Breaking: Cruz Lied About Source of Funds for 2012 Senate Race


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012

Ted Cruz Didn’t Disclose Loan From Goldman Sachs for His First Senate Campaign

As Ted Cruz tells it, the story of how he financed his upstart campaign for the United States Senate four years ago is an endearing example of loyalty and shared sacrifice between a married couple.
“Sweetheart, I’d like us to liquidate our entire net worth, liquid net worth, and put it into the campaign,” he says he told his wife, Heidi, who readily agreed.

But the couple’s decision to pump more than $1 million into Mr. Cruz’s successful Tea Party-darling Senate bid in Texas was made easier by a large loan from Goldman Sachs, where Mrs. Cruz works.

........... the first half of 2012, Ted and Heidi Cruz obtained the low-interest loan from Goldman Sachs, as well as another one from Citibank. The loans totaled as much as $750,000 and eventually increased to a maximum of $1 million before being paid down later that year. There is no explanation of their purpose.
Neither loan appears in reports the Ted Cruz for Senate Committee filed with the Federal Election Commission, in which candidates are required to disclose the source of money they borrow to finance their campaigns.
If the funds for the campaign came out of Cruz family monies, then no foul.

However, if any of the loan money entered the campaign coffers, Cruz has a real integrity problem, creating an image of himself that is false.
oooooooooooooooo, breaking news. Obama won LIE of the year the left just yawned
But the left yawned when it was disclosed Sanders funneled campaign money to family and friends.

This is a non story
Remember folks, for everyone but the democrat . they are guilty until proven innocent
Let me get this right, a politician is truthful? You must be kidding me, no one is that gullible. Well then again, there are those that believe Obama's yarns and the hags lies.
If he broke the rules, poof, that's it, y'know?

Seems like you're the only one can either comprehend the situation or bothered to read the three short paragraphs explaining the problem Cruz has.

The others just want to divert and deflect.
Breaking: Cruz Lied About Source of Funds for 2012 Senate Race
Based on the linked story doesn't look like he "lied" about anything, he failed to disclose (not the same thing as lying) that some portion of the funds from personal loans he took out against his assets were used to fund his campaign, there's an appearance that his failure to disclose was based on the fact that he didn't want to contradict his anti-Wall Street campaign rhetoric (although there's no proof of that).

A lot of smoke here; no fire.
But the left yawned when it was disclosed Sanders funneled campaign money to family and friends.

This is a non story

Breaking FEC rules for revealing the source of campaign funds is a non-story? I always knew you were pretty damn stupid but you won't even READ four paragraphs before you spill bile on this board.

In reference to Sanders: He made no cover-up statements prior to the release of this story which originates from the Washington Free Beacon, hardly a reliable source for facts. And if the story is true, what he did is not illegal.
Breaking: Cruz Lied About Source of Funds for 2012 Senate Race
Based on the linked story doesn't look like he "lied" about anything, he failed to disclose (not the same thing as lying) that some portion of the funds from personal loans he took out against his assets were used to fund his campaign, there's an appearance that his failure to disclose was based on the fact that he didn't want to contradict his anti-Wall Street campaign rhetoric (although there's no proof of that).

A lot of smoke here; no fire.

Read the first paragraph. He made a statement that he was using his own private funds and accounts as a loan to his campaign. He did not. He borrowed money from his wife's employer.

If Delusion was a place, you'd be the mayor.
Golly, what a coverup. Where's the lie?

Ted Cruz did not disclose 2012 Senate campaign loan: NY Times

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday after a campaign event in Dorchester, South Carolina, Cruz called the failure to disclose the loans to the FEC a "technical and inadvertent filing error."
"Those loans have been disclosed over and over and over again on multiple filings. If it was the case that they were not filed exactly as the FEC requires, then we'll amend the filings. But all of the information has been public and transparent for many years," he said.

Catherine Frazier, a spokeswoman for Cruz, said Cruz had taken out the Goldman Sachs loan against his own assets and had paid off the loan in full.
Cruz and his wife, Heidi, who is on leave as a managing director at Goldman Sachs, also received a loan from Citibank for up to $500,000, but it was not clear whether that money was used in the campaign, the newspaper said.

There was no evidence the Cruzes got a break on their bank loans, which were disclosed in personal financial statements filed with the U.S. Senate, according to the newspaper.
(Writing by Eric Beech in Washington; Additional reporting by James Oliphant in Dorchester, S.C.; Editing by Peter Cooney)
But the left yawned when it was disclosed Sanders funneled campaign money to family and friends.

This is a non story

Breaking FEC rules for revealing the source of campaign funds is a non-story? I always knew you were pretty damn stupid but you won't even READ four paragraphs before you spill bile on this board.
You posted a one sided article and went into full shrill mode. You guys that desperate?
Breaking: Cruz Lied About Source of Funds for 2012 Senate Race
Based on the linked story doesn't look like he "lied" about anything, he failed to disclose (not the same thing as lying) that some portion of the funds from personal loans he took out against his assets were used to fund his campaign, there's an appearance that his failure to disclose was based on the fact that he didn't want to contradict his anti-Wall Street campaign rhetoric (although there's no proof of that).

A lot of smoke here; no fire.

Read the first paragraph. He made a statement that he was using his own private funds and accounts as a loan to his campaign. He did not. He borrowed money from his wife's employer.
Yeah I read it and actually understood it (which apparently you didn't) and he wasn't lying, he did use his own private funds and accounts; the loans were made to him PERSONALLY and were secured by his personal assets; Apparently you don't understand how bank loans work.

You want to see what a lie actually looks like you need look no further than your own thread title; as in you worded it to intentionally deceive (which is something that the New York Times did NOT do), of course expecting honesty from a hyper-partisan robot is like expecting beef from a cabbage.

If Delusion was a place, you'd be the mayor.
And if partisan propaganda were heroine you'd have overdosed yourself and 7 generations of your own family.

Feel free to go back to stroking yourself over this "story", after all it appears to be the one thing you have an actual aptitude for.

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