. Why don't you grow a pair and just admit she sucked as a candidate.
The 2016 election should be declared null and void.

Why is it people like you push for government run health care, but when the government decides to reduce health care benefits on a whim, you get all bent out of shape?

You asked for it dope. The most frightening aspect is, once they have control they never give it back.

Here is a thought, let's limit the power of the President and the federal congress so half the nation does not continue these insane posts about impeachment and leaving the union and unfair elections every election cycle?

You just can't stick with the topic. Bigly Sad!
The 2016 election should be declared null and void.

Hillary is null and void....twice. you people started it by choosing Obama over her.

Maybe the Russians sabotaged her in 2008? :eusa_think: OMG Obama colluded with Russia to take out Hillary in 2008 ALARM!!! :laugh:

You people rejected her in 2008. Most of you people wanted Bernie in 2016.

I'm a conservative and voted in the Republican primary in 2008.

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